Naked-eye Astronomy Flashcards
What causes light pollution?
What defines seeing conditions?
stillness of stars
The most ‘still’ stars have an Antoniadi scale value of V and the least still have a value of I.
How can professional telescopes track changes in the atmosphere that affect seeing conditions?
A laser!
The laser is removed from the image in real time.
How does weather affect observations?
Weather affects the sky’s transparency.
Why is the sky blue?
Rayleigh scattering
Blue light has a longer wavelength so it is scattered in the atmosphere.
How can you find Polaris in the night sky?
The two ‘pointer’ stats of the Plough point to Polaris.
How can you find Arcturus in the night sky?
The handle of the Plough ‘arcs’ towards Arcturus.
How can I find Sirius in the night sky?
Orion’s belt points down and to the left to Sirius.
How can I find Aldebaran in the night sky?
Orion’s belt points up and to the right towards Aldebaran.
How can Polaris be used to find information about your location on Earth?
Polaris’ altitude is equal to the observer’s latitude.
The direction of Polaris in the night sky is due North.
How can you find the Andromeda galaxy in the night sky?
Up and to the left of the top left corner of the square of Pegasus
How are meteor showers named?
The constellation that the radiant appears to lie in. e.g: The Perseids, The Lyrids etc…
What points does an observer’s meridian lie on?
NCP, SCP, Zenith, Nadir, (direction of due North)
Which direction to stars culminate in the Northern Hemisphere?
due South
(due North in the Southern hemisphere)
What are cardinal points?
North, South, East and West.
Where is a star when it culminates?
On the meridian.
Facing South if in the Northern hemisphere and North if in the Southern hemisphere.
What is a circumpolar star?
One that never sets below the horizon.
How do you know if a star is circumpolar?
A star is circumpolar if it’s declination is greater than the observer’s co-latitude.
How can you find a star’s altitude when it is at upper transit / culminating?
altitude = latitude + co-declination
How can you find a star’s altitude at lower transit?
altitude = latitude - co-declination
What is Polaris’ azimuth?
How are rilles formed?
Collapse of lava tubes under the Moon’s surface
How are ‘wrinkle ridges’ formed on the Moon?
They form when the basalt cools.
Which was more recently formed: maria or highlands?
They are formed by lava flowing into a large impact crater, which creates a darker, smoother surface.
How long is a sidereal month?
27.3 days
(must know to 1 d.p.)
How long is a synodic month?
29.5 days
(must know to 1 d.p.)
How are ray systems formed?
Streaks of ‘ejecta’ are thrown out during formation of an impact crater.
e.g: Tycho crater has a visible ray system