N Renaissance Painting Exam 2 Flashcards

Before Christ Herod
ca. 1400
- artist had to cut all of the white areas
- similar works are all very simple in detail and form due to the amount of cutting that had to be done
- no indication of setting

Master of the Playing Cards
King of the Wild Men
ca. 1440s
- also popular, secular items that were made from prints
- uses more lines to define the image
- quite a variety of strokes

Master E.S.
Einsiedeln Madonna
- very elaborate image
- probably made to commemorate the 500th anniversary of a chapel dedicated to the virgin mary

Master E.S.
Samson and Delilah
ca. 1460
- prints not generally commissioned by a patron
- printmakers had more artistic freedom

Martin Schongauer
- quite a lot of detail in Mary’s drapery
- inspired by paintings of the subject, which Martin used for reference

Martin Schongauer
Flight into Egypt
ca. 1470-75
- so detailed…showing bark in the trees, shadows giving depth from background to foreground
- achieved through an inventive approach to composition and his versatility as an artist

Martin Schongauer
Temptation of St. Anthony
ca. 1470-75
- his most famous engraving
- he zeroes in on the figure, surrounding him with a variety of demons
- has incredible control of stroke
- varying weight, length and spacing of his lines in order to get his iconography across

Martin Schongauer
Death of the Virgin
ca. 1470-75
- monogram is prominent at the bottom
- so complex, very elaborate candle stick in the foreground
- carefully included a variety of emotions and sense of perspective/space

Martin Schongauer
The Road to Calvary
ca. 1475
- very ambitious in terms of scale and complexity
- variety of strokes to capture the essance of light
- great example of light lights and dark darks…depth

Israhel van Mekenem the Younger
Self-Portrait with his Wife Ida
ca. 1490
- most prolific of all 15th century german engravers, clocking in at over 600 different engravings…very very active
- first engraver as we know to create a self portrait
- indication of print making moving up the ladder as something with more value

Israhel van Meckenem
Mismatched Lovers
- shows a large age difference between the lovers, wouldn’t normally be acceptable in paintings, but is more common in engravings

Master of the Amsterdam Cabinet
Aristotle and Phyllis
ca. 1480
- example of a secular themed work

Tilman Riemenschneider
Passion Altarpiece
[details of mourning women, St. John, Caiaphas, and Soldiers]
painted limewood
- became an independent master
- important stylistic features: lots of emotion with faces and posing
- very detailed drapery on the clothing - you can tell there’s a body beneath the clothing
- complex arrangement of folds

Tilman Riemenschneider
Munnerstadt Altarpiece
[with details of the 4 Evangelists]
Munnerstadt, Church of Mary Magdalen
- all documents still survive
- a commission for the church of Mary Magdalen
- small but prosperous town
- built in a gothic church
- the iconography was supposed to center on Mary Magdalen, the patron saint of the church
- she is centered, flanked by two local saints
- four evangelists down below
- reliefs from her life are at the side
- she is ascending to heaven in this depiction, being carried up by all the little angels

Tilman Riemenschneider
Munnerstadt Altarpiece
[detail: Mary Magdalen]
- the iconography was supposed to center on Mary Magdalen, the patron saint of the church
- she is centered, flanked by two local saints
- four evangelists down below
- reliefs from her life are at the side
- she is ascending to heaven in this depiction, being carried up by all the little angels

Tilman Riemenschneider
Madonna and Child on a crescent moon
painted limewood
ca. 1505-10

Tilman Riemenschneider
Holy Blood Altarpiece
- in the chapel of the Holy Blood, named for the most famous relic that the church owns, a drop of Christ’s blood
- the iconography is driven by the identity of the relic
- the central subject is the last supper, when Christ establishes the sacrament of the Eucharist

Tilman Riemenschneider
Holy Blood Altarpiece [detail]
- in the chapel of the Holy Blood, named for the most famous relic that the church owns, a drop of Christ’s blood
- the iconography is driven by the identity of the relic
- the central subject is the last supper, when Christ establishes the sacrament of the Eucharist

Albrecht Dürer
Self-Portrait Drawing at 13
- the earliest he created
- a silverpoint drawing
- first artist to sign and date many of his drawings
- went back through much later and inscribed his drawings

Albrecht Dürer
Self-Portrait with Eryngium
- painted his portrait in the context of his marriage arrangement/engagement
- fancy clothing, looking his “best”
- holding a flower that was considered to be symbolic of “luck in love”

