Nail Care Flashcards
Technical term for nails
Nail plate
Translucent portion of the nail, extending from the nail root to the free edge sometimes referred to as the nail body
Free edge
Part of the nail plate that extends beyond the fingertip
Skin between the free edge and fingertip of the natural nail
Nail bed
Portion of the nail plate, rest upon as it grows out
Bed epithelium
Thin layer of skin cells between the nail bed and the nail plate
A small portion of nonliving epidermis extending around the base of the nail
Whitish half moon shape at the base of the nail
Part of the nail bed that extends below the nail root and helps to produce the nail plate
Nail folds
Folds of normal skin that surround the natural nail plate
Nail sidewall
Also, known as the lateral nail fold is the piece of skin that overlaps onto the side of the nail
Nail grooves
Slits or grooves on the sides of the nail that allow growth
Living skin at the base of the nail plate that partially overlaps the lunula
Additional or excessive skin that overlaps onto the sides of the nail plate
Aka hangnail, is the split cuticle around the nail