NASM- missed practice exam questions-1 Flashcards
A client’s shoulders elevate during a pulling assessment. Which of the following are underactive?
Mid/lower traps
During which part of the digestive system are protein strands broken down?
A client shows signs of obesity, insulin resistance, and hypertension. The combination of these three symptoms are correlated with which of these disorders?
Metabolic syndrome
After completing the 3 min step test, a 20 year old male scored in zone 2. What is the correct heart rate range for when he does cardio training?
76-85% HR max
Which of the following muscles is probably underachieve when the arms fall forward during the overhead squat?
For hypertensive clients taking meds that will influence HR, which of the following methods to establish training HR is most appropriate?
HR Response
The ability to react and change body position, with maximum rate of force production in all planes of motion and from all body positions during functional activities is called:
Which of the following muscles is underactive if client demonstrates an anterior pelvic tilt?
Glute max
Muscle imbalances can be caused by lack of core strength, and poor training techniques. Which concept causes the biceps femoris and periformis to compensate in a squatting movement?
Synergistic dominance
Which of following muscles is the synergist when a client is performing a chest press?
Anterior deltoid
Dehydration affects the body by increasing:
heart rate
An active kneeling hip flexor stretch is an example of:
reciprocal inhibition
To ensure proper front-side mechanics during sprinting, the ankle must be in a position of:
Based on the 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, which of the following is the recommended weekly amount of time for moderate-intensity aerobic activity?
150 min
Which of the following is an example of a strength level resistance training exercise for legs?
Multiplayer dumbbell step-up