Narrative and Fill In the Blank questions Flashcards
Aristocrats engaged in sympotic culture in the archaic period because:
a) wine was more plentiful
b) express their privilege and class solidarity
c) men needed space to be men as women acquired more rights
d) they were bored
b) express their privilege and class solidarity
As hoplite warfare became prominent, aristocrats needed new ways to express their physical prowess. To
this end they:
a) changed their style of dress to accentuate their muscles
b) invited friends to participate in mock battles in their homes
c) engaged in physical competition
c) engaged in physical competition
In lyric poetry written by men woman are often described as:
a) horses
b) roses
c) wind
a) horses
In lyric poetry, men describe love as:
a) delightful
b) a physical illness
c) an important milestone in their development as men
b) a physical illness
Like epic poetry, lyric poetry was ___, but its topics tended to be more ___.
sung; personal
Sporting events were either ____ in which winners received a crown, or ____ in which
winners received prizes.
stephanitic; chrematitic
The panhellenic games that comprised the periodos (circuit) were the ___, ___, ___ and
___ games.
Olympic, Delphic, Isthmian,
All Greeks were allowed to participate in the Olympic games except:
a) women
b) slaves
c) all of the above
c) all of the above
The most prestigious and oldest event at the Olympic games was ____
the stadion
Which of the following was not an event at the Olympic games:
a) marathon
b) pentathalon
c) boxing
d) mule-cart race
a) marathon
While women did not participate in the Olympic games, Kyniska, daughter of King Archidamus of
Sparta, became the first women to win an Olympic event in 396 by entering:
a) a chariot
b) her slaves in the stadion
c) the stadion herself in disguise as a man
a) a chariot
Women participated in sports in Sparta because:
a) woman were regarded as equal to men
b) women, like, men trained as soldiers to defend Sparta
c) it was believed that fit women would produce stronger male infants and future soldiers
c) it was believed that fit women would produce stronger male infants and future soldiers
In Athens, young girls participated in footraces in honor of ____. In these contests, young girls
dressed up as ____.
Artemis; bears
Every fourth year, young girls ran footraces at Olympia in honor of ____. According to Pausanias, this
race was a sixth shorter than the men’s races.
Art in the archaic period was influenced by ____ and ___. This period is referred to as ____
Egypt; the Near East; the “Orientalizing Period”
The ___ and ___ statues which feature young people with archaic smiles were heavily influenced by
statues from ___. These statutes were frequently used as:
a) grave markers
b) offerings to gods and goddesses
c) as decorative features as the entrance to houses
kore; kouros; Egypt;
a) grave markers
b) offerings to gods and goddesses
Under the leadership of Cypselus (657-627), Corinth dominated trade in ____
While the Corinthians invented ____ pottery, the ___ invented red figure technique. Red
figure technique allowed for more subtle detail.
black figure; Athenians
The Spartans enslaved those living in the Laconian plain. These individuals who were state owned slaves
were known as ____. These slaves outnumbered the Spartans by a ratio as high as seven to one. At birth,
each Spartan citizen was awarded a ____ which came with ____ to work the land and produce goods.
Providing each male citizen with these allowed the Spartans to maintain the illusion that they were ____.
helots; kleros; helots; homoioi
The ____ lived in the vicinity of Sparta. While were forced to serve in the Spartan army, they did not
participate in Spartan government and could not have diplomatic relations with other city-states. Unlike the
Spartan citizens, these individuals were permitted to:
a) eat hot meals
b) live with whomever they wished
c) have sex with other men’s wives
d) handle money and precious metals
perioeci; d) handle money and precious metals
During the ____ in the third quarter of the eighth century, the Spartans conquered the
____. Some of those conquered became ____ and others became ____.
First Messenian War; Messenians; helots; perioeci
After the Battle of Hysiae in 669 BCE, the ___ revolted, leading to the ___.
The Spartans won this war, but the threat of a future revolt led to changes in Spartan society.