Albrecht Dürer
Dürer’s Mother
black chalk drawing
- black chalk drawing…single medium
- forehead wrinkles are really fine lines, with contrasting deep shadows
- very detailed, but unidealized portrait of an older woman

Albrecht Dürer
- here he is morphed into a total dandy
- beautiful curly hair, dressed in the italian style
- uses an italian format for the composition

Albrecht Dürer
- his last autonomous self portrait
- representing the artist as Christ
- rigidly frontal view, giving it an iconic quality to it
- hand is pointing back to himself, reminiscent of a gesture similar to one that means “Christ as judgment-er of the world”
- brilliantly illuminated figure against a really dark background - nothing is competing for our attention as the viewer

Albrecht Dürer
St. Jerome

Albrecht Dürer
Vision of the 7 Candlesticks, from the Apocalypse,
- really big woodcut illustrating the book of Revelation
- lots of complexity and ambition never seen before
- marked with his monogram
- 7 is a popular number in this book because
- such great visual detail that had never been done before in a print
- all the subtle variations in line work

Albrecht Dürer
The Beast with Two Horns, from the Apocalypse
- figured out how to crown a creature with horns
- new and revolutionary in this one: much more dimensionalized compared to flatter past depictions
- line is really important in this print, lots of variety
- using line to create lots of different texture…hatching, movement, etc.
- creates the feeling of a different texture or substance through his use of line throughout the print

Albrecht Dürer
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, from the Apocalypse
- personifications of destructive forces that were very much a part of every day life
- there were actual outbreaks of plague, war, etc.

Albrecht Dürer
Madonna with a Dragonfly
ca. 1495

Albrecht Dürer
The Prodigal Son Amid the Swine
ca. 1496
included a preparatory drawing

Albrecht Dürer
The Four Witches
- prime time for witch hunts in Germany
- mastering the female body form is hard, but Durer works on getting there

Albrecht Dürer
Hercules at the Crossroads/The Combat of Virtue
and Pleasure before Hercules
ca. 1498-99

Albrecht Dürer
Large Piece of Turf
watercolor drawing
- also focused on small natural elements to watercolor
- Durer is the first European artist to take an interest in watercolor and develops it as an art form in its own right

Albrecht Dürer
The Rabbit
watercolor drawing

Albrecht Dürer
Left Wing of a Bird
watercolor drawing

Albrecht Dürer
Blue Roller
watercolor and gouache drawing

Albrecht Dürer
St. Eustace
ca. 1501
- detailed naturalism
- breathtakingly detailed rendering of the landscape
- dozens of types of trees, grasses and shrubs
- little stone bridge over the river with reflections in the water!
- the horse and dogs were each studied in breathtaking detail
- you almost get to the iconography after observing the detail!
- a Christian subject…the story of a 3rd Century Roman soldier who was out hunting
- just before he goes to shoot the stag, a crucified Christ is in the stag’s antlers…drops to his knees and converts to Christianity after seeing this

Albrecht Dürer
The Fall of Humanity
- this is where we see Durer in his development stages
- detailed naturalism and concentrated line work
- inclusion of lots of animals in the background
- parrot above adam is a symbol of wisdom
- shows his study of human anatomy and proportions
- his signature and date is hanging on a tag off the branch
- it’s the last time he signs his name in a print rather than using his monogram

Albrecht Dürer
Feast of the Rose Garlands
- one of his most ambitious paintings from Italy
- commissioned for a church in Venice
- in very poor condition …the central figures have pretty much been completely repainted
- the virgin and child are flanked by the pope at the left and by the emperor at the right (each being crowned with rose garlands)
- St. Dominic crowns members of the clergy
- a celebration of the virgin mary (rose is a flower associated with her)
- bringing together the secular and religious realms

Albrecht Dürer
Adoration of the Magi
- right before his departure from Italy
- painted for Frederick the Wise
- pretty traditional subject
- ruined buildings in the background signifying the old order (no new innovative representation of theological ideas)

Albrecht Dürer
Adoration of the Trinity
- a few years after his departure from Italy
- colors are much more vivid than the above work
- much more spacial recession
- also includes a self portrait in the lower right corner

Albrecht Dürer
Life of the Virgin: Flight into Egypt
ca. 1504
20 woodcuts representing her life

