Name that Action Unit AU (and muscles) from FACS Flashcards
For performers to become familiar with the appearance changes associated with the major Action Units of Dr. Paul Ekman's FACS. For more about FACS or to purchase the FACS manual, visit the Paul Ekman Group website (
Name this AU (and muscle group if you like)
- Pulls the inner portion of the eyebrows upwards.
- For many people, this produces an oblique / \ shape to the eyebrows.
- Makes horizontal wrinkles on the forehead.
AU 1
Inner brow raiser
Muscle- (Frontalis-medial part)
Name this AU (and muscle group if you like)
- Pulls the outer portion of the eyebrows upwards.
- Produces an arched \ / shape to the eyebrows.
- Causes the lateral portion of the eye cover fold to be stretched upwards.
- In some people, causes short horizontal wrinkles to appear above the outer portions of the eyebrows.
AU 2
Outer Brow Raiser
Muscle- (Frontalis-lateral part)
Name this AU (and muscle group if you like)
- Lowers the eyebrows. In different instances:
- it may be only the inner portion of the eyebrow that lowered or
- it may be both inner and central portions that are lowered,
- or it may appear that the entire eyebrow is lowered.
- Pushes the eye cover fold downwards and may narrow the eye aperture.
- Pulls the eyebrows closer together.
- Produces vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows. May also produce one or more horizontal wrinkles at the root of the nose.
AU 4
Brow lowerer
Muscles- Corrugator Supercilli, Procerus (a.k.a Pyramidalis nasi, a.k.a. Depressor glabellae), Depressor Supercilli
Name this AU (and muscle group if you like)
- Widens the eye aperture.
- Raises upper eyelid so that some or all of the upper eyelid disappears from view.
- More of the upper portion of the eyeball (sclera/white part) is exposed.
- The person seems to be staring in a fixed fashion, as if the eyeball protruded.
- The lower eyelid also raises (very minutely) where this action is strongly made.
AU 5
Upper lid raiser
Muscles- Levator Palpebrae Superiori (raises upper eyelid)
Superior Tarsal Muscle (holds the upper eyelid open)
Name this AU (and muscle group if you like)
- Draws skin towards the eye from the temple and cheeks as the outer band of muscle around the eye constricts.
- Raises the infraorbital triangle, lifting the cheek upwards.
- Pushes the skin surrounding the eye toward the eye socket, which can: narrow the eye aperture, bag or wrinkle the skin below the eye, and push the eye cover fold down and/or change its shape.
- May cause crow’s feet lines or wrinkles to appear.
- Deepens the lower eyelid furrow.
AU 6
Cheek Raiser
Muscles- Orbicularis Oculi the orbital part
Name this AU (and muscle group if you like)
- Tightens eyelids, and narrows eye aperture.
- May be more apparent in lower eyelid area than in upper eyelid.
- Raises the lower lid so it covers more of the eyeball than is usually covered.
- The raised lower lid may become more straight than curved in shape; or, just the medial portion inverted, e.g. from a ︶ shape to an ︵ shape.
- The raising of the skin below the lower eyelid causes a bulge to appear in the lower lid.
AU 7
Eye lid tightener
Muscle- Orbicularis Oculi the palpebral part
Name this AU (and muscle group if you like)
- The eyelid droops down reducing the eye aperture.
- More surface of the upper eyelid is exposed than usual.
AU 43
Eye closure/Eyes closed
Muscle- Relaxation of Levator Palpebrae Superioris
Name this AU (and muscle group if you like)
- Eye closes and opens very quickly with no pause or hesitation in the closed position.
- The eyes (or one eye in a unilateral action) must close or nearly close for a moment, and then return to an open position.
- If bilateral (both eyes simultaneously), the eyes cannot be closed more than ½ second.
AU 45
Muscle- Contraction of Obicularis Occuli Palpebral Part,
Relaxation of Levator Palpebrae Superioris
Name this AU (and muscle group if you like)
- One eye closes briefly, pausing longer than for a unilateral blink (on one side only), before opening again.
- The eye closure must be unilateral and have a deliberate pause of hesitation.
- The eye closure must be shorter than 2 seconds. AU46 cannot be scored in a still photograph.