Messenians; Second Messenian War
Thucydides dates Spartan reforms to the end of the ninth century, and other ancient writers to the tenth
century. While we can’t date the reforms of the Spartan lawgiver ____, we do know that they were in
place by the seventh or early sixth century. The reforms were given to the lawgiver by the Delphic oracle and
were known as ____
Lycurgus; The Great Rhetra
Which of the following was not part of the Spartan educational system for boys/young men:
a) limiting food to accustom boys to hunger
b) limiting garments to one cloak a year
c) laughing at helots who were forced to drink
d) formation of teams to create rivalries
e) whipping of boys who were caught stealing cheese
f) none of the above
f) none of the above
Many Greek people found Spartan women strange because:
a) they were well nourished
b) they exercised regularly
c) they had sex with men who were not their husbands
d) they wore clothing that revealed their thighs
e) all of the above
e) all of the above
While the Athenians were permitted to marry foreigners (until 451 BCE) ____ was one factor that
contributed to a population decline in Sparta.
The only Spartans whose names were inscribed on tombstones were:
a) men who died in battle
b) former kings and members of the gerousia
c) aristocrats
d) women who died in childbirth
a) men who died in battle
d) women who died in childbirth
The constitution of Sparta is a mixed constitution because it combines elements of a democracy,
oligarchy, and monarchy. The democratic elements consists of the ____ in which
____. The oligarchic element is the ___ and is comprised of ____ and the monarchic element is the ___.
assembly; all Spartan citizens participate; gerousia; 28 men over the age of 60 and two Spartan kings; kingship
The highest political honor a Spartan man could achieve was being elected:
a) king
b) a member of the gerousia
c) an ephor
b) a member of the gerousia
Which of the following were duties of the ephors:
a) oversaw the kings to make sure they were abiding by the laws
b) impeaching a king if necessary
c) presided over the gerousia and assembly
d) distributed cheese at the alter of Artemis Orthia
e) oversaw the kyrpteia
f) examined boys in the nude every ten days
a) oversaw the kings to make sure they were abiding by the laws
b) impeaching a king if necessary
c) presided over the gerousia and assembly
e) oversaw the kyrpteia
f) examined boys in the nude every ten days
The purpose of the ___ was mutual protection. Only Spartans could convene
meetings, and only Spartans served as commanders of the league. The only cities in the Peloponnese which
did not join the league were ___ and ___.
Peloponnesian League; Argos; Achaea
The inhabitants of Athens believed that they were _____, which means “sprung from the land.”
By the end of the eighth century, Attica had undergone ____ and all citizens of Attica considered
themselves Athenian. According to legend, ____ was responsible for instigating this process.
synoecism; Theseus
In the early archaic period, there were nine archons: the ________ who _____, the ____ who _____, the _____ who ____, and six ____ who ____
archon basileus; presided over religious and
cult matters; polemarch; commanded the Athenian army; eponymous archon; supervised
public affairs and presided over the council and assembly; thesmothetes; were judicial officials
The nine archons were elected for one-year terms and were selected from wealthy and well knownknown families referred to as _____.
Former archons worked with the Council of the _____. All former archons became members of this
council, which meant that:
a) archons would think twice before contradicting the wishes of the council
b) everyone knew each other well enough that meetings were short and efficient
c) Archons and the council were comprised of men who were wealthy and from well-known families
a) archons would think twice before contradicting the wishes of the council
c) Archons and the council were comprised of men who were wealthy and from well-known families
All Athenian male citizens participated in the ____. They also belonged to ____, and a ____ which
was a smaller group, perhaps originally a “brotherhood of warriors.” Membership in a phratry was proof of
assembly; tribe; phratry; citizenship
In 632 BCE, _____, an Olympic victor, attempted to seize power in Athens. The supporters of this
conspiracy sought refuge at the altar of Athena and only agreed to surrender under the condition that they not
be killed. The conspirators tied a strong to the altar and held the string as they descended. When the string
broke _____ killed the supporters. This led the curse of his descendants, known as the ______. Two famous Athenian politicians, _____ and _____ are descendants of this family.
