Nagel- What does it all mean? Flashcards
What is Philosophy? Method
Philosophy is different form science and from mathematics. Unlike science it doesn’t rely on experiments or observation, but only on thought. It has not methods of proof. It is done by asking questions, arguing, trying out ideas and thinking of the possible arguments against them, and wondering how our concepts really work.
What is Philosophy? Subject Manner
what is it that philosophers talk about, think about, discuss. All of human learning is a part of philosophy. Leftover questions; another good question leads to another one. Lots of these questions have no determined answer (specialized techniques). Tend to be the most important questions. Resistant to a final resolution
What exists?
What is Valuble?
What is truth and knowledge? how much can we accrue, how much do we have?
What is good reasoning?
World View
we all have one, it doesn’t even matter what it is origin is. They are often shaped by our experiences. You inhabit your world view, you don’t live in the world you live in your view of the world. Conception of how things are is the world that we live in.
Why every person’s world view is different?
There is no way to climb out of our own skin: to take things that seem to me and compare them to the way that things really are, problem is that we don’t have any access to the way things really are. It is impossible to look through some else’s eyes. (Egocentric predicament)
person who believes that he is the only who exists
George Berekely
Idealism; the only kind of thing that there is ideal, believes in only the non physical… physical are just ideas and experiences, God being a consistent and good God gives a consistent amount of experiences, but when nobody is looking its not there
there is only the body and that it consists of nothing but physical matter, and that their mental states are physical states of their brains.
that you consist of a body plus a soul, and that your mental life goes on in your soul.
Dual Aspect theory
one who believes that all we are is just brain, but that our brains are not merely physical objects
Other Minds:
- the only experiences you have are your own
- What do you really know?
- –> What does it mean to know something, What is it that we are claiming, What are the criteria for correctly knowing something?
Knowledge Criteria
- Believe It, If you think its true then you believe it
2. To know something it has to be true, you can’t know false stuff
3. Justification, if you claim to believe and then asked why you will have something to say (most difficult concept because truth is black and white, but justification comes in degrees.. much more explanation.. there is always the possibility that you could be mistaken)