Albrecht Dürer
Life of the Virgin: Nativity
ca. 1504
20 woodcuts representing her life

Albrecht Dürer
Engraved Passion: Lamentation
- a whole series on the passion of Christ
- shows lots of emotion
- made to be affordable to more ordinary people

Albrecht Dürer
Engraved Passion: Man of Sorrows by the Column
- a whole series on the passion of Christ
- shows lots of emotion
- made to be affordable to more ordinary people

Albrecht Dürer
St. Jerome by the Pollard Willow
- Durer briefly did drypoint

Albrecht Dürer
Knight, Death, and the Devil
- he immerses himself in engraving after dabbling with drypoint
- he droops everything else…nothing but engraving for about 2 years
- during those 2 years, he produces his “three master prints”
- monogram is again incorporated into perspective
- the animals are ignoring the threats

Albrecht Dürer
St. Jerome in His Study
- lots of depth in this engraving
- skull is a reminder of human mortality
- kind of a cheery room despite the skull
- dog and lion sleeping in the sun that is illuminating his study

Albrecht Dürer
Melencolia I
- very original subjects
- the title is inscribed on the upper left with a shrieking bat
- a woman is seated (she’s winged, making her a superior) but she doesn’t look very happy
- her hands rest in her hands and her face rests in shadow
- she’s inactive, staring into space
- surrounded by disorder…lots of things scattered around her
- she’s not being productive at whatever job she’s supposed to be doing
- illustration of the melancholic temperament…she’s paralyzed by her melancholy
- perhaps a “creative block” of sorts
- sums up anxieties of the artist…he warned his pupil of the danger of too intensive thinking about art

Daniel Hopfer (ca. 1470-1536)
The Large Choir Stalls with Christ blessing the Virgin
etching (iron)
- one of the first artists to experiment with etching
- from oxford, a printmaking hot spot in germany
- originally seen in armor decoration
- the lines that cut into the metal are the lines that print
- monogram included 3 times

Albrecht Dürer
Abduction of Proserpina on a Unicorn

Albrecht Dürer
St. Anthony Before a City

Albrecht Dürer
Portrait of Erasmus
- one of his most important engraved portraits

Albrecht Dürer
St. Jerome

Albrecht Dürer
Preparatory Drawing

Albrecht Dürer
The Four Apostles
- his last major painting
- unusualy hierarchy for the formation of the apostles

Matthias Grunewald
Isenhaim Altarpiece [Exterior]
- patron was Guido Guerci
- crucifixion as central scene
- entombment/lamentation below
- flanking central panel is St. Anthony and St. Sebastian (both are saints associated with hospitals)
- John the Baptist isn’t typically at the crucifixion scene…he’s here now because
- Mary unusually dressed in white…looks like she’s wrapped in what a dead person gets wrapped in, maybe her purity
- Christ is oversized, filling the height of the altarpiece… he looks horrifying, his body is covered in wounds and his lips are black in death
- Mary Magdalen

Matthias Grunewald
Isenhaim Altarpiece [Drawing of a Woman]
- patron was Guido Guerci

Matthias Grunewald
Isenhaim Altarpiece [Resurrection]
- patron was Guido Guerci
- Christ is absolutely no longer human, he’s dissolved in light and color, rises before us in this divine pose

Matthias Grunewald
Isenhaim Altarpiece [Annunciation]
- patron was Guido Guerci
- curtain is revealing the annunciation to us as if it were a theatrical production of some kind

Matthias Grunewald
Isenhaim Altarpiece [Angel Concert + Nativity]
- patron was Guido Guerci
- kind of a gothic church, organic quality to the construction, really inventive with color, supernatural light around Mary
- mary sits on the wall of a garden…traditional symbols like flowers, Christ-child inclusion of rosary.

Matthias Grunewald
Isenhaim Altarpiece [First Opening]
- Annunciation
- Ressurection
- Angel Concert
- Madonna + Child

Matthias Grunewald
Isenhaim Altarpiece [Second Opening]
- patron was Guido Guerci
- Central panels with sculpture showing St. Anthony between St. Augustine and Jerome SCULPTURES BY NICOLAS HAGENAU
- Meeting of Saints Paul and Anthony… gesturing towards each other, accepting life of the natural world

Matthias Grunewald
Isenhaim Altarpiece [Meeting of St. Paul + Anthony]
- patron was Guido Guerci
- gesturing towards each other, accepting life of the natural world