Cylon; Megacles; curse of the
Alcmaeonids; Cleisthenes; Pericles
In 594 BCE _____ was archon of Athens. He passed a serious of laws to address _____ which
plagued Athens, partly as a result of the _____ system. This system meant that many poor people
were in debt and some even sold family members or became slaves themselves
Solon; inequality; sharecropping
Included among Solon’s reforms, which were known as the _____, are the following:
a) establishing a system to guarantee that each Athenian citizen would receive a plot of land at birth
b) making it illegal for loans to be secured by anyone’s property or person
c) ending the system by which poor Athenians owed a sixth of their produce to wealthy landowners
d) tracking down Athenians sold as slaves abroad
e) creating a social welfare network in which wealthy landowners provided food for a single family
in times of crisis
b) making it illegal for loans to be secured by anyone’s property or person
c) ending the system by which poor Athenians owed a sixth of their produce to wealthy landowners
d) tracking down Athenians sold as slaves abroad
The economic reforms passed by Solon include the following:
a) switching the Athenian standard of measurement to the more widely used Euboeic system
b) offering incentives for Athenian citizens buy items produced within Athens
c) offering citizenship to artisans and craftspeople who emigrated to Athens
d) taxing items imported to Athens
e) giving the Areopagus the power to examine whether every citizen has a means to support himself
f) making it illegal to export grain
g) making it mandatory for a father to teach his son a trade; if he does not, the son is not required to
care for him in old age
a) switching the Athenian standard of measurement to the more widely used Euboeic system
c) offering citizenship to artisans and craftspeople who emigrated to Athens
e) giving the Areopagus the power to examine whether every citizen has a means to support himself
f) making it illegal to export grain
g) making it mandatory for a father to teach his son a trade; if he does not, the son is not required to
care for him in old age
In addition Solon made ____ rather than ____ a requirement to hold political office in Athens
wealth; birth
The pentakosiomedimnoi (500-measure men) could run for \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_, the hippeis ("horsemen") could run for \_\_\_\_\_, the zeugitai (men who could afford a team of yoked oxen) could run for \_\_\_\_, while the thetes could \_\_\_\_. The hoplite phalanx mostly consisted of men from the \_\_\_\_ while the rowers in the navy were \_\_\_. Men from all classes, however, were included in the \_\_\_ which was the pool of prospective jurors
state treasurer, archonships, and lower offices; archonships and lower offices; lower offices; attend the assembly; zeugitai class; thetes; heliaia
The Council of the ____ was not sympathetic to the ____ since it was comprised of former archons.
Solon created the ____ comprised of 100 men from each of the Athenian tribes as a counterweight.
Areopagus; poor; Council of 400
To limit visible evidence of inequality, Solon limited ostentatious displays of wealth by ____, in
particular at funerals.
While Solon made it illegal to sell citizens into slavery, he did allow fathers to sell their unmarried
daughters into slavery if he discovered she was not ____.
a virgin
While these reforms did improve life in Athens for many, they also intensified competition among the
classes for political office, leading to the tyranny of the ____.
Having passed these policies and laws, Solon went to Lydia, where he met ____, the king of Lydia.
This king asks if there is anyone happier than anyone else, expecting that he will be named the happiest.
Solon responds, stating that:
a) it is impossible to know whether someone still alive is happiest; it is necessary to know how a man
b) the king of Lydia is clearly self-interested and so he refuses to answer
c) his own reforms have made the Athenians the happiest
a) it is impossible to know whether someone still alive is happiest; it is necessary to know how a man
Around the time of Peisistratus, there were three factions in Attica. The _____ who were poor
city dwellers, the _____ who were large landowners, and ______ who were craftsmen.
men of the hills; men of the plains; men of the coast
The _____ supported Peisistratus. Peisistratus seized power by:
a) entering the city with his armed supporters and besieging the Acropolis
b) dressing up as the god Poseidon to appease the coastal faction
c) injuring his mules and then entering Athens claiming that he needs bodyguards for protection
men of the hills;
c) injuring his mules and then entering Athens claiming that he needs bodyguards for protection
After five years in power, Peisistratus is driven out of Athens by ____ and _____.
men of the coast; men of the plains
Megacles, who was an ____, had quarreled with his own faction and allied himself to Peisistratus.