AU 36
Muscle- Orbicularis Oculi-both parts
Name this AU (and muscle group if you like)
- Pulls the skin along the sides of the nose upwards, towards the root of the nose, causing wrinkles to appear along the sides of the nose and across the root of the nose.
- Pulls the infraorbital triangle upwards, causing the infraorbital furrow to wrinkle, and bunching or bagging of the skin around the lower eyelid.
- Lowers the center portion of the eyebrows and narrows the eye aperture.
- Pulls the center of the upper lip upwards.
- May widen and raise the nostril wings.
- May deepen the nasolabial furrow if the action is strong.
AU 9
Nose wrinkler
Muscle- Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi
Name this AU (and muscle group if you like)
- Compresses the nostril wings (flattening them) and may pull the nostril wings downward.
- The nostril opening becomes less wide.
AU 39
Nostril constrictor
Muscles- Nasalis-transverse part, Compressor Narium Minor
Name this AU (and muscle group if you like)
- Flares out the nostril wings.
- Changes the shape of the nostril opening.
- May bulge the nostril wing itself.
AU 38
Nostril dialator
Muscles- Nasalis-alar part/Dilator Naris, Depressor Septi Nasi
Name this AU (and muscle group if you like)
- Raises the upper lip. Center of lip is drawn straight up, the outer portions of upper lip are drawn up but not as high as the center.
- Causes and angular bend in the shape ︵ of the upper lip.
- Pushes the infraorbital triangle up, and may cause the infraorbital furrow to wrinkle, or deepen if already evident in neutral.
- Deepens the nasolabial furrow and raises the upper part of this furrow, producing pouching/bagging of the cheeks.
- Widens and raises the nostril wings.
- When the action is strong, the lips part.
AU 10
Upper lip raiser
Muscles- Levator labii superioris
Name this AU (and muscle group if you like)
- The upper lip is pulled down towards the lower lip, but not pulled back over the teeth.
- The lower lip is pulled toward the upper lip.
- The lips are not closed.
- There may be some lip narrowing but not lip tightening.
- It is possible, although not common, for this AU to affect only one lip.
AU 8
Lips toward each other
Muscle- Orbicularis Oris
Name this AU (and muscle group if you like)
- Pushes the lips of the mouth forward and pulls medially, as if a string attached to the center of the lips were pulling them forward.
- De-elongated the mouth opening, making the mouth opening smaller and rounder, and the lips appear tight. May cause the lips to protrude forwards, but de-elongation may occur without protrusion.
- Shapes the lips as if pronouncing the vowel /u/ oo as in the word “fool”.
- Makes short wrinkles on the skin above the upper lip and also may cause wrinkles on the skin below the lower lip, and wrinkles in the lips themselves.
AU 18
Lip pucker
Muscle- Orbicularis Oris- the incisivii labii and incisivii labii inferioris fibers
Name this AU (and muscle group if you like)
- Looks like someone pronouncing the word “flirt”.
- Pulls in medially on the lip corners.
- Exposes the teeth and may expose gums often in the lower lip more than the upper.
- Exposes more of the red parts of the lips as the lips may turn out, often in the lower lip more than the upper.
- Flattens or wrinkles the chin boss, but the change is small, and not of importance in scoring.
AU 23
Lip funnerler
Muscle-Orbicularis Oris
Name this AU (and muscle group if you like)
- Tightens the lips, makes the red parts of the lips appear more narrow.
- May cause the red part of the lips to roll inwards and almost disappear.
- If the lips are parted, there may be an impression of a very small protrusion, but the action is a tightening of the lips.
- May produce small winkles or lines in the skin above and below the red parts of lips and muscle bulges below the lower lip.
- May produce a flattening or wrinkling of the chin boss to a very limited extent.
AU 23
Lip tightener
Muscle- Orbicularis Oris
Name this AU (and muscle group if you like)
- Presses the lips together, without pushing up the chin boss.
- Lowers the upper lip and raises the lower lip to a small extent.
- Tightens and narrows the lips. The lips appear de-elongated due to the narrowing and pressing of the center part of the lips even though the lips themselves have not been pulled medially.
- May cause small lines or wrinkles to appear on the upper lip.
- May cause a bulging of the skin above the upper lip and/or below the lower lip.
