NALSD - Non-Abstract Large Sytem Design Flashcards
Power of two, 1KB?
1KB = 2^10 Bytes
Power of two, 64KB?
64KB = 2^16 Bytes
Power of two, 1MB?
1MB = 2^20 Bytes
Power of two, 1GB?
1GB = 2^30 Bytes
Power of two, 1TB?
1TB = 2^40 Bytes
Power of two, 4GB?
4GB = 2^32 Bytes
Time L1 cache reference?
Time Branch mispredict?
Time L2 cache reference?
7ns (14x L1)
Time Mutex lock/unlock?
100ns (20x L2, 200x L1)
Time compress 1KB with Zippy?
10.000ns = 10us
Time send 1KB over a Gbit network?
10.000ns = 10us
Time read 4KB randomly from SSD?
150.000ns = 150us
Speed Round trips within same data center?
500.000ns = 500us
Time to read 1MB sequentially, from memory?
250.000ns = 250us
Time to read 1MB sequentially, from SSD?
1ms (4x Memory)
Time Disk seek?
10ms (20x Data center round trip, 40x Memory)
Time Read 1MB sequentially from Gbit network?
10ms (40x memory, 10x SSD)
Time Read 1MB sequentially from disk?
30ms (120x memory, 30x SSD)
Time of a Round-trip send between neighbor continents?
Power of ten? (ns / us / ms)
ns = 10^-9 s us = 10^-6 s ms = 10^-3 s
Speed Read sequentially from disk?
Speed Read sequentially from Gbit network?
Speed Read sequentially from SSD?
Speed Read sequentially from memory?
Number of world-wide Round-trips per second?
6-7 world-wide trips per second
Size TCP header?
20B (TCPv4)
40B (TCPv6)
Size UUID?
Size IP address?
32b (TCPv4)
128b (TCPv6)