He gave his daughter in marriage to Peisistratus. To seize power, Peisistratus did the following:
a) imprisoned his political enemies
b) spread rumors about men from the coast and plain to persuade the men from the hills to support
c) found a tall lady, dressed her up as Athena, and canvases the villages of Attica with her
d) made false claims that the Delphic oracle told him he must rule to avert a plague
Alcmaeonid; c) found a tall lady, dressed her up as Athena, and canvases the villages of Attica with her
Megacles supported Peisistratus’ enemies who sought to expel the tyrant because:
a) Peisistratus refused to pass policies which would have benefited his family
b) Peisistratus refused to revoke the curse of the Alcmaeonids
c) Peisistratus refused to have sex with Megacles’ daughter in the usual way
c) Peisistratus refused to have sex with Megacles’ daughter in the usual way
Driven into exile a second time, Peisistratus regained power in Athens after landing at ____ and
defeating the Athenian army at _____.
Marathon; Pallene
Included among Peisistratus’ reforms were the following:
a) issuing the first Athenian coins known as owls
b) offering land and loans to the poor
c) revoking Solon’s laws concerning displays of wealth
d) installing tyrants in other cities (Lygdamis in Naxos and Polycrates in Samos)
e) recapturing Sigeum
f) sending Miltiades to the Thracian Chersonese to establish Athenian power
g) replacing private wells with public fountain houses
h) constructing the first aqueduct
i) rebuilding the temple of Athens on the Acropolis and beginning the temple of Olympian Zeus
j) standardizing the educational system
k) encouraging the export of Athenian pottery
a) issuing the first Athenian coins known as owls
b) offering land and loans to the poor
d) installing tyrants in other cities (Lygdamis in Naxos and Polycrates in Samos)
e) recapturing Sigeum
f) sending Miltiades to the Thracian Chersonese to establish Athenian power
g) replacing private wells with public fountain houses
h) constructing the first aqueduct
i) rebuilding the temple of Athens on the Acropolis and beginning the temple of Olympian Zeus
k) encouraging the export of Athenian pottery
After the death of Peisistratus, two men, ____ and _____ planned to kill Peisistratus’ sons.
They plan to kill them because:
a) They were leading voices of opposition at the time and were persuaded to kill the tyrants by the
men of the coast.
b) They found the rule of the Peisistratid’s impossible to bear after what Hippias did to Harmodius’
c) Hipparchus was angry at Harmodius because Harmodius rejected his sexual advances, so
Hipparchus denied Harmodius’ sister the privilege of carrying a basket at the Panathenaic procession.
Harmodius; Aristogeiton; c) Hipparchus was angry at Harmodius because Harmodius rejected his sexual advances, so Hipparchus denied Harmodius’ sister the privilege of carrying a basket at the Panathenaic procession.
While Harmodius and Aristogeiton killed ____, the ____ were persuaded to remove _____
from power by the Delphic oracle. The oracle was being bribed by _____.
Hipparchus; Spartans; Hippias; the Alcmaeonids
The removal of Hippias leads to a struggle between _____, who was an oligarch and supported by the
Spartans and ____ who was from the ____ clan.
Isagoras; Cleisthenes; Alcmaeonid
Some Athenians supported _____ because he proposed revoking citizenship which had been extended during the reign of Peisistratus. Most, however, supported _____ who rejected this policy.
