Nails #2 Flashcards
Benefits of massage
Increased circulation
Firmer muscles
Skin gland stimulation
Stronger muscle tissue
Pain relief
Improved skin texture
Emotional relief
Light gliding strokes
Kneading pinching and rolling of muscels
Circular movements with no gliding (warms muscles)
Tapping, slapping (increase circulation, promotes muscle contraction, helps detox waste material)
Shaking movement
4 categories of social media posts
Setting, person, thing, words
Low saturation pictures
Colourful photos
Things to consider for social media
Amount of background
Number of colours
What is the focus
PLR private label rights
Can use image if they are your own
How the body part works
How long do nails grow per month
How many bones in wrist and hand
8 small bones in wrist
5 bones that form palm of hand
Connect muscle to bone
Flexor tendons
Cross palm side of wrist Curl finger and thumb and bend wrist
Extensor tendons
Run through compartments on back of wrist
Intrinsic muscles
Guide fine motion of the fingers
Radial nerve
Thumb side of forearm. Sensation back of hand thumb to third finger
Median nerve
Travels through carpal tunnel, sensation palm side of thumb-1/2index finger. Moves the thumb
Ulnar nerve
Travels through guyons canal. Sensation pinkie and half of fing finger. Pull thumb towards palm
Radial artery
Largest, closest to thumb
Ulnar arterie
Runs through guyons canal Pinkie side of hand
How many bones in a foot
Tarsal bones
7 largest bones of foot
Metatarsal bones
Connect tarsal bones to toes (5). First metatarsal connects to big toe
Phalangeal bones
Make up toes. Big toe only has 2 others have 3.
Connect bone to bone
What is the most powerful tendon of the foot
Achilles tendon.
Where are most muscles in the foot located
The bottom
What is the main nerve to the foot
Tibial nerve
Main blood supply to the foot
Posterior tibial artery