AU 24
Lip Pressor
Muscle- Orbicularis Oris
Name this AU (and muscle group if you like)
- Cheeks are sucked into the mouth, producing a crevice or depression in each cheek.
- The jaw is lowered to allow the cheeks to enter the oral cavity.
AU 28
Lip suck
Muscle- Orbicularis Oris
Name this AU (and muscle group if you like)
- The cheeks puff out as air is forced into the mouth, but the lips remain closed keeping the air in.
AU 34
[Cheek] Puff
Muscle- Orbicularis Oris, Buccinator, Mentalis, Depressor Septi Nasi
Name this AU (and muscle group if you like)
- Air is blown out through the lips and the cheeks expand.
AU 33
[Cheek] Blow
Muscle-Buccinator, Orbicularis Oris, Mentalis
Name this AU (and muscle group if you like)
- Pulls the corners of the lips back & upward creating a ͜ shape to the mouth.
- Deepens the nasolabial furrow, pulling it outward and up. The skin adjacent to the nasolabial furrow is raised up and outward.
- In a weak to moderate performance of this AU, there is some raising of the infraorbital triangle and there may be some deepening of the infraorbital furrow.
AU 12
Lip corner puller
Muscle- Zygomaticus major
Name this AU (and muscle group if you like)
- Pulls the upper lip upwards (and laterally to a small extent) at the midpoint between the philtrum and outer lip corners.
- Pulls the skin below the upper portion of the nasolabial furrow obliquely upwards.
- Deepens the upper middle portion of the nasolabial furrow.
- Raises and puffs the upper medial portion of the infraorbital triangle faintly.
- In a strong action it may deepen the upper medial portion of the infraorbital furrow.
AU 11
Nasolabial furrow deepener
Muscle- Zygomaticus minor
Name this AU (and muscle group if you like)
- Causes the cheeks and the infraorbital triangle to become very evident, puffing out, as the infraorbital triangle is lifted primarily up, more than obliquely.
- Pulls the corners of the lips up but as a sharper angle than AU12 Lip Corner Puller.
- While the corners of the lips are pulled up, the red parts of the lips do not move up with the lip corners.
- The lip corners appear to be tightened, narrowed, and sharply raised.
- May cause the upper and middle portion of the nasolabial furrow to deepen. May cause the upper lip to appear taut or flat.
AU 13
Sharp lip puller (a.k.a Cheek puffer)
Muscle- Levator Anguli Oris
Name this AU (and muscle group if you like)
- Pulls the lips back laterally; the lip corners may be raised or lowered to a limited extent but the main movement is horizontal.
- Elongates the mouth. The lips become flattened and stretched by the lateral pull.
- Pulls the skin beyond the lip corners laterally, so that the cheek area adjacent to the lip corner becomes flattened. Wrinkles may appear at the lip corners, or beyond the lip corners, partway back towards the ears.
- Pulls the lower portion of the nasolabial furrow, and pulls the skin in the lower nasolabial furrow laterally. Stretches the skin over the chin boss laterally.
AU 20
Lip stretcher
Muscle- Risorius, Platysma
Name this AU (and muscle group if you like)
- Tightens the corners of the mouth, pulling the corners somewhat inwards, and narrowing the lip corners.Produces wrinkles and/or a bulge at the lip corner.
- May cause a dimple-like wrinkle beyond the lip corner.
- Lip corners usually angle up but they could be angled down or just straight.
- Lips stretch lateral to a limited extent and flatten.
- May deepen the nasolabial furrow.
- Pulls the skin below the lip corners and the chin boss up towards the lip corners, flattening and stretching the chin boss skin.
AU 14
Muscle- Buccinator
Name this AU (and muscle group if you like)
- Air is blown out through the lips, and the cheeks expand.
AU 33
[Cheek] Blow
Muscles- Buccinator, Orbicularis Oris, Mentalis
Name this AU (and muscle group if you like)
- Pushes the chin boss upward.
- Pushes the lower lip upward.
- May cause wrinkles to appear on the chin boss as skin is stretched, and may produce a depression medially under the lower lip.
- Causes shape of mouth to appear ︵ or for this inverted-U shape to increase if present in neutral.
- The lower lip may protrude.
