N5 Japanese pt 6 Flashcards
食べる * たべる
to eat
probably; perhaps; generous, great
大変* * たいへん
very; greatly; immense; serious, terrible
大切 * たいせつ
important; valuable, worthy of care
大使館 ** たいしかん
mostly; ordinarily; probably; almost all
高い * たかい
high; tall; expensive
many; a lot, much
卵* * たまご
(hen) egg(s); spawn, roe
誕生日* * たんじょうび
頼む* * たのむ
to ask; to beg; to order, to reserve
楽しい* * たのしい
enjoyable; fun
縦* * たて
(the) vertical; height; length; longitudinal
建物* * たてもの
立つ * たつ
to stand; to rise, to stand up
手 * て
hand; arm; forepaw, foreleg; handle
手紙* * てがみ
天気 * てんき
weather; the elements; fine weather
戸* * と
Japanese style door
飛ぶ* * とぶ
to jump; to leap, to spring; to fly, to soar
遠い* * とおい
far; distant
十日 * とおか
ten days; (the) tenth (of the month)
時計* * とけい
watch; clock, timepiece
時々 * ときどき
sometimes; at times
所 * ところ
place; spot, scene, site
止まる * とまる
to stop; to halt; to come to a halt
友達* * ともだち
friend; companion
隣* * となり
next to (esp. living next door to); neighbor
鳥* * とり
bird; bird meat (esp. chicken meat)
撮る* * とる
to take (a photo); to make (a film)
取る* * とる
to take; to pick up; to steal; to have (a meal)
年 * とし
year; age
図書館* * としょかん
very; exceedingly; (w/neg. form) (not) at all
次* * つぎ
next; following, subsequent
疲れる* * つかれる
to get tired; to tire; (for sthg) to be worn
使う* * つかう
to use (a person, animal, etc.); to employ; to
make use of
点ける* * つける
to turn on; to switch on, to light up
着く* * つく
to arrive at; to reach; to sit on, to sit at
机* * つくえ
作る* * つくる
to make; to produce; to brew (alcohol); to
boring; dull, uninteresting; insignificant
冷たい* * つめたい
cold (to the touch); chilly, icy, freezing
勤める* * つとめる
to work for sb; to serve (in)
強い* * つよい
powerful; strong; resistant, durable
上 * うえ
above; over; top; surface, on,,,before; previous
生まれる * うまれる
to be born
海* * うみ
sea; beach, ocean
売る* * うる
to sell
煩い* * うるさい
noisy; fussy; annoying, tiresome; bossy
後ろ * うしろ
behind; back, rear
薄い* * うすい
thin; light; watery; weak (taste, etc…)
歌* * うた
song; (classical) Japanese poetry
歌う* * うたう
to sing
美しい* * うつくしい
上着* * うわぎ
jacket; coat, tunic, outer garment
若い* * わかい
分かる* * わかる
to be understood; to be comprehended
悪い* * わるい
bad; inferior; evil; unprofitable
忘れる* * わすれる
to forget; to leave carelessly, to forget
(an article)
渡す* * わたす
to hand over; to ferry across (a river, etc…); to
go across
私* * わたし, わたくし
I, myself
山 * やま
mountain; hill
八百屋* * やおや
やる * やる
to do
野菜* * やさい
易しい* * やさしい
easy; plain, simple
安い* * やすい
cheap; inexpensive
休み * やすみ
rest; recess; vacation; to rest; to take a day off
八つ * やっつ
呼ぶ* * よぶ
to call out; to summon (a doctor, etc..); to invite
洋服* * ようふく
Western-style clothes
八日 * ようか
eight days; (the) eighth day (of the month)
四日 * よっか
four days; (the) fourth day (of the month)
横* * よこ
horizontal (as opposed to vertical); width; side (of a box,
etc…); beside
well; skillfully; often, frequently
読む * よむ
to read
than (used for comparison)
夜* * よる
evening; night
四つ * よっつ
弱い* * よわい
weak; delicate, unskilled, weak (wine)
昨夜* * ゆうべ
last night
郵便局* * ゆうびんきょく
post office
夕方* * ゆうがた
evening; dusk
夕飯* * ゆうはん
dinner; evening meal
雪* * ゆき
slowly; at ease, restful
有名* * ゆうめい
famous; well-known, fame
雑誌* * ざっし
magazine; journal, periodical
全部* * ぜんぶ
all; entire, whole, altogether
trousers; pants