n Flashcards
why did rogers willams get banished
the puritans wanted to banish him befor he banished him
what was willams colony
rode island
what was Williams turn about
he decided instead would pray with all commoners the sinners the saved and anybody in between not only that he that he announced the government’s business shall be keep separate from the churches.
where did willams go alfter bing banished
He fled in the middle of showing snowy gale to spend the winter with the Wampanoag Indians who agreed to shelter this stranger.
what happend on the may flower
the passengers made a remarkable decision to create a government of there own.
was the may flower compact respected by england
mayflower compact had no authority in british laws. but the kings loyal officials where 3000 miles away so how could they complain?
what was so ground breaking about the campact
the new colony of plymouth plantation began holding annual electrons in which free men chose the govern and some assistant to manage plymouths affairs.
why did king james not like the pilgrams
they might judge for themselves as luther would say then jack and tom and will and dick shall meet complaining to the king and at there pleasures censure me and my co uncual and all our proceedings
how many passengers where pilgrims on the mayflower
in fact fewer than half of the may flower 102 passengers where pilgrims the rest where old english folk brought along to pay expenses.
what happen when the strangers discover that the mayflower was not headed to virgina
To these voyagers the pilgrims where the strangers and when a few of these folk discover the mayflower was not headed for virginia any more they pointed out the pilgrims had no power to control them.
what did the Indians do when they saw people coming
they turned and ran, whistling for their dog to follow.
what happens to Bradford when he was hiking
As they hiked through the woods, they ran across a Indian deer trap
baited with acorns spread around a hidden noose. As Bradford walked through, the trap gave “a sudden jerk up, and he was immediately caught by the leg.”
how many pilgrims died the first winter
what hapend to the Indians that visited england
deses swept thru them
who wher the suposed strangers on the mayflower
the voyagers
who was the real strangers
the pilgrams
what was the elemantry school called in new england
Furthermore, almost every New England town had a public elementary school for boys; and many girls learned to read at what were called “dame schools.”
what did roger willams master
roger williams had mastered an important truth that a state could not make one out of many by forcing everyone to believe the same way better to pray with all comers and hope for the best.
what did roger Williams hope for when going to bostan
It was a minister named Roger Williams who came to understand the trouble with forcing people to be pure. Williams was friendly, generous, and soft-spoken. But he sailed into Boston with a burning desire to become the holiest of the holy.
what problem did the pilgrims face in the beginning
From the start, the Puritans discovered how hard it was to create a holy commonwealth. How pure should their churches be?