N201 CheckList Flashcards
Step 1: When you walk into the patient’s room
“Hello, how are you?”
“I will just check your armband and proceed to wash my hands”
“I will provide you with some privacy before we begin as well as gather my equipment”
Step 2: Reason for seeking care.
"So what brings you here today?" "I am coming in with a sore throat" -Ears hurt -Back of neck -Tongue hurts
Step 3: Ask detailed questions about RSC
P: Provocation (What were you doing at the time the pain happened?)
Q: Quality (How intense or severe is it)
R: Radiation (Does it spread anywhere?)
S: Severity Scale (On scale…; Is it the pain getting better, worse, or stayed the same?)
T: Timing (When did it first occur? How long did it last?)
U: Understand Patient’s Perception (What do you think is the meaning of the problem?)
Step 4: History questions related to head, neck, and integument
General health
-Is your overall health okay? Do you exercise?
-Have you noticed any skin discoloration? Do you have a history of skin disease (eczema)
-Have you seen any hair thinness? Or bald spots?
-You experienced any dizziness? Headaches?
-Do you wear glasses? Redness around your eyes?
Nose and Sinuses
-Have you experienced any sinus pain? Any nosebleeds?
Mouth and throat
-Swelling in your throat? Changes in taste?
-Is your neck stiff? Limitation of motion?
Step 5: Inspect head
“I will go ahead and inspect your head. I will be feeling for for any bumps, change in shape, or tenderness”
Step 6: Inspect scalp
“I will next chair your hair for any lesions, hair distribution, change in hair texture.”
Step 7: Inspect face
“I will check your face for symmetry, change in color”
Step 8: TMJ
“While I am checking your face. I will place my hands near your jaw and ask you to open and close your mouth.”
Step 9: Inspect neck
“I will look at your neck for proper movement and color”
Step 10: Thyroid and trachea
“I will feel on your trachea. I will come on the back of your neck and feel your trachea. May I have you swallow?”
Step 11: Carotid
“I will check the pulses in your neck, one at a time”
Step 12: Lymph nodes (pre auricular, post auricular, occipital, tonsillar, submandibular, submittal, anterior cervical, posterior cervical, supraclavicular, and infraclavicular
“Next I will feel for your lymph nodes”
Step 13: Snellen eye chart
Direct her to eye chart
Step 14: Confrontation Test
move fingers from periphery
Step 15: Diagnostic Positions Test
Step 16: Inspect eyes
“Now I am going to check your eyes, lids, and brows”
Step 17: Lid lag
Pull the eye down
Step 18: Color and appearance of eye
Pull down lower lid and have person look up
Step 19: Check clarity of cornea
“I will check your eyes for clarity”
Step 20: Hirschberg test : shine light far so light can shine in both pupils
“I will be shining a light in your eyes to check for corneal clarity” “Just look straight ahead”
Step 21: Pupil size
Step 22: Observe pupillary light reflex
Light from direct: at angle of same sided pupil
Consensual :
Step 23: Observe for convergence/accommodation
Bring object close to nose
SAY PERRLA: “Pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light and accommodation”
Step 24: Observe alignment of ears and eyes, check external ears, palpate ears
“I will check your ears and eyes. I will also be inspecting and checking the outer part of your ear.”
Step 25: Straighten ear canal and inspect ear for redness, ear drum (normal is gray), lesions
Step 26: Inspect external ears for skin condition and presence
Step 27: Palpate external ear, move auricle, push on triages, and palpate mastoid; assess for any tenderness or masses
Step 28: Check gross auditory acuity test (test hearing) with whispered voice test
“I am going to use this light to check your ears. Looks like your eardrum is gray and normal”
“I will be looking at your external ear for presence and color”
“I will then feel on your external ear, (palpate)
“Next, I will whisper a two-syllable word and I want you to say it right back to me.” (CATDOG)
Step 29: inspect external nose for symmetry and lesions’ check patency of each name
“I will be checking your nose. Hold one side of your nostril and breath normally”
Step 30: inspect lips and membranes for hydration and color
“I will next check your lip for color and hydration”
Step 31: Using head tilt technique, inspect nares and septum
“Can you tilt your head back all the way so I may look at the inside of your nose?”
Step 32: Using penlight OR otoscope and gauze and tongue depressor:
- Inspect tongue, mucous membranes, gums, teeth, floor of mouth, hard and soft palate.
- Assess soft palate/uvula for rise with phonation
- inspect oropharynx
- note tonsillar grade
- discuss gag reflex assessment and expected findings
“I will use my penlight to examine your mouth, checking for any swelling, discoloration, or infection. Stick your tongue out wide for me. I am checking for your tonsils. Lift your tongue up for me, then down.”
Step 33: Finished with exam; wash hands; describe findings as appropriate
“We are all finished. I will wash my hands and then we will discuss the findings”