N Flashcards
Why was napoleon a ideal position for a leader
Had revolutionary ideas, burning drive to be important, intelligent, industrious
Good things napoleon did
Created a new law (civil code)
Created new schools systems, universities m and hospitals, built new harbours and canals, filled meuseums with art and treasures, kept the prices of food fairly low
Minor nobilitues
Not the hugest ranking nobles
Napoleon went with his dad to be part of the French government meeting as a delegate of cosisca, he enrolled in military school
Didn’t want to be ruled by by the governed France, napoleon lied to them beacsue he relized how important ty were, he stole from them to pay his soldiers
Asked the French govermebt
To allow him to capture Egypt, he crushed the once mighty Egyptian army, it is where the battle of the mile happend when napoleon lost a big war and abandoned his own army and went back to France
First consul
When napoleon got power he adopted the name first consul, he wanted to bring all the legal reforms of the French Revolution and to harmonize them with other existing French laws,he orders his officials to completely reorganize the laws into the civil cose( a new book of laws for the nation) yet he didn’t write the laws
Napoleopnic code
(Civil code) promised the rights of equality under the law, the right to hold property freedom of religion and the freedom to pursue work of ones choice lots of places still used the civil law though
Civil law
The law that relates to a persons rjvngs amd liberties as opposed to criminal law
Bad things napoleon did
Didn't create a strong French economy Stole all of the soldiers profit Put high tariffs on imported goods Left his army in bad endings of wars Tyrant
How did he copy romans and the Roman Empire
First consul
Views about women
Secret police
A force that could arrest anyone for any reason
Usually if they talked bad about napoleon
Who was Frances biggest enemy
Continental system
Britain beefed trade with other counties in order to prosper, so he tried to stop all trade with Britain and with its colonies like Canada, or any European dick that allowed British ships to board, it made legal trade expensive and scars, so many people smuggled imported goods,
Who didn’t have power over the seas
Napoleon, so he couldn’t stop trade over the sewer and Britain smuggled good s into Europe, European ships had to stay In port which was bad for thier busisines, it started a war with Canada and the USA
Where did napoleons power come from
Military success
Treaty of Tilsit
Much of Europe was discussed jnto new countries and. Provinces, memebets of napoleons family were made monarchs of Italy, Naples, Spain, Sweden, Germany and holland, parts of Germany where made into the new confed ration of Rhine
Russian campaign
Raususia was one of frances allies and agreed to stop trade with britan, but tear didn’t trust napoleon and changed his mind, refusing to follow fen polocies of the French, causing napoleon to declare war, so napoleon assembled a 600,00 soldiers it was made up for fench German poles and Italians, he perswaided them and told them good things for them to follow napoleon like changes in equality and money
How did napoleon motivate his troops
Ideas of freedom and equality, money badges nice untifirms
Russian campaign part 2
Napoleon one but tsar didn’t surrender he instead burnt down all of there shelter food and crops, napoleons army lived off the land the Russians stardegy proved to en effective and deadly
Where is Saint Helena
Off the coast of Africa, after he lost the battle of Waterloo he was exiled there for good
In Italy a little Island where napoleon was exiled to and a year later to st. Helena
Followers of Napoleon m were called
What did Louis want
DRK( didvine rights of kings
Elba 2
Came back and fought in 100 day war
Why did people go to napoleons side in 100 day war
Cause they didn’t like how Louis ruled and napoleon would help conquer him and shoot him
Saint Helena
When napoleon was exiled after the battle of Waterloo he was exiled to hemlam until his death in 1821
Important participant of the congress of Vienna
Maurice de Talleyrand of France prince klemens Von Metternich of Austria viscount castelreagh of brita and tsar Alexander of Russia was
Napoleons childhood
Lived in Corsica
Had 4 brothers and 3 other siblings ( girls)and was the youngest boy
Got to go to military school beacsue his family was part of the noble family