Myology Flashcards
Adductor brevis
Category: medial thigh
Origin: Inferior ramus of the pubic bone
Insertion: upper third of the medial lip of the linea aspera on the posterior surface
Function: hip adduction, minor flexion
Innervation: obturator nerve
Adductor longus
Category: medial thigh
Origin: anterior surface of pubis
Insertion: lower two-third of the linea aspera on the posterior surface
Function: hip adduction, minor flexion
Innervation: obturator nerve
Adductor magnus
Category: medial thigh
Origin: anterior and inferior surface of ischial of pubis tuberosity (hamstring component)
Insertion: Lower third of the linea aspera on the posterior surface also adductor tubercle
Function: hip adduction (++), minor flexion and extension
Innervation: obturator nerve, sciatic nerve
Category: medial thigh
Origin: ischiopubic ramus
Insertion: medial border of tibia (pes anserinus)
Function: hip flexion, adduction, internal rotation; knee flexion
Innervation: obturator nerve
Category: anterior thigh muscle
Origin: ASIS
Insertion: pes anserinus tendon (medial border of the tibia)
Function: hip abduction, flexion, internal rotation; knee flexion; tibial internal rotation
Innervation: femoral nerve
Tensor Fasciae latae
Category: anterior thigh
Origin: ASIS
Insertion: illiotibial band, Gerdy’s tubercle
Function: hip flexion, internal rotation, abduction
Innervation: femoral nerve
Rectus femoris
Category: anterior thigh muscle
Origin: AIIS
Insertion: anterior tibial tuberosity (quadriceps tendon)
Function: small hip flexion; knee extension (++)
Innervation: femoral nerve
Vastus intermedius
Category: anterior thigh muscle
Origin: anterolateral surface of femoral shaft
Insertion: anterior tibial tuberosity (quadriceps tendon)
Function: knee extension
Innervation: femoral nerve
Vastus medialis
Category: anterior thigh muscle
Origin: medial lip of linea aspera and medial supracondylar ridge of femur
Insertion: medial retinaculum patellae, medial border of the quadriceps’ tendon and patella, anterior tibial tuberosity
Function: knee extension; medial patella glide
Innervation: femoral nerve
Vastus lateralis
Category: anterior thigh
Origin: lateral lip of the linea aspera, inferior portion of the greater trochanter and intertrochanteric line
Insertion: lateral retinaculum patellae, lateral border of quadriceps tendon and patella, anterior tibial tuberosity
Function: knee extension, lateral petalla glide
Innervation: femoral nerve
Biceps femoris long head
Category: posterior thigh muscle/ hamstrings
Origin: ischial tuberosity and lower part of sacrotuberous ligament
Insertion: head of fibula
Function: hip extension; knee flexion, internal rotation
Innervation: tibial branch of the sciatic nerve
Biceps femoris short head
Category: posterior thigh muscle/ hamstrings
Origin: lateral lip of linea aspera
Insertion: head of fibula
Function: hip extension; knee flexion, external rotation
Innervation: fibular branch of the sciatic nerve
Category: posterior thigh muscle, hamstrings
Origin: ischial tuberosity
Insertion: pes anserinus tendon (medial border of the tibia)
Function: hip extension; knee flexion and internal rotation
Innervation: tibial branch of the sciatic nerve
Category: posterior thigh muscle, hamstrings
Origin: ischial tuberosity
Insertion: medial tibial condyle
Function: hip extension, adduction; knee flexion, internal rotation
Innervation: tibial branch of sciatic nerve
Category: anterior hip muscle
Origin: iliac fossa
Insertion: lesser trochanter
Function: hip flexion, external rotation
Innervation: femoral nerve
Psoas major
Category: anterior hip muscle
Origin: vertebral bodies and intervertebral discs T12 to L5
Insertion: lesser trochanter
Function: hip flexion, external rotation; lumbar extension; pelvic anterior tilt
Innervation: anterior rami of lumbar plexus (L1-L3)
Category: anterior hip muscle
Origin: pectineal line of pubic
Insertion: pectineal line of femur
Function: hip adduction, flexion
Innervation: femoral and obturator nerves
Gluteus Maximus upper fibers
