Naming covalent bond Flashcards
How do you name covalent bonds
=> You first name the non-metal that is furthest to the left by its elemental name.
=> Then you name the other by it name ending by ide and also you will add the appropriate pre-fixes.
What are the first 5pre-fixes of covalent bonding?
1 - mono
2 - di
3 - tri
4 - tetra
5 - penta
Covalent Bond meaning
shared electrons between two non metals
Simple molecular meaning
a group of atoms held together by strong covalent bonds.
What is the relation between the amount of bonds and the energy it takes to break that bond.
The longer (the less) bond they have the less energy it takes.
which bond has most energy?
the single bond has the most amount of energy
When do you use mono
if it is in the first then you don’t use mono. If it is after then you use it.
What does Binary Compound mean?
a chemical substance that is made of two different elements only
What are the last 5 prefixes of covalent bonding
6 - hexa
7 - hepta
8 - octa
9 - nona
10 - deca