Isagoras; Cleisthenes
Isagoras expelled _____ by invoking the curse of the _____
Cleisthenes; Alcmaeonids
The Spartan king _____, fearing the growth of Athenian power, supported _____ and expelled
700 families from the Athens. The Athenians rose up and drove the Spartan king and Isagoras from Athens,
and they also seek help from the ____ should the Spartans interfere again.
Cleomenes; Isagoras; Persians
Cleisthenes changed the number of ____ from four to ten. Each tribe consisted of men from the ____,
the ____, and the ____, thereby weakening factional affiliations. Each tribe contributed fifty men chosen
annually by lot to the ______.
tribes; hills; coast; plain; Council of Five Hundred
According to Cleisthenes’ reforms, each group of fifty men chosen by lot was in charge of the _____ for a tenth of the year
Council of Five Hundred
Cleisthenes reorganized the army so that each tribe elected one ____, one _____. and one
_____. Unlike the archons, the ____ could serve more than one term, which meant that this office
eventually became the most prestigious one.
taxiarchos; hipparchos; strategos; strategos
The first king of Persia was ____, whose mother was the daughter of ____, king of the Medes, but
whose father was Persian.
Cyrus; Astyages
In 546 Cyrus defeated Croesus, the king of ____. This was the first point of contact between the
Persians the Greek city-states in Asia Minor. Cyrus conquered the Babylonians, Assyrians, Syrians, and
Palestinians, but he did not practice _____, and, in fact, allowed the Jewish people to return to
Jerusalem. Cyrus’ achievements are preserved in the _____.
Lydia; deportation; Cyrus Cylinder
Cyrus’ son, ____, ruled after Cyrus. He conquered ____.
Cambyses; Egypt
Seven Persians conspired against the Pseudo-Smerdis, who pretended to the brother of ____.
Having overthrown the Pseudo-Smerdis, Herodotus reports that the conspirators engaged in a debate about
what form of government they should adopt. One Persian supported ______, another _____, and
another _____. The argument for ____ prevailed, and ___ became king.
Cambyses; oligarchy; monarchy; democracy; monarchy; Darius
In 499, ______ incited a rebellion among the Greek city-states of Asia Minor. This rebellion is know
as _____.
Aristagoras; Ionian Revolt
Aristagoras sought help from Sparta and Athens, but only _____ and the _____ agreed to help.
Athenians; Eretrians
In the course of the revolt, the Persian (formally Lydian) city of ____ was burned to the ground. Darius
promised to make the ___ pay for the burning of this city.
Sardis; Athenians
In 494, the Ionians were defeated at ____ and the city of _____ was destroyed. The women and
children of this city were enslaved, and the men were relocated to Mesopotamia
Lade; Miletus
In 492 Darius sent ____ west, but his fleet was destroyed off the coast of ____. Despite this, he
still managed to subdue ____, ____, and _____ by demanding ___ and ___, the proverbial tokens
of submission to Persia.
Mardonius; Athos; Thrace; Thasos; Thessaly; earth; water
In 490 Darius sent a second fleet west to punish the _____ for the burning of Sardis and for not living
up to the terms of the agreement mad ten years earlier. ____ and ____ were in command of the fleet.
The Athenian ____ advised the Persians. After burning Naxos and Eretria, the Persians arrived at
Athenians; Datis; Artaphernes; Hippias; Marathon
The Athenians dispatched a runner, _____, to seek help from the Spartans. The Spartans were
unable to send help because:
a) they hated the Athenians
b) their army was already too busy dealing with a slave revolt
c) they were celebrating a festival of Apollo
Pheidippides; c) they were celebrating a festival of Apollo
Before the battle of Marathon, five generals wanted to engage the Persians and five wanted to wait for
the Spartans. ____ persuaded ______, the polemarch of Athens, who cast the deciding vote, to
engage the Persians.
Miltiades; Callimachus
The Athenians were heavily outnumbered, but they defeated the Persians. The Athenians who fought at
Marathon were called _____. The playwright, ____, also fought at the battle of Marathon.
