Nadeau Flashcards
Wikelski and Trillmich looked at … … on two galapagos islands: … … and …. There were differences in the size of them between the … … and between … and …. On … …, there was shown to be a higher advantage of being …, as … is more abundant. However, between males and females, there isn’t much of a … benefit to males being bigger, in terms of survival. Males actually tend to exceed their survival … in size. This suggests the size optimum is not … selected, but … selected. Larger males are more likely to hold a … and territorial males have … as many copulations as non-territorials. This sexual selection doesn’t occur for females, so on average they reach their size …
marine iguanas, Santa fe, Genovesa, two islands (bigger on Santa fé, males, females (males bigger - sexual size dimorphism), santa fé, larger, food, selective, optimum, territory, 6x, optimum
Sexual selection can explain traits that go against natural selection if….
the reproductive benefits outweigh the survival costs
What do females gain from selecting males with seemingly non-advantageous traits for her? (i.e. why should females be choosy?)
- Direct benefit - male will directly provide resources to female and offspring
- Indirect benefit - choose male that will pass on the best genes
What could the direct benefits be of being choosy?
- fertile or fecund mates
- good parenting ability
- more resources provides (e.g. food or nest sites - territory)
E.g. … … fish - male looks after offspring on nest sites. Roof tiles used to control quality of nest sites across males. Females preferred to lay their eggs next to the … males. Larger males … a greater proportion of eggs, as they … the territory best, aerate the eggs better and are less likely to … the eggs
mottled sculpin, longest, hatch, defend, eat
Female scorpionflies swap copulations for … … (insects prey)
nuptual gifts (the bigger the insect the more likely to copulate
Indirect (genetic) benefits, e.g. … … models and … … models
Fisherian Runaway, good gene
Fisherian Runaway models: females that choose males with … traits gain indirect benefits because they’ll produce ,.. sons that will in turn be preferred by choosy females
attractive, attractive - (positive frequency-dependent process, genes become fixed in the population)
Under Fisherian Runaway selection we’d predict that male traits and female preferences should be … …
- in stalk eyed flies - when … selected for long eyespan then females chose males with long eyespan. When selected for short eyespan females showed preference males with short eyespan shows they are genetically linked
genetically linked, artificially
Under the good gene model, female preferences reflect the … … of the males. We’d predict that male traits should reflect the … of their offspring. This is true in …. Males with a greater area of … (selected for by females) had higher offspring … and …
genetic preferences, viability, peacocks, eyespots, size, survival
What maintains the variation in male traits (e.g. males with smaller eyespots)?
- Parasites potentially (no evolutionary optimum to be reached as constant arms race) - parasite-mediated sexual selection - hard to select for optimum (male ornaments as HONEST indicators of condition)
Why does sexual selection tend to disproportionately affect males?
- starts with the evolution of sex
- Ancestral state is isogamy (same size gametes)
- anisogamy developed (different sized gametes)
- Zygote (sum of two gametes) viability increases
with size
- small (can produce lots so more chance of
encountering and fusing
- large - high fitness (chance of survival) of resulting
- medium sized gametes are mediocre at both
- leads to disruptive selection (egg producers =
female, sperm producers = males)
- males essentially parasitise the parental investment
of females - this has led to male mating success usually increasing with number of mates (much more than females, who are limited by gamete production)
- leads to males competing for females
- females more choosy, males are competitive
- bob’s your uncle
What is Bateman’s principle?
The sex with more variable mating success is going to be the sex that sexual selection acts more strongly on
Rough-skinned newt - large number of males with no or very little … …, whereas females have … … of mating success, with females having on average … mates
mating success, normal distribution, 2
Anisogamy generates … … … in offspring
differential parental investment
In Jurassic forests there were no …, as there were no … to make them beneficial
flowers, pollinators (pollinating insects)
… and … now make up a very large proportion of terrestrial species - co-evolution
Insects, angiosperms
Co-evolution is … genetic change in … species, owing to natural selection imposed by … on the …
(can also involve interactions between groups of individuals or genetic elements … species)
reciprocal, interacting, each, other, species
What are the 3 types of interspecific interaction that can result in co-evolution?
- Antagonism (e.g. predation, parasitism, herbivory) + vs -
- Competition - vs -
- Mutualism + vs +
Antagonism can result in an … … … (… … hypothesis)
Evolutionary arms race, red queen
Antagonism e.g. … and …. … resistance is an evolutionary process - we are producing and using drugs such as …, which the … then in turn evolve to be resistant to
parasitism, disease, Antibiotic, antibiotics, pathogens
Parasite fitness =
rate of new infections / rate at which hosts are lost
Prediction: Correlations between … (v) and … (b) will increase …, e.g. …
virulence, transmission (probability), virulence, parasitoids
Parasitoids are parasites that…
end up killing their host in order to be passed on e.g. Cordyceps fungus
Prediction: Vertically transmitted (passed onto offspring) parasites will be less … (because … and … are negatively correlated
virulent, v, b
e. g. aphids and their symbiotic bacteria (provide extra nutrients to the aphids, which food on nutrient poor plant sap) - co-evolution of aphid and this bacteria phylogeny perfectly match between species (as passed on only by reproduction so speciation would prevent this and co-evolution occurs
- here antagonism has evolved into mutualism
Another e.g. of antagonism is …. This is costly to the plant, which has to … lost parts or have less leaf …. They have therefore evolved defences such as …, … (secondary …) and … cues
herbivory, regenerate, area, thorns, toxins, metabolites, visual (e.g. egg mimicry)
… butterflies feed on … plants. One of the main anti-herbivory adaptations of the flower is the production of … … (secondary metabolite) in the leaves. This is toxic to most animals, but not the heliconius …, which have co-evolved resistance (detoxify and disable compounds). They can even … these compounds to use them for their own defence against predators.