Category: Posterior hip muscle
Origin: posterior surface of illium, sacrum, thoracolumbar fascia, sacrotuberous ligament
Insertion: tractus illiotibial on Gerdy’s tubercle
Function: Hip extension, external rotation, abduction
Innervation: inferior gluteal nerve
Gluteus Maximus Lower fibers
Category: posterior thigh muscle
Origin: posterior surface of illium, sacrum, thoracolumbar fascia, sacrotuberous ligament
Insertion: gluteal tuberosity of femur
Function: hip extension, external rotation, adduction
Innervation: inferior gluteal nerve
Gluteus medius anterior fibers
Category: posterior thigh muscle
Origin: superior 1/3rd of poster surface of illium
Insertion: greater trochanter
Function: hip flexion, internal rotation
Innervation: superior gluteal nerve
Gluteus medius posterior fibers
Category: posterior thigh muscle
Origin: superior 1/3rd of posterior ilium
Insertion: greater trochanter
Function: hip extension, external rotation
Innervation: superior gluteal nerve
Gluteus minimus anterior fibers
Category: posterior thigh muscle
Origin: Between anterior and inferior gluteal line of the ilium
Insertion: greater trochanter
Function: hip abduction, flexion, internal rotation
Innervation: superior gluteal nerve
Category: posterior hip muscle
Origin: sacrum
Insertion: greater trochanter
Function: hip abduction, external rotation
Innervation: branches of the plexus sacralis
Superior gemellus
Category: posterior hip muscle
Origin: spine of the ischium
Insertion: obturator internus tendon
Function: hip abduction, external rotation
Innervation: lumbrosacral plexus (L5-S2)
Inferior gemellus
Category: posterior hip muscle
Origin: ischial tuberosity
Insertion: obturator internus tendon
Function: hip abduction, external rotation
Innervation: lumbosacral plexus L4, S1
Quadratus femoris
Category: posterior hip muscle
Origin: ischial tuberosity
Insertion: intertrochanteric crest
Function: hip adduction, external rotation
Innervation: Lumbosacral plexus L4, S1
Tibialis anterior
Category: anterior leg
Origin: upper third of lateral tibial surface, interosseous membrane
Insertion: medial cuneiform, first metatarsal
Function: ankle dorsiflexion; foot inversion
Innervation: fibular nerve
Extensor digitorum longus
Category: anterior leg
Origin: lateral tibial, fibula capsule, interosseous membrane
Insertion: middle and distal phalanges of toes II to V
Function: ankle dorsiflexion; foot eversion; interphalangeal and metatarsophalangeal joint II-V extension
Innervation: fibular nerve
Extensor hallucis longus
Category: anterior leg
Origin: anterior face of the fibula, interosseous membrane
Insertion: distal phalanx of hallux
Function: ankle dorsiflexion; foot inversion; IP and MTP joint I extension
Innervation: fibular nerve
Fibularis longus
Category: lateral leg
Origin: head and lateral 2/3 of the fibula
Insertion: base of metatarsal I and medial cuneiform
Function: ankle plantar flexion; foot eversion
Innervation: superficial fibular nerve
Fibularis brevis
Category: lateral leg
Origin: distal half to lateral fibula
Insertion: base of metatarsal V
Function: ankle plantar flexion; foot eversion
Innervation: superficial fibular nerve
Lateral Gastrocnemius
Category: superficial posterior leg
Origin: lateral femoral condyle (non-articulating)
Insertion: calcaneal tuberosity via Achilles’ tendon
Function: knee flexion; ankle plantar flexion
Innervation: tibial nerve
Medial gastrocnemius
Category: superficial posterior leg
Origin: medial femoral condyle (non-articulating)
Insertion: calcaneal tuberosity via the Achilles’ tendon
Function: knee flexion; ankle plantarflexion
Innervation: tibial nerve
Category: superficial posterior leg
Origin: posterior surface of the head of fibula, soleal line on tibia
Insertion: Achilles’ tendon
Function: ankle plantar flexion
Innervation: tibial nerve
Category: superficial posterior leg
Origin: lateral supracondylar ridge, knee joint capsule
Insertion: Achilles’ tendon
Function: very weak plantarflexion
Innervation: tibial nerve
Tibialis posterior
