Nano Server Flashcards
What are the limitations of Nano Server?
PowerShell Core
64-bit applications
What is the parameter to specify creating a physical or vm nanoserver?
- TargetPath name.wim -DeploymentType Host
- TargetPath name.vhd/x -DeploymentType Guest
What is the full syntax for creating a NanoServer image?
New-NanoServerImage -MediaPath -BasePath -TargetPath -DeploymentType -Edition -ComputerName -AdministratorPassword
What is the PowerShell command to view installed packages?
Get-WindowsPackage -Online
What is does trusted hosts file do?
Enables remote management of machines in a workgroup or separate domain that have no trust relatiionship
What is the PowerShell command to add computer to trusted hosts?
Set-Item WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts “IP”
What is the command to provision a blob to domain join machine?
djoine.exe /provision /domain “” / machine “name” /savefile “name.blob”
What is the command to harvest (copy) a provisioned domain blob
Copy-Item -Path “name.blob” -DestinationPath C:\ -ToSession $sessionname
What is the command to offline domain join using a blob file?
djoine.exe /requestodj /loadfile C:"name.blob” /windowspath c:\windows /localos
What is the PS command to view online package providers?
What is the PS command to view online packages within a package provider?
Find-Package -ProviderName