Nash Equilibria and Maxmin Flashcards
What are the requirements for a NE?
1) Each player is playing their best response function to their beliefs
2) Beliefs are correct
What are the properties of NE?
1) Stability - best response to each other
2) Self-fulfilling - deviation will result in loss
Limitations of NE?
1) No guarantee that they exits in all games in pure strategy
2) Insecurity about other player’s rationality
3) Can be multiple NE
What is the rationale behind a MaxMin strategy?
It minimises risk by not relying on opponents rationality. This occurs by choosing the strategy that has maximum of the minimum payoffs.
What can be observed of a maxmin strategy?
1) A dominant strategy is a maxmin strategy
2) The payoff of each player in a NE is at least his maxmin value
3) It is NOT a stable outcome unless is a NE.
What are Focal points?
The name given to strategies that may have focal power - players are naturally attracted towards a particular strategy