Category: deep posterior leg
Origin: interosseous membrane, borders of tibia and fibula
Insertion: mainly navicular, also medial cuneiform
Function: ankle plantar flexion, foot inversion, support of longitudinal and and transverse arches of the foot
Innervation: tibial nerve
Flexor digitorum longus
Category: deep posterior leg
Origin: middle 1/3 of the posterior tibia
Insertion: base of the distal phalanges II-V
Function: ankle plantar flexion; foot inversion; flexion of MTP and both IP; support of longitudinal and transverse arches of the foot
Innervation: tibial nerve
Flexor hallucis longus
Category: deep posterior leg
Origin: distal 2/3 of posterior fibula, interosseous membrane
Insertion: base of the distal phalanx I
Function: ankle plantar flexion; foot inversion; hallux MTP and IP flexion; support longitudinal arch of foot
Innervation: tibial nerve
Category: deep posterior leg
Origin: lateral femoral condyle, posterior horn of lateral meniscus
Insertion: posterior surface of tibia proximal to soeal line l
Function: external rotation of the femur on the tibia in the extending knee in standing position (unlocks knee)
Innervation: tibial nerve
Upper trapezius
Muscle of the shoulder girdle
Origin : occipital bone, superior nuchal line and external protuberance, nucal ligament, spinous process C7
Insertion : lateral third of clavicle
Function : elevation of scapula, ipsilateral inclination of the head, extension of the head (bilateral)
Innervation : accessory nerve (cervical plexus)
Trapezius intermedius
Muscle of the shoulder girdle
Origin: spinous processes T1-T4
Insertion: acromion
Function: retraction of the scapula
Innervation: accessory nerve (cervical plexus)
Lower trapezius
Muscle of the shoulder girdle
Origin: spinous processes T5-T12
Insertion: spine of scapula
Function: scapular retraction, depression and upward rotation
Innervation: accessory nerve (cervical plexus)
Rhomboid major
Muscle of the shoulder girdle
Origin: spinous process T2-T5
Insertion: medial margin of scapula
Function: scapular retraction, elevation, downward rotation
Innervation: Dorsal scapular nerve
Rhomboid minor
Muscle of the shoulder girdle
Origin: spinous processes C7-T1
Insertion: medial margin of scapula
Function: scapular retraction, elevation, downward rotation
Innervation: dorsal scapular nerve
Levatore scapulae
Muscle of the shoulder girdle
Origin: transverse processes C1-C4
Insertion: superior angle of the scapula
Function: proximal insertion fixed = scapula elevation and downward rotation ; distal insertion fixed = cervical spine ipsilateral inclination and extension
Innervation: dorsal scapular nerve (cervical plexus)
Serratus anterior
Muscle of the shoulder girdle
Origin: 1st to 9th rib
Insertion: medial margin of the scapula
Function: protraction and upward rotation of the scapula
Innervation: Long thoracic nerve
Muscle of the shoulder girdle
Origin: 1st rib
Insertion: lateral third of the inferior face of the scapula
Action: depression of the scapula ; coaptation of sternoclavicular joint
Innervation: subclavius nerve
Pectoralis minor
Muscle of the shoulder girdle/ accessory respiratory muscle
Origin: 3rd-5th ribs
Insertion: coracoid process
Function: distal insertion fixed = scapular depression, protraction and downward rotation ; proximal insertion fixed = elevation of ribs => accessory respiratory muscle
Innervation : medial pectoral nerve
Muscle of the glenohumeral joint / muscle of the rotator cuff
Origin: supraspinous fossa of the scapula
Insertion : major tubercle of the humerus
Function : shoulder abduction, synergist of external rotators
Innervation : suprascapular nerve
Muscle of the glenohumeral joint / muscle of the rotator cuff
Origin : infraspinous fossa
Insertion : major tubercle of the humerus
Function : shoulder external rotation
Innervation : suprascapular nerve
Teres minor
Muscle of the glenohumeral joint / rotator cuff muscle
Origin : 2/3 sup of lateral margin of scapula
Insertion : major tubercle of the humerus
