Names I Need To Revise Flashcards
Al Aziz
All mighty
Al Mutakabbir
The supreme and majestic
Al Qaabid
The withholder
Al Baasit
The extended
Al Khaafidh
The reducer
Al Adheem
The magnificent and supreme
Al Kabeer
The most great
Al Muqeet
The Sustainer
Al Haseeb
The Reckoner
Al Majeed
The glorious, most honourable
Al Ba’ith
The infuser of new life
Al Mubdi
The Originator, initiator
Al Muhyi
The giver of life
Al Mumeet
The creator of death
Al Qayoom
The sustainer, The self subsisting
Al Maajid
The illustrious and The magnificent
Al Waahid
The one
Al Qadeer
The Omnipotent
Al Muqtadir
The powerful
Al Muqaddim
The promoter/ Expeditor
Al Mu’akhkhir
The delayor
Al Muta’ali
The self exalted
At Tawaab
The ever pardoning
Al Muntaqim
The Avenger
Al Muqsit
The just one
Al Mani
The withholder
An Nafi
The propitious- benefactor
Al Badee’
The incomparable originator
Al Baaqi
The Everlasting