nasty Flashcards
where does gastrulation take place
primitive streak
what happens during the inwards migration of cells in gastrulation and what do these cells become.
what is important about the part of the primitive streak that the cells use to migrate inwards
they undergo epithelial to mesenchymal transition
these cells become mostly mesoderm and some endoderm.
it dictates what type of tissue the cells will become.
cells that migrate in at hensens node will become axial mesoderm.
cells just below this become paraxial mesoderm
below this they become intermediate mesoderm
and at the bottom they become lateral mesoderm.
what does each of these become... axial mesoderm paraxial mesoderm intermediate mesoderm lateral plate mesoderm
notocord and prechordal mesoderm
the somites which form the sclerotome (cartilage), syndotome (tendons), myotome (skeletal muscle), endothelial cells and dermatome (dermis)
kidneys and gonads
splanchnic (circulatory system), somatic (body cavity, pelvis, limb bones) and extra embryonic.
what is the earliest evidence of segmentation in vertebrates
where on the AP axis shows somites
they are only in the anterior.
the somites are lined up down either side of the neural tube. there are clear clefts between each somite.
the posterior cells are all uniform and mesenchymal and are not separated into somites.
what does the somite number dictate
how many do humans, chicks and mice have
the number of vertibrae
humans have 33 when they are born, by adulthood they have 24 and 9 fused ones.
the human embryo has 38-44 somites.
the chick has 55 and the mouse has 65.
what is the direction of somite formation and what are the basics of what happens
how do they know when to form somites
A to P
at the very posterior of the primitive streak there are new cells forming to extend it.
they will stay unsegmented until it is time for them to become somites.
they know their positional information.
they communicate with the other side of the primitive streak so both opposite somites form together
what is the clock and wavefront model
a clock ticks in the pre somatic mesoderm and drives a molecular oscillator that dictates the periodocity of somites.
cells also hit a travelling wavefront, an abrupt change of property occurs leading to the decision to form somites.
what is the pattern of expression of C hairy in the chick and what does it cause
the expression oscillates in the pre somatic mesoderm.
one cycle of oscillation takes 90 minutes and a new somite forms each time.
at first there are high levels of C hairy throughout the pre somatic mesoderm. Then it decreases and is only in the top half. and then it goes down to no expression. it increases back up and when it is expressed everywhere again a new cycle starts.
what is C hairy called in mice and zebrafish
in mice it is her
in fish it is hes.
what is C hairy expression controlled by and what does it code for
notch signalling
it codes for TFs with a short half life which are repressors.
what activates the hairy gene
what does the hairy protein do and how long does the action last
notch signalling
the protein represses its own transcription, it has a short half life so it will be degraded quickly and the hairy gene wont be repressed for long.
this means that the protein can be made again which will repress the gene again.
this is a cycle which results in the up down oscillation of the expression of c hairy.
what genes other than c hairy show oscillatory expression
how many oscillations are there before a somite forms
wnts, notch and FGF signalling pathways contain them
which direction does the wavefront move in and what happens when it reaches a cell
it moves P to A.
when it reaches a cell it causes oscillations to stop.
what are some gradients in the pre somatic mesoderm
and where is the wavefront positioned.
RA gradient is highest in the somites and gets lower as you go posteriorly.
the somites make an enzyme required for the synthesis of retinoic acid.
FGF8 is made in the posterior and the gradient gets lower as you go up.
the wavefront is positioned where the two low points of the gradients meet in the middle.
why cant there be FGF8 and RA in the same place
RA inhibits the production of FGF8.
FGF8 allows production of Cyp26 which is an RA inhibitor.
FGF8 blocks the raldh2 enzyme which is required for RA synthesis.
what genes are expressed in the S-1 area
FGF8 will upregulate tbx6.
notch signalling and tbx6 will combine to cause mesp2 signalling.
mesp2 will drive ripply2.
ripply2 will repress mesp2.
This means that mesp2 expression will be restricted to the anterior part of S-1 because there is less FGF8 there.
There is a small band of mesp2 expression in the anterior part of S-1.
what happens if you take the anterior S-1 cells and put them in the middle of a presumptive somite
you will see the formation of a cleft in the middle of a somite in the wrong position.
this means that these cells have properties that allow somite boundary formation.
what gene is expressed in the somite boundary
what other gene affects this and what happens if you force the expression in the middle of a somite
lunatic fringe
a boundary will form.
what happens to somite development if there is a mutation in notch signalling
causes skeleton defects due to lack of periodic segmentation of somites.
in humans a similar mutation causes spondylocostal dysplasia.
what is the importance of skeletal muscle
movement and posture
maintaining body temperature
how is a muscle cell made
stem cells are specified and become muscle progenitor cells called myoblasts.
they differenciate into multinucleate cells called myotubes and they mature to become myofibres.
the myotubes form by the fusion of many myoblasts.
during maturation the types of fibres are refined and there is innervation and muscle activity.
how to isolate the MyoD gene
start with a fibroblast cell line which can give rise to various cell types including myoblasts
the cells are cultured with 5aza which is a demethylating agent.
the mRNA is extracted and converted to cDNA.
the cDNA is hybridised to the cDNA of fibroblasts not treated with 5aza, but only genes present in both the groups of cDNA will bind.
the different genes will remain single stranded.
he took the cDNA enriched in muscle specific genes and screened them using a myoblast specific probe mRNA, then he isolated the MyoD cDNA.
will most of the tissue in the larvae contribute to the adult body
give some of the examples of what will contribute to the adult
no, most of the adult tissue is derived from imaginal discs, small groups of epithelial cells that remain diploid throughout larval development
mouthparts disc, antenna, eye, leg, haltare, wing