Function : shoulder external rotation and adduction
Innervation : axillary nerve
Muscle of the glenohumeral joint / rotator cuff muscle
Origin : sbscapular fossa
Insertion : minor tubercle of the humerus
Function : shoulder internal rotation
Innervation : subscapular nerve
Teres major
Muscle of the glenohumeral joint
Origin : inferior angle of the scapula
Insertion : medial side of the becipital groove
Function : shoulder adduction, extension, internal rotation
Innervation : subscapular nerve
Deltoid - clavicular/ anterior fibers
Muscle of the glenohumeral joint
Origin : lateral third of clavicle
Insertion : deltoid tuberosity (humerus)
Function : shoulder flexion, abduction, internal rotation, horizontal adduction
Innervation : axillary nerve
Deltoid acromial / middle fibers
Muscle of the glenohumeral joint
Origin : acromion
Insertion : deltoid tuberosity
Function : shoulder abduction
Innervation : axillary nerve
Deltoid spinal / posterior fibers
Muscle of the glenohumeral joint
Origin : spine of the scapula
Insertion : deltoid tuberosity
Function : shoulder extension, external rotation, horizontal abduction
Innervation : axillary nerve
Latissimus dorsi
Muscle of the glenohumeral joint
Origin : spinous processes T5-S1 (via thoracolumbar fascia), illiac crest, 9th-12th ribs, inferior angle of the scapula
Insertion : medial side of the bicipital groove
Function : shoulder extension, adduction, internal rotation
Innervation : thoracodorsal nerve
Muscle of the glenohumeral joint
Origin : coracoid process
Insertion : middle third of the medial margin of the humerus
Function : shoulder flexion, adduction
Innervation : musculocutaneous nerve
Pectoralis major
Muscle of the glenohumeral joint
Origin : clavicular fibers = medial half of the clavicle ; sternocostal fibers = sternum, 2nd- 6th costal cartilage
Insertion : lateral margin of the bicipital groove
Function : shoulder adduction, horizontal adduction, internal rotation (entire muscle), flexion (clavicular fibers)
Innervation : medial and lateral pectoral nerve
Biceps brachii
Muscle of the arm
Origin : Long head = supraglenoid tubercle of the scapula; Short head = coracoid process
Insertion : radial tuberosity, bicipital aponeurosis
Function : elbow flexion; forearm supination ; long head = shoulder abduction an flexion
Innervation : musculocutaneous nerve
Muscle of the arm
Origin: anterior surface of the humerus; inter muscular septum
Insertion : ulnar tuberosity, coronoid process
Function : elbow flexion
Innervation : musculocutaneous nerve
Triceps brachii long head
Muscle of the arm
Origin : infraglenoid tubercle of the scapula
Insertion : olecranon
Function : elbow extension, shoulder extension
Innervation : radial nerve
Triceps brachii medial head
Muscle of the arm
Origin : posterior surface of humerus, medial intramuscular septum
Insertion : olecranon
Function : elbow extension
Innervation : radial nerve
Triceps brachii lateral head
Muscle of the arm
Origin : posterior surface of the humerus, lateral inter muscular septum
Insertion : olecranon
Function : elbow extension
Innervation : radial nerve
Muscle of the arm
Origin : lateral epicondyle of the humerus
Insertion : olecranon
Function : elbow extension
Innervation: radial nerve
Pronator teres humeral head
Muscle of the arm
Origin : medial epicondyle of the humerus (common flexor tendon)
Insertion : lateral surface of the radius
Function : elbow weak flexion, forearm pronation
Innervation : median nerve
Pronator teres ulnar head
Muscle of the arm
Origin : coronoid process of ulna
Insertion : lateral surface of the radius
Function : elbow weak flexion, forearm pronation
Innervation : median nerve
Flexor digitorum superficialis humeroulnar head
Muscle of the arm
Origin : medial apicondyle of the humerus, common flexor tendon
Insertion : middle phalange II to V
Function : wrist flexion, MCP and PIP II-V flexion
Innervation : median nerve
Flexor digitorum superficialis radial head
Muscle of the arm
Origin: radial tuberosity
Insertion : middle phalanges II-V
