NASM Chapter 14 brainscape Flashcards
What rep range yields an increase in stabilization endurance?
What rep range yields muscle hypertrophy?
What percentage of 1RM should be used for hypertrophy ?
What rep range yields gains to maximal strength?
What percentage of 1RM should be used for maximal strength?
What rep range yields gains to Power?
1-5 for strength, 8-10 for power
What set range yields stabilization endurance?
What set range yields hypertrophy ?
What set range yields maximal strength?
What set range yields power?
What training intensity yields stabilization endurance?
What training intensity yields power?
85-100% for strength;
30-45% if using weights or 10% of body weight if using medicine balls
What training intensity yields hypertrophy?
What training intensity yields maximal strength?
What is the repetition tempo for hypertrophy?
moderate 2 eccentric, 0 isometric, 2 concentric 2/0/2
What is the repetition tempo for maximal strength?
fast maximal effort as fast as can be controlled
What is the repetition tempo for power?
fast/ explosive
What is the rest interval for stabilization?
Short 0-90s
What is the rest interval for hypertrophy?
Short 0-60s
Define: Rest interval
the time taken to recuperate between sets
What is the rest interval for power?
1-2 min between pairs, 3-5 minutes between circuits
How long does it take to recover 50% of ATP and PC?
20-30 seconds
How long does it take to recover 75% ATP and PC?
40 seconds
How long does it take to recover 85-90% ATP and PC?
60 seconds
Higher volume with lower/moderate intensities of training produces which adaptations?
Increased hypertrophy and fat loss (cellular adaptation)
How long does it take to recover 100% of ATP and PC ?
3 minutes
Define: training frequency
The number of training sessions performed during a specified period of time (usually one week)
What is the training frequency required for strength adaptions?
3-5 days per week
What is the training frequency required for maintaining adaptions already reached?
1-2 / week
Define: training duration
the timeframe of a workout or the length of time spent in one phase of training
What is the recommended training duration per workout sessions?
60-90 minutes
In the stabilization level of training, give an example of a total body, multijoint, and single joint exercise.
Total body: Step-up, balance to overhead press
Multi-joint: Ball dumbbell chest press
Single-joint: Single-leg dumbbell curl
In the strength level of training, give an example of a total body, multijoint, and single joint exercise.
Total body: squat, curl to overhead press
Multi-joint: Barbell bench press
Single-Joint: Standing two arm barbell curl
In the power level of training, give an example of a total body, multi-joint, and single-joint exercise.
Total Body: Two-arm push press
Multi-joint: Two arm medicine ball chest pass
Single-Joint: N/A
What is the recommended training duration for a phase of training?
4 weeks
What are all the progressions that can be made in the progression continuum for the stabilization continuum?
Floor Sport beam Half foam roll Foam pad Balance disc Wobble board Bosu ball
What are all the progressions that can be made in the progression continuum for the lower body?
Two legs stable Staggered Stance Stable Single leg stable two leg unstable staggered stance unstable single leg unstable
What are all the progressions that can be made in the progression continuum for the upper body?
Two arm
alternating arm
single arm single
arm with trunk rotation
A macro cycle is also known as what?
Annual plan
A mesocycle is also known as what?
Monthly plan
define: acute variables
Important components that specify how each exercise is to be performed.
> > > They determine the amount of stress placed on the body and, ultimately, what adaptations the body will incur.
A micro cycle is also known as what?
Weekly plan
define: program design
a purposeful system or plan put together to help an individual achieve a specific goal
define: rep
one complete movement of a single exercise
define: set
a group of consecutive repetitions
define: intensity
an individual’s level of effort, compared with their maximal effort, usually expressed as a percentage
define: tempo
the speed with which each repetition is performed
define: training volume
amount of physical training performed within a specified period
intensity for strength endurance