Nasser's role Flashcards
When does Nasser overthrow the government? With who?
Nasser + Free Officer’s group overthrow the government in July 1952
When does Nasser take over?
What was Nasser’s aim? (2)
- To make his country truly independent
- Egypt to be non-alligned
What does Nasser do at the start of his reign?
Persuade Britain to withdraw their troops from the Suez Canal zone
Why do the West want to remain on good terms with the Arabs? (3)
- Height of cold war
- Strongest + most developed Arab nation
- Suez Canal
What does Nasser become due to his role in the non-aligned moment?
Leader of the Arab world
Why does Israel carry out the attack on Egypt’s military HQ in Gaza?
- Due to continuing support for raids into Israel
What does Israel want to achieve with their attack on Egypt’s military HQ in Gaza?
- Show Nasser as weak
- Teach Nasser a lesson
- Remove Nasser from power
Consequences of the attack on Egypt’s military HQ in Gaza? (2)
- 35 Egyptian soldiers die
- Nassers reputation as Egyptian and Arab leader = damaged
When is the attack on Egypt’s military HQ in Gaza?
Feb 1955
How does Nasser respond? Leading to?
Egyptian forces train Fedayeen = more raids into Israel
What does Nasser need to secure to do?
Supplies of weapons
How do Nasser secure weapons and why not from the US?
Nasser approaches the US first: rejected → secure Soviet arms via the Czech arms deal (Sep 1955)
What is Nasser reliant on the West for after the Czech arms deal?
Funding for the Aswan dam
Aswan Dam = ? (2)
- Huge project on Nile for hydroelectric power
- Key for development
What do UK and US do in July 1956? Why?
Cancel their loans = attempt to force Nasser to cooperate
What does Nasser do to prove Egypt was independent? (2)
- Announces Suez Canal was ‘our Canal’ and that Egypt would nationalise the Suez Canal company and run it themselves
What would Eygpt do with any profits?
Use profits to build Aswan Dam
What could Britain do says, Nasser?
‘choke on their rage’