Function: wrist flexion, phalange II-V flexion
Innervation : median nerve
Flexor digitorum profondus
Muscle of the arm
Origin : interosseous membrane, proximal 3/4 of the anterior surface of the ulna
Insertion : palmar surface of the II-V distal phalanges
Function : wrist, MCP, PIP, DIP flexion
Innervation : median and ulnar nerves
Flexor carpi radialis
Muscle of the arm
Origin: medial epicondyle of the humerus (common flexor tendon )
Insertion : base of the metacarpal II
Function : elbow flexion, forearm pronation, wrist flexion and abduction
Innervation : median nerve
Flexor carpi ulnaris humeral head
Muscle of the arm
Origin : medial epicondyle of the humerus (common flexor tendon)
Insertion : hook of the hamate, base of metacarpal V, pisiformis
Function: wrist flexion and adduction, elbow flexion
Innervation : ulnar nerve
Flexor carpi ulnaris ulnar head
Muscle of the arm
Origin: olecranon, proximal 2/3 of the of posterior surface of ulna
Insertion : hook of hamate, base of metacarpal V, pisiformis
Function: wrist flexion and adduction, elbow flexion
Innervation : ulnar nerve
Palmaris longus
Muscle of the arm
Origin : medial epicondyle of humerus
Insertion : palmar aponeurosis
Function : wrist flexion by tightening the aponeurosis
Innervation : median nerve
Muscle of the arm
Origin : lateral surface of the distal humerus, inter muscular septum
Insertion : styloïde process of the radius
Function : elbow flexion, forearm pronation/ supination
Innervation: radial nerve
Extensor carpi radialis longus
Muscle of the arm
Origin : lateral supracondylar crest
Insertion : dorsal surface of metacarpal II
Function : wrist extension and abduction, elbow flexion
Innervation : radial nerve
Extensor carpi radialis brevis
Muscle of the arm
Origin: lateral epicondyle of humerus
Insertion : dorsal surface of metacarpal III
Function : wrist extension and abduction, elbow flexion
Innervation : radial nerve
Extensor digitorum
Muscle of the arm
Origin :
Extensor digitorum
Muscle of the arm
Origin : lateral epicondyle of humerus
Insertion : medial and distal phalanges II-V via dorsal aponeurosis
Function : wrist extension, MCP, PIP, DIP extension and abduction
Innervation : radial nerve
Extensor carpi ulnaris
Muscle of the arm
Origin : common head = lateral epicondyle of the humerus ; ulnar head = posterior surface of ulna
Insertion : base metacarpal V
Function : wrist extension, adduction; elbow extension
Innervation : radial nerve
Muscle of the arm
Origin : supinator crest, lateral epicondyle of the humerus
Insertion : proximal third of radius
Function : radioulnar joint supination
Innervation : radial nerve
Pronator quadratus
Muscle of the arm
Origin : distal 1/4 of anterior surface of the ulna
Insertion : distal 1/4 of anterior surface of radius
Function: redioulnar joint pronation
Innervation: median nerve
Flexor policis longus
Extrinsic muscle of the thumb
Origin: interosseous membrane, anterior surface of the radius
Insertion: palmar surface of distal phalanx I
Function : wrist flexion and abduction MCP and IP I flexion; carpometacarpal I opposition
Innervation: median nerve
Abductor pollicis longus
Extrinsic muscle of the thumb
Origin: dorsal surface of radius and ulna, interosseous membrane
Insertion : base metacarpal I
Function: wrist flexion and abduction; carpometacarpal I abduction
Innervation: radial nerve
Extensor pollicis brevis
Extrinsic muscle of the thumb
Origin: dorsal surface of radius, interosseous membrane
Insertion: base phalanx proximal I
Function: wrist extension, abduction ; carpometacarpal and MCP I extension
Innervation : radial nerve
Extensor pollicis longus
Extrinsic muscle of the thumb
Origin : dorsal surface of ulna, interosseous membrane
Insertion : base phalanx distal I
Function: carpometacarpal I adduction ; MCP and IP I extension ; wrist extension, abduction
Innervation: radial nerve
Extensor digiti minimi
Extrinsic muscle of fingers
Origin: lateral epicondyle of humerus
Insertion: medial and distal phalanges V via dorsal aponeurosis