heliconius, passiflora, cyanogenic compounds, caterpillars, sequester
The Heliconius clade diversified very rapidly. What is the hypothesis behind why this occured?
Escape and radiate hypothesis - if can escape from selective pressure that is constraining you (predation by birds) - can radiate much quicker as you escape the predator and are able to fill brand new niches
- could be other things though
What may be a better example of escape and radiate?
- chemical defence in amphibians (Arbuckle and Speed, 2015)
- looked at speciation rate in amphibians that had chemical defence and those that didn’t
- rate of speciation higher in those that did
The passiflora has evolved … mimicry (… on leaves), which discourages butterflies from laying eggs on these leaves. These also secrete … from the leaves (extraflorally), attracting … and … wasps that feed on the …. They have also evolved vast … … variation to escape detection.
egg, spots, nectar, ants, wasps, caterpillars, leaf shape
It has been found that the heliconius butterflies are able to learn leaf shapes - leaf shape is … and used in … choice. This ability to learn and switch could be a …-… to the high variability in passiflora leaf shape
perceived, oviposition, counter-adaptation (not genetically fixed)
Why does the egg mimicry discourage the butterflies from laying eggs on the leaves?
- if already eggs laid then there won’t be enough food for the caterpillars to be sustained
- to avoid competition
Competition: sometimes one species out-competes the others and drives them to extinction. Sometimes competition results in adaptations that reduce …, helping the species to …-…. This is known as … …. If there is … overlap, adaptations act to reduce this until there is no longer overlap - can result in … …
competition, co-exist, resource partitioning, niche, character displacement (more partitioning in sympatry than allopatry)
e.g. if reared together, two caterpillar species that feed on Passiflora suberosa take longer to …. They had a … adaption when reared together. When reared alone they started eating the young leaves and work their way down the plant. When reared together, one species (H. erato) started at the top of the plant and made a cut in the leaves that prevented the other (D. iulia) from moving up, meaning it then worked its way up from the older leaves.
develop, behavioural
- e.g. of resource partitioning
… and … is an example of a mutualistic interaction.
plant, pollinator
Heliconius butterflies are unusual as they feed on both … and …. … is nutritionally richer, so means the butterflies can live up to 6 months longer. They also prefer flowers that are present for the … of their … … (reliable food source). Psiguria plants have co-evolved to provide this, providing one flower … over a period of several months. They provide the sustenance the butterfly needs, and in tun the butterflies become very effective at pollinating for them, benefitting their reproduction.
pollen, nectar, pollen, duration, life span, Psiguria, daily
Mutualism can sometimes become … when one species attempts to “cheat” and get more out of the relationship than the other. for example “… …” - pierce plant to immediately get nectar without pollination process
antagonism, nectar robbing
the types of interactions between species are often not stable
Another good example of mutualism is … …, for example Heliconius butterfly species have evolved bright colour patterns to advertise their … to predators. Predators need to learn these patterns. If several species have the same pattern they all benefit by sharing the cost of … predators
mullerian mimicry, toxicity, educating
… mimicry is an example of …, incurring a cost on the species that is actually toxic
Batesian, antagonism
Genetic mapping has shown that the same … genes produce most of the colour patter variation in the H. butterflies even in distantly related species
… influences produce adaptation, but … interactions are more important for maintaining diversity
abiotic, biotic
Fitness is an interaction between the … and the …. The biotic environment is itself constantly …. This means that selection could favour … itself
genotype, environment, evolving, evolvability (e.g. evolution of sex and recombination)
There are multiple levels of …. Each level of … units has the potential for selection to act on it. For each of these replicating units there needs to be … and …
selection, replicating, variation, heredity
Genomic conflict arises less easily in … systems, as the lower levels of selection (e.g. genes, mitochondria) share the same fate as higher levels of selection (e.g. cell or individual). … combines genomes from different lineages through …. Therefore … allows for greater scope of … …
asexual, sex, recombination, sex, genomic conflict
… genetic elements are transmitted at a higher rate than the rest of the genome. They are … (or at least not advantageous) to the organism as a whole. For example … …, which can be … (copy-and-paste elements using RNA) and … …. (cut-and-paste DNA containing the transposase enzyme around the genome).
selfish, detrimental, transposable elements (TEs), retrotransposons, DNA transposons
A large amount of … … is explained by TE proliferation.
- There may be a cost to having more DNA (due to the…)
- Main cost is likely due to TEs … the function of other genes - shown in drosophila
genome expansion, time it takes to replicate, interrupting
Transposable elements aren’t always bad - e.g…
peppered moth (Biston betularia) - genetic basis of melanistic mutation was a transposable element insertion
- so generally have a cost but can have a benefit on the evolvability in some species
What is the latin name for a guppy?
Poecilia reticulata
Other types of selfish genes can break the rules of … … and are consistently overrepresented in offspring (called … …). They bias segregation and drive meiosis away from …, producing >50% gametes with a particular … (… …). For example … genes in drosophila means that only …-… are produced in males containing the gene, leading to …-… broods and more females carrying the gene.
So it will result in a heavily female-biased population, a high proportion of the gene in the population, and theoretically, eventual …
mendelian inheritance (segregation distortion), equality, allele, meiotic drive, SR, X-bearing, female, extinction
These meiotic driver genes can be used as a tool for … …, e.g. in malarial mosquitos - inserted gene that proliferates in population but decreases …, theoretically eventually driving the population to extinction
population control, fitness
A multicellular organism is a hierarchy of replicating units. Cells and organelles show variation, reproduction and heredity, so are all subject to … …. Organelles are subject to selection independently from cells
natural selection
e.g. if there are two types of mitochondria in a cell (A and a) and A has a faster … rate, it will be found in … … in the next generations of cells. If there is no difference in fitness than there is no conflict. However, if a benefits the cell more than A, this is … - selection favours a at the level of the …, but A at the level of the …
an e.g. of this is in … … - small colonies with many diverse
but defective mitochondria occasionally develop on a culture medium. These have … mutations which cause rapid replication of mt genomes, which then outcompetes other, more beneficial mitochondria within the cell - mutation is favoured at the … level
replication, higher proportions, conflict, cell, mitochondria, baker’s yeast, deletion, mitochondrial
selection can theoretically act at levels higher than the individual organism (populations or species)
nice one
There is an idea that populations that cooperate and show … can outcompete those full of selfish individuals who will drain resources faster and have negative impacts on each other. The problem with this idea is that individual organisms (and their genes) … … more quickly than the populations that they are in, so the potential for replacement of less fit by more fit individuals is much … than that for populations. (lower levels of selection that are quicker should … over higher levels that take longer)
altruism, turn over, greater, prevail
Usually when selection at first looks like it is acting at the level of the group…
…is actually acting at the level of the individual still
… selection is the theory put forward by Hamilton to explain the problem of … (individual sacrificing own reproductive output for increased output of another individual). It incorporates the idea of … …: direct fitness (personal fitness gains) + indirect fitness (additional fitness gained from relatives made possible by individual’s actions). The amount of indirect fitness depends on how … individuals are to each other
Kin, altruism, inclusive fitness, related
What is hamilton’s rule?
rB - C > 0
B = benefit to recipient C = cost to actor r = relatedness (coefficient - how many identical genes by descent you share)
If C increases, individual’s … fitness decreases, BUT increases in both r and B can increase an individual’s … fitness. For altruism to occur: …>…
direct, indirect, rB > C
Full siblings have a probability of sharing the same gene of …
1st cousins have a probability of sharing the same gene of ..
Eusociality is characterised by:
- Overlap in generations between parents and offspring
- Cooperative brood care
- Specialised castes of non-reproductive individuals
e.g. termites, Hymenoptera, snapping shrimp, naked mole rats
The Hymenoptera are …, meaning males are … (develop from unfertilised egg) and females are …. This changes r, as it means sisters on average share … of their genes through their mother, but … of their genes through their father. This means that sisters share … of their genes, and means they are more related to each other than their own …, in theory meaning there is a greater … benefit of helping their mother to produce siblings than having their own offspring. (only) females increase … fitness by being … workers and helping to produce reproductive sisters
haplodiploid, haploid, diploid, half, all, 3/4, offspring, fitness, inclusive, sterile
The problem with this is that it assumes only one male fertilises a reproductive female (queen) - but this is not true for many eusocial systems, which immediately drastically decreases … to females they are helping to raise. Also colonies can be founded by more than one …, meaning they are helping to raise offspring not related to through mother or father.
Also many eusocial non-Hymenoptera are … (e.g. …)
and many Hymenoptera are not …, despite their haplodiploidy
relatedness, queen, diploid, termites, eucocial
Haplodiploidy may … the evolution of eusociality but a more important factor may be the…
facilitate, need for help in rearing young
It is thought that eusociality has evolved … times, associated with the evolution of …-… and the need to supply larvae with …
3, nest-building, food
Eusociality only occurs in species with … … and extensive … …. Thus females are unlikely to be successful if they … … … …. They are more likely to gain fitness benefits by staying and helping their …
complex nests, larval care, breed on their own, parents
However, there are more origins of eusociality in the Hymenoptera than in any other group, which is…
consistent with the theory of haplodiploidy facilitating the evolution of eusociality