Naming Fossils Flashcards
Baculites, Phylum Mollusca, Class Cephalopod, can see ammonitic suture pattern
Explain the kingdom, type of fossil, and what you see.
Fish, Phylum Vertebrata, can see backbone
Explain the kingdom and what type of fossil this is
Leaves, Kingdom Plantae
Explain the type of fossil, kingdom, and symmetry. Extinct or alive?
Brachiopod, Phylum Brachiopoda, bilateral across the valves, some are still living
Explain what this is, kingdom, what you see.
- Nautiloid, Phylum Mollusca, Class Cephalopod, can see straight sutures which are nautiloid sutures
explain what you see & the kingdom
Sponge spicules, Phylum Porifera,
Explain the physical characteristics, kingdom, and symmetry
Trilobite, Phylum Arthropoda, Class Trilobita symmetry is bilateral.
explain the name, physical characteristics, and kingdom
Gastropods, Phylum Mollusca, conispiral body form with body parts aperture, whorl, and apex
Explain the name, kingdom, and physical characteristics
Sea Star, Phylum Echinodermata, Class Asteroidea, can see the 5 legs showing the pentameral symmetry
Explain the name, kingdom and physical characteristics
- Ammonite, Phylum Mollusca, Class Cephalopoda, can see spiral form, easily mistaken as a gastropod but each whorl appears concave with distinct growth lines, planispiral (not conispiral), this is probably an external mold
explain the name, kingdom, and physical characteristics
Bivalve, Phylum Mollusca, bilateral between the valve, only seeing one valve and two sides at the top are not the same
explain the name, kingdom, and physical characteristics.
Radiolaria, Kingdom Protista, consumers, made of silica, can see radial spine, forms chert
explain the name, kingdom, and physical characteristics.
Mammal bone, Phylum Vertebrata, this is a vertebra (from a dinosaur), smooth curved surfaces are typical of bones
Explain the name, kingdom, and physical characteristics
Crinoid, Phylum Echinodermata, Class Crinoidea, this is the calyx with a small bit of the stem at the bottom, pentameral symmetry, need to view stem end on or count “arms” to see symmetry
explain the name, kingdom, and physical characteristics.
Ammonite, Phylum Mollusca, Class Cephalopod, can see chambers, septa and even the siphuncle in this view, planispiral
explain the name, kingdom, and physical characteristics
Stromatolites, Kingdom Monera, these are oncolites (the stromatolites that are not attached to the bottom but roll with the moving water), this one is hard to get and is an extra credit level question - students typically think this one is fusilinids but you cannot see the chambers (that will come later in these pictures)