N216 OB Ch 21 Nursing Care of the Family During the Postpartum Period Flashcards
couplet care; mother-baby care.
nursing care management approach in which one nurse cares for both the mother and her infant.
early postpartum discharge; shortened hospital stay
term used for decreasing the length of hospital stays of mothers and their babies after low risk births.
classification of medications that stimulation contraction of the uterine smooth muscle.
uterine atony
failure of the uterine muscle to contract firmly. it is the most frequent cause for excessive bleeding following childbirth.
sitz bath
perineal treatment that involves sitting in warm water for approximately 20 minutes to soothe and cleanse the site and to increase blood flow, thereby enhancing healing.
afterpains (postbirth pains)
menstrual-like cramps experienced by many women as the uterus contracts after childbirth.
splanchnic engorgement
dilation of blood vessels supplying the intestines as a result of the rapid decrease in intraabdominal pressure after birth. it causes blood to pool in the viscera and thereby contributing to orthostatic hypotension.
orthostatic hypotension
a drop in blood pressure when the woman who has recently given birth sits or stands, first ambulates, or takes a warm shower.
homans sign
complaint of pain in calf muscles when the foot is sharply dorsiflexed; it could signal the presence of DVT.
kegel exercises
exercises that can assist women to regain muscle tone that is often lost when pelvic tissues are stretched and torn during pregnancy and birth.
swelling of breast tissue causes by increased blood and lymph supply to the breasts as the body begins the process of lactation; it occurs about 72 to 96 hours after birth.
vaccine that can be given to postpartum women whose antibody titer is less than 1:8 or whose EIA level is less than 0.8. It is used to prevent nonimmune women from contracting this TORCH infection during a subsequent pregnancy
blood product that is administered to Rh-negative, antibody (Coombs’) negative women who give birth to Rh-positive newborns. It is administered at 28 weeks of gestation and again within 72 hours after birht.
warm line
telephone-based postpartum consultation service that can provide information and support; it is not a crisis intervention line to be used for emergencies.