AU 17
Chin raiser
Muscle- Mentalis
Name this AU (and muscle group if you like)
- Pulls the lower lip down.
- Stretches the lower lip and pulls it somewhere laterally.
- May cause the lower lip to protrude or flatten.
- Usually parts the lips exposing more of the lower teeth, usually including the roots of the teeth, and in a strong action the lower gum is exposed as well.
- Stretches the chin boss laterally and down flattening the skin over the chin boss, and sometimes causing wrinkles to appear over the chin boss.
AU 16
Lower lip depressor
Muscle-Depressor labii inferioris
Name this AU (and muscle group if you like)
- The lips part, which may expose the inner mucosal area of the lips more.
- The teeth and gums may be exposed.
- The oral cavity may be exposed, depending on the action of AUs 26 Jaw Drop and 27 Mouth Stretch.
AU 25
Lips part
Muscle- Depressor labii inferioris
Name this AU (and muscle group if you like)
- Pulls the corners of the lips down.
- Changes the shape of the lips so they are angled down at the corner, and usually the lower lip is somewhat stretched horizontally.
- Produces some pouching, bagging, or wrinkling of the skin below the lip corners, which may not be apparent unless the action is strong.
- May flatten or cause bulges to appear on the chin boss, may produce a depression medially under the lower lip.
- If the nasolabial furrow is permanently etched, it deepens in the lower portion and may appear pulled down or lengthened.
AU 15
Lip corner depressor
Muscle- Depressor anguli oris
Name this AU (and muscle group if you like)
- A bulge appears far back along the jaw bone (mandible) where it is hinged. The cheek adjacent to this bulge may become more concave.
AU 31
Jaw clencher
Muscles- Masseter, Temporalis, Medial Pterygoid,
and the superior head of the Lateral Pterygoid
Name this AU (and muscle group if you like)
- Entire jaw is pushed forward.
- Chin appears to stick out.
- Lower teeth extend in front of upper teeth.
AU 29
Jaw thrust
Muscles- Pterygoids, Masseter
Name this AU (and muscle group if you like)
- You can see the teeth biting the lip (usually implying that another AU has lifted or lowered a lip so you can see the teeth holding the other lip).
- Part of one lip has disappeared, not the entire lip, even if you cannot see the teeth biting.
AU 32
[Lip] Bite
Muscles- Masseter, Levator Labii Superioris OR Depresspor Labii Inferioris
Name this AU (and muscle group if you like)
- The mandible is lowered by relaxation so that separation of the teeth can at least be inferred.
- If the lips part (you can see space between the teeth) then AU25 Lips Part is also present.
- Mouth appears as if jaw has dropped or fallen with no sign of the jaw being pulled open or stretching of the lips due to the opening the jaw wide.
- The time course of the action is relatively slow as the muscle is relaxed.
- It is possible for the mandible to be lowered and yet for the lips to remain closed.
AU 26
Jaw drop
Muscles- Lateral Pterygoid the Inferior head portion,
Relaxation of the Masseter, Temporalis, and Medial Pterygoid
Name this AU (and muscle group if you like)
- The mandible is pulled down.
- Can open the mouth quite as far as the mandible is pulled down, changing the shape of the mouth opening from an overall with the long axis in the horizontal place to one in the vertical direction.
- Mouth does not appear as if it has fallen open but as if it is actively pulled down forcibly or stretched open widely. The lips may be stretch vertically be the extend of the opening of the mouth.
- Flattens and stretches cheeks.
- Changes shape of skin on the chin boss and the appearance under the skin.
AU 27
Mouth stretch
Muscles- Lateral Pterygoid-Inferior head portion, Digastric
Name this AU (and muscle group if you like)
- Chin and lower lip are displaced from the midline to one side or the other.
- If the mouth is open, the lower teeth appear to be off to one side.
AU 30
Jaw sideways
Muscles- Pterygoids, Masseter, Temporalis
Name this AU (and muscle group if you like)
- Wrinkles and bulges the skin of the neck and under the chin.
- Pulls the skin around the edge of the jaw and chin downwards, although this change is usually small.
- May depress the lip corner, but if so, AU15 Lip Corner Depressor is also present.
AU 21
Neck stretcher
Muscle- Platysma