Nail Diseases & Disorders Flashcards
Nail Disorder
an unhealthy nail condition that is hereditary or caused by injury or disease of the nail unit
Beau’s Lines
Depressions running across the nail plate’s width due to the slowing production of the matric cells
Bruised Nail Bed
dark purplish sports, usually due to a small nail bed injury
Discolored Nail
may indicate surface staining, a systemic disorder, or poor blood circulation
Eggshell Nail
Noticeably thin white nail plate, more flexible than usually
damaged skin around the nail plate becomes split or torn
Whitish discolored spots on the nails
Significant nail darkening caused by increased pigment cells, visible as a black band extending from the base to the free edge
Nail Pterygium
irregular stretching of the eponychium or the hyponychium around the nail plate
bitten nails
irregular split or brittle nails appearing as the nail plate surface roughness
Pincer nail
trumpet nail
Plicated nail
folded nail: highly curved nail plate
Ridged Nail
lengthwise grooves in the plate
Splinter Hemorrhage
damaged to the capillaries under the nail
nail disease
Nail Melanoma
rare and serious skin cancer that begins at the nail matrix
Nail Psoriasis
nail surface pitting, roughness, onycholysis, and bed discolorations
matrix inflammation and nail shedding
ingrown nail
separation of the nail plate and bed
separation AND FALLING OFF of a nail plate from the nail ned
nail plate fungal infections, whitish patches that can be scraped off the nail’s surface or long whitish or pale yellowish streaks within the nail plate
bacterial inflammation of the tissues around the nail plate, causing pus, swelling, and redness; from excessive water and detergent exposure
Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
rapidly growing and contagious bacteria; starts as a yellow-green spot that eventually becomes darker and turns brown/black
Pyogenic Granuloma
severe nail inflammation, red tissue lump grows up from the nail bed to the nail plate
Tinea Pedis
athlete’s foot