Naismith Created Basketball Flashcards
Christmas song originally written to celebrate Thanksgiving
Jingle bells
Has not completed a full orbit around sun since discovery by humans
Political position
Robert F Kennedy and Ted
RFK New York
Ted and JFK Massachusetts
Line of athletic shoes designed for babies and children
Counties Nile passes through
11 total
New York Times
Book reviews
1958 a review of this book now considered a classic called it repulsive disgusting and highbrow pornography
Lolita by valadimr nuh bo kov
They directed themselves
In maestro
Bradley cooper
They directed themselves
In Tropic thunder
Ben stiller
They directed themselves
In fences
Best actor Oscar nomination
Denzel Washington
They directed themselves
In yentl
Barbara Streisand
They directed themselves
In thr monuments men
George Clooney
Hit song by new order the horse that won 1915 Kentucky derby and agonizing misery of bad decisions in past
Kind of pre fear
Covers a group of psychology disorders and in 40s WH Auden wrote his longest poem called the age of this
Moons of mars
And personified Greek spirit names shared with
Phobos and day mos
Fear and dread
At start of act 3 she despairs over hamlet acting crazy and uses this 3 word phrase that starts with a 3 letter emotion to describe her pain
Woe is me
Santa Cruz mountains are home to this yellow mollusk the mascot for UC Santa Cruz
Banana slug
Begun in 1885 and inaugurated in 1911 the Victor Emmanuel II monument commemorates the unification of this country
Monument to Triangle shirtwaist factory fire dedicated in 23 on Washington place in this nyc area
Greenwich village
A field of 168 empty chairs represents each of the victims killed in the bombing of a federal building in this city April 19 95
Oklahoma City
Known simply as the monument a 200 ft London landmark was built in the 1670s a decade after this event it commemorates
The great fire of London
A poem by Carol Anne Duffy about the woman who married the fool who wished for gold is titled this mythic king
Today in a temple in this capital
City on the chao pry uh river the golden Buddha contains 5 and a half tons of pure gold
Bangcock Thailand
24 gold wing motorcycle from this Japanese manufacturer
1833cc liquid cooled engine
Jan award won by Emma stone for poor things
Golden globe