Function: wrist extension, ulnar deviation ; MCP, PIP, DIP V extension, abduction
Innervation: radial nerve
Extensor indicis
Extrinsic muscles of the fingers
Origin: dorsal surface of ulna, interosseous membrane
Insertion: dorsal aponeurosis II
Function: II extension adduction ; wrist extension, abduction
Innervation: radial nerve
Rectus capitis anterior
Occipital region
Origin: lateral masses C1
Insertion: basilar part of occipital bone
Function: bilateral = flexion of the atlantooccipital articulation ; unilateral = lateroflexion of atlantooccipital articulation
Innervation : ramus ventral C1
Rectus capitis posterior major
Occipital region
Origin: spinous process C2
Insertion: inferior nuchal line
Function: bilateral = extension of the head ; unilateral = extension with ipsilateral rotation of the head
Innervation : suboccipital nerve
Rectus capitis posterior major
Occipital region
Origin: spinous process C2
Insertion: inferior nuchal line
Function: bilateral = extension of the head ; unilateral = extension with ipsilateral rotation of the head
Innervation: suboccipital nerve
Rectus capitis posterior minor
Occipital region
Origin: posterior tubercle C1
Insertion: inferior nuchal line
Function: extension of the head
Innervation : suboccipitalis nerve
Rectus capitis lateralis
Occipital region
Origin : transverse process C1
Insertion: basilar part of occipital bone
Function: bilateral = flexion of atlantooccipital joint ; unilateral = lateroflexion of atlantooccipital joint
Innervation: ramus ventral C1
Obliquus capitis superior
Occipital region
Origin: transverse process of C1
Insertion: inferior nuchal line
Function: bilateral = extension of the head ; unilateral = ipsilateral inclination, controlateral rotation of the head
Innervation: suboccipital nerve
Obliquus capitis inferior
Occipital region
Origin: spinous process C2
Insertion: transverse process C1
Function: ipsilateral rotation of the head, secondary extension
Innervation: suboccipital nerve, major occipital nerves
Muscle for mastication
Origin: temporal fossa
Insertion: tendon into the apex and deep surface of the coronoid process and anterior ramus of the mandible
Function: posterior fibers = retraction of the mandible ; anterior fibers = elevation of the mandible
Innervation : trigeminal nerve (5th cranial nerve)
Mastication muscle
Origin: zygomatic process of the maxilla and anterior 2/3 of zygomatic arch
Insertion: coronoid process of the mandible
Action: protraction of the mandible, elevation of the mandible
Innervation: trigaminal nerve (5th cranial nerve)
Anterior cervical region
Origin: flat sheet of muscle lying in the superficial facia over the front of the neck from the lower border of the mandible
Insertion: crosses the clavicle and joins the pectoralis
Function: depresses the mandible and opens the mouth
Innervation: facial nerve (7th cranial nerve)
Longus Collis pars recta
Anterior cervical region
Origin: anterior sides of the vertebral bodies T1-T3
Insertion: anterior tubercle of vertebral bodies C4-C6
Function: bilateral = flexion of the cervical spine ; unilateral = ipsilateral inclination and flexion of the cervical spine
Innervation: C1-C4
Long collis pars obliqua superior
Anterior cervical region, paravertebral muscle
Origin: anterior tubercle of transverse process C3-C6
Insertion: anterior tubercle of atlas
Function: bilateral = flexion of cervical spine ; unilateral = ipsilateral inclination and flexion of the cervical spine
Innervation: C1-C4
Longus colli pars obliqua inferior
Anterior cervical region, paravertebral muscle
Origin: anterior sides of vertebral bodies T1-T3
Insertion: anterior tubercle of transverse processes C5-C6
Function: bilateral = flexion of the cervical spine ; unilateral = ipsilateral inclination and rotation of the cervical spine
Innervation: C2-C6
Longus capitis
Anterior cervical region, paravertebral muscle
Origin: anterior tubercle of transverse process C3-C6
Insertion: basilar part of occipital bone
Fonction: bilateral = flexion of the head ; unilateral = slight ipsilateral inclination
Innervation : C3-C4
Scalenus anterior
Lateral cervical muscle
Origin: transverse process C3-C6
Insertion: first rib
Function: raises upper ribs ; unilateral = ipsilateral lateroflexion ; bilateral = flexion of cervical spine
Innervation: anterior branches of spinal nerves C3-C8
Scalenus medius
Lateral cervical muscle
Origin: transverse process of C3-C7
Insertion: first rib
Function: raises upper ribs ; unilateral = ipsilateral lateroflexion ; bilateral = flexion of cervical spine
Innervation: anterior branches of spinal nerves C3-C8
Scalenus posterior
Lateral cervical muscle
Origin: transverse process of C5-C7
Insertion: 2nd rib
Function: raises upper ribs ; bilateral = flexion of cervical spine ; unilateral = ipsilateral lateroflexion
Innervation: anterior branches of cervical nerves C3-C8
Sternocleidomastoid sternal head
Lateral cervical muscle
Origin: anterior surface of manubrium
Insertion: mastoid process and the lateral part of the superior nuchal line
Function: ipsilateral side bending, contralateral rotation
Innervation: spinal accessory nerve (CN XI)
Sternocleidomastoid clavicular head
Lateral cervical muscle
Origine: medial third of clavicle
Insertion: mastoid process and the lateral part of the superior nuchal line
Function: ipsilateral side bending, contralateral rotation
Innervation: spinal accessory nerve CN XI
Iliocostalis lumborum
Intrinsic muscle of the back
Origin: sacrum, illiac crest, thoracolumbar fascia
Insertion: 6th-12th ribs, deep layer of fascia
Function: bilateral = spine extension ; unilateral = ipsilateral lateroflexion
Innervation: posterior branches of spinal nerves
Iliocostalis thoracis
Intrinsic muscle of the back
Origin: 7th-12th ribs
Insertion: 1st-6th ribs
Function: bilateral = spine extension ; unilateral = ipsilateral lateroflexion
Innervation : posterior branches of spinal nerves
Iliocostalis cervicis
Intrinsic muscle of the back
Origin: 3rd-7th ribs
Insertion: transverse processes C4-C6
Function: bilateral = spine extension ; unilateral = ipsilateral lateroflexion
Innervation : posterior branches of spinal nerves
Longissimus thoracis
Intrinsic back muscle
Origin: sacrum, iliac crest, spinous processes L1-L5, transverse processes T7-T12
Insertion: 2nd-12th ribs, costal is L1-L5, transverse process T1-T12
Function: bilateral = extension of the spine, unilateral = lateroflexion of the spine
Innervation: posterior branches of the spinal nerves
Longissimus cervicis
Intrinsic back muscle
Origin: transverse processes T1-T6
Insertion: transverse processes C2-C5
Function: bilateral = spine extension; unilateral = ipsilateral spine lateroflexion
Innervation: posterior branches of spinal nerves
Longissimus capitis
Intrinsic back muscle
Origin: transverse processes T1-T3, transverse processes and facets C4-C7
Insertion: process mostoideus
Function: bilateral = extension of the head ; unilateral = ipsilateral flexion, rotation of the head
Innervation: posterior branches of the spinal nerves
Splenius cervicis
Intrinsic back muscle
Origin: spinous processes T3-T6
Insertion: transverse processes C1-C2
Function: bilateral = extension of the cervical spine and head ; unilateral = ipsilateral flexion and rotation of the head
Innervation: posterior branches of spinal nerves
Splenius capitis
Intrinsic back muscle
Origin: spinous processes C3-T3
Insertion: mastoid process, superior nuchal line
Function: bilateral = extension of the cervical spine and head; unilateral = ipsilateral flexion and rotation of the head
Innervation : posterior branches of the spinal nerves
Spinalis cervisic
Intrinsic back muscle
Origin: spinous processes C5-T2
Insertion: spinous processes C5-C2
Function: bilateral = extension of the cervical spine ; unilateral = ipsilateral lateroflexion of the cervical spine
Innervation: posterior branches of the spinal nerves
Spinalis thoracis
Intrinsic back muscle
Origin: spinous processes T10-L3
Insertion: spinous processes T2-T8
Function: bilateral = extension of the thoracic spine ; unilateral = ipsilