Myotomes Flashcards
Weakness of shoulder abduction and elbow flexion is which nerve root?
Weakness of finger flexion (FDP, median/ulnar) is which nerve root?
Weakness of elbow extension, wrist flexion (FCU and FCR i.e. median/ulnar), and finger extension = which nerve root?
Weakness of elbow flexion and wrist extension = which nerve root?
Weakness of finger abduction = which nerve root?
Weakness of thumb abduction and wrist flexion?
Median nerve
Weakness of elbow flexion, elbow extension, wrist extension, finger flexion, and thumb extension?
Radial nerve
Weakness of finger abduction and finger flexion?
Ulnar nerve
Triceps reflex is which nerve root?
C7/C8 (lay them straight) - radial nerve
Biceps reflex and brachioradialis reflex (supinator) are which two nerve roots?
C5 and C6 - radial nerve