Those who died in the battle were cremated and buried on site.
marathonomachoi; Aeschylus
In 487, the Athenians began selecting ____ by lot. All potential archon holders, however, were
subjected to a ____. The selection by lot meant that ambitious men would seek the office of _____
which was an elected office and could be held more than once.
archons; dokimasia; strategos
By 484, ____, the son of Darius, decided to invade Greece. One of his advisors, ____, supported
this decision. Another, ____, was hesitant.
Xerxes; Mardonius; Artabanus
In 482, ____ was ostracized. He had proposed splitting the money from the silver mines at Laurium
evenly among citizens. His opponent, ____, advised investing the money in ships.
Aristides; Themistocles
Xerxes engaged in the following projects before setting out to Greece:
a) he coated his ships with a thick resin to prevent leaks
b) he created a pontoon bridge across the Hellespont to transport his land army
c) he dug a canal across Athos to avoid sailing around the peninsula
d) he imprisoned all Ionian dissenters to circumvent the flow of information from his court to Athens
b) he created a pontoon bridge across the Hellespont to transport his land army
c) he dug a canal across Athos to avoid sailing around the peninsula
In 481 the ______ met. Athens and _____ were reconciled, and the ____ were given the
command on both land and sea. The Greeks decided to send land forces to ____ and their navy to
Hellenic League; Aegina; Spartans; Thermopylae; Artemesium
____ urged the Athenians to evacuate Athens, and most Athenians evacuated to ____. He
based his advice to the Athenians on:
a) intel from a spy
b) his interpretation of the Delphic oracle
c) his secret animosity towards the Athenians
d) the advice he received from the sacred snake of the Acropolis urging him to leave
Themistocles; Salamis;
b) his interpretation of the Delphic oracle
The Spartans received an oracle from Delphi indicating that:
a) they would reign supreme if they led the Greek forces
b) the gods would send a plague if they sided with the Persians
c) the Greek forces would only prevail if a Spartan king died
c) the Greek forces would only prevail if a Spartan king died
At Thermopylae, ____ revealed a mountain pass to Hydarnes and the _____ which allowed the
Persians to circle behind the Greek forces.
Ephialtes; Immortals
When the Spartan king, ____, learned that the pass has been betrayed, he dismissed all of the Greek
forces except for 300 Spartans, some Thespians, and Theban prisoners remain. The _____ were defeated
and the head of ____ was impaled on stake.
Leonidas; Greeks; Leonidas
The Greek fleet sailed from Artemesium to Salamis. When the Greek forces learned of the outcome of
Thermopylae, some, namely the _____, wanted to retreat to the ____ in order to defend the
Peloponnese. The ____ watched their city being burned by the Persians from Salamis.
Spartans; isthmus; Athenians
____ sent a messenger to Xerxes encouraging him to attack the Greeks at ____. He did this
a) he secretly hated the Athenians
b) he knew the Persian would not be able to take advantage of their numbers in the narrow waters
around Salamis
c) he was hoping to be rewarded by the Persians
Themistocles; Salamis;
b) he knew the Persian would not be able to take advantage of their numbers in the narrow waters
around Salamis
The only commander of the Persian forces who advised against attacking the Greeks at Salamis was
______ of _______, the same city Herodotus is from.
Artemesia; Halicarnassus
The _____ won the battle of Salamis.
_____ persuaded Xerxes to leave him in charge of the Persian land army in Greece. He argued that
the _____ and the ______ and others were responsible for the outcome of Salamis, and not the
Persian land army.
Mardonius; Egyptians; Phoenicians
In 479 at the battle of _____ the Persians were defeated and _____ was killed. The Greek
commander of the forces at this battle was ____, the nephew of Leonidas. The Theban leaders who had
____ were killed without a trial after the battle. On the very same day the Greek fleet defeated the
Persians at _____ off the coast of Asia Minor.
Plataea; Mardonius; Pausanias; medized; Mycale