na, v, k_h/to, in, by, with Flashcards
I’m going to Ljubljana.
Grem v Ljubljano.
I’m going to the bank.
Grem na banko.
I’m going to an ATM.
Grem na bankomat.
I’m going to the dentist.
Grem k zobozdravniku.
I’m going to a supermarket.
Grem v trgovino.
I’m going to an exhibition.
Grem na razstavo.
I’m going to a (sport) match.
Grem na tekmo.
I’m going to Piran.
Grem v Piran.
I’m going to my boyfriend.
Grem k fantu.
I’m going to Bled.
Grem na Bled.
I’m going to the seaside.
Grem na morje.
I’m going to see a lawyer.
Grem k odvetniku.
I’m going to the mountains/I’m going hiking.
Grem v hribe.
I’m going to have an ice cream.
Grem na sladoled.
I’m going to a course.
Grem na tečaj.
I’m going to the theatre.
Grem v gledališče.
I’m going to the post office.
Grem na pošto.