NAMP CH.7 Flashcards
What provides a systematic and efficient method for gathering , analyzing , and maintaining information on the quality characteristics of products , the source and nature of defects , and there immediate impact on the current operation
What must be achieved before benefits can be obtained from QA ?
What is the examination and testing of supplies & services that include raw materials , components , & intermediate assemblies , to determine whether they conform to specific requirements ?
What , as it applies to QA , is a periodic or special evaluation of details , plans , policies , procedures , products , directives , & records ?
What , as it applies to QA , is an ongoing review of application of details , plans , policies , practices , procedures , products , directives , & records ?
Completed FCF checklists shall be retained in the aircraft history files for a minimum of how long , or one phase cycle , which is greater ?
6 months
Deviation to allow the OINC of a detachment to designate QA personnel is authorized , provided the deployment period is in excess of how many days ?
What are provided for certain maintenance tasks that , if improperly performed , could cause equipment failure or jeopardize the safety of personnel ?
The personnel assigned QA duties in O-Level & I-Level activities are known as CDIs , CDQARs , & what ?
QA stamps are not required at what level activities ?
A QA stamp may not be reassigned within a period of how long ?
3 months
Only a D-Level QA Specialist shall accomplish what verifications ?
Type I
Artisans assigned TAD to I-Level activities shall receive NALCOMIS training from the activity’s what ?
DBA Supervisor
QARs shall Review & investigate hazard reports , per what instruction , received from other activities which may apply to the unit ?
What shall establish minimum qualifications for personnel selected for CDI ?
Who perform , administer , monitor , & review processes & practices to ensure the quality of maintenance performed for the DOD ?
QA specialists
Prior to implementation of the AI process in a production work center , who shall ensure an assessment of the product line or work posture , work center audit results , & certification is accomplished ?
Director of Quality
On what basis , a working-level forum shall be held by the area QA specialist with the AIs to evaluate program performance , monitoring results & improvement opportunities ?
What provides a central source of up-to-date information for the use of all personnel in the performance of their work , & it is an excellent source of reference information to facilitate personnel training & individual improvement ?
Central Technical Publications Library (CTPL)
What central repository is the authoritative source for CTPLs to validate the most current copies of technical manual & associated records maintained in individual command ELMS accounts ?
What is considered preliminary technical manuals , interim manuals , interim maintenance support packages & redone manuals , to include technical publications , schematics , & drawings ?
Pre-Final Technical Data
Approval of pre-final technical manuals for release for maintenance purposes shall be provided via an authorization letter signed by what ?
What requests shall include rationale for request , condition of manuals , fleet impact , & planned delivery date of final technical manuals ?
PMS publications consists of checklists , MRCs , PMICs , SCCs , SPCs , & what specifications ?
Standard rework
What aid the planning and accomplishment of scheduled maintenance and unscheduled maintenance tasks during inspections ?
Sequence Control Cards (SCCs)
What contains instructions for maintenance personnel participation in command aviation safety programs ?
Fall Protection is a critical safety requirement specified in what instruction for ashore activities ?
Visually review every welder’s proficiency against the welder’s test plate every how many days ?
Aircraft Confined Space Program & Entry Authority (EA) certification requirements are in what ?
NAVAIR 01-1A-35
Insufficient demand to maintain EA capability is defined as less than three aircraft confined space requirements in how many many-month period ?
What is generally defined as the probability that an item will successfully perform its designated function for a specific periods of time under specified operational conditions ?
What provides monitoring , analysis , & specialized knowledge to initiate preventive actions that are effected by engineering , production , & other departments ?
What is documented affirmation that all product characteristics affecting quality conform to applicable specifications & requirements ?
What is a method of objective evaluation employed to determine & measure the effectiveness of the Certification Program ?
What are the independent reviews conducted to compare some aspect of performance with set quality standards for that performance ?
Quality audits
What is the resolution of a problem or deficiency ?
Corrective action
What deficiency is a defect that judgement & experience indicate is likely to result in hazardous or unsafe conditions for individuals using or maintaining it ?
What deficiency is a defect that is likely to result in the failure or reduced material utility of a unit or product ?
What deficiency is a defect that is not likely to materially reduce the utility of a unite or product or is a departure from established standards having little bearing on the use or operation of a unit
What is a certified task or operation found to be deficient writhing the certifying shop ?
What is a certified task or operation found to be deficient & not classified as in-process ?
What is established to ensure the customer receives a product which satisfies their needs & requirements ?
Customer Liaison Program
The purpose of the what is to systematically evaluate nonconforming material in order to achieve material recovery & savings ?
Material Review Board(MRB)
The MRB function does not apply to deficient material reported by what ?
The DLQP shall include a control system for MRB data which shall be retained for a minimum of how long ?
1 year
MRB action must commence within how many workdays after preparation of the MRB Form ?
What recognizes other than “factory standard” specifications & relies primarily on technicians & equipment currently available within the battle zone & as augmented by D-level ABDR personnel ?
Aircraft Battle Damage Repair (ABDR)