Nat5 Biology Unit 2 Multicellular Organisms Key Area 2 Control and Communications Flashcards
What an be a response to a stimulus?
A rapid action from a muscle or a slower response from a gland
The nervous system consists of…
The Central Nervous System (CNS) and other nerves
What are three structures of the brain?
What does the Cerebrum do?
Cerebral hemispheres
Controls language, memory, personality and conscious thought
What does the Medulla do?
Controls heart rate and breathing rate
What does the Cerebellum do?
Controls balance and co-ordination of movement
What are the three neuron types?
What do Sensory neurons do?
Pass information to the CNS
What do Inter neurons do?
Operate within the CNS,which processes information from the senses that require a response
What do Motor neurons do?
Carry impulses from the CNS to the effectors (muscle or gland)
What are the three parts of a neuron?
A cell body containing cytoplasm and a nucleus the cell bodies are locate in the brain and spinal cord
Fibers which carry impulses into the cell bodies
Fibers carrying impulses away from the cell bodies
What are the four things a reflex action is? (PAIR)
Involuntary (cannot be ignored and not under conscious control)
What do receptors do?
Detect sensory input/stimuli
Electrical impulses… Chemical impulses transfer these messages between…
Carry messages along neurons
Neurons at synapses
What do reflexes do?
Protect the body from harm.
They do NOT prevent harm from happening
What is a synapse?
A gap between adjoining neurons. Nerves impulses arriving at a synapse causes diffusion of a chemical substance (neurotransmitter) which crosses the gap and triggered off nerve impulses in the next neuron.
What is a reflex arc
A reflex arc is
What do endocrine glands do?
Release hormones into the bloodstream
Hormones are…
Chemical messengers
A target tissue has cells with…
Complementary receptor proteins for specific hormones, so only that tissue will be affected by these hormones
What does the pancreas do?
Regulates glucose levels in the blood
What is Insulin? Where is it Produced? What’s it’s Target organ? What is it’s effect?
A hormone produced in the pancreas, it’s target organ is the liver. It triggers the production of enzymes which converts glucose to glycogen
What is Glucagon? Where is it Produced? What’s it’s Target organ? What is it’s effect?
A hormone produced in the pancreas, it’s target organ is the liver. It triggers the production of enzymes which converts glycogen to glucose
What thing happens when the glucose concentration gets too high?
The pancreas secretes more insulin into the blood. The liver converts glucose to glycogen for storage in the liver so the blood glucose level goes down
What thing happens when the blood glucose concentration is too low?
The pancreas secretes glucagon into the blood, so the liver converts the stored glycogen into glucose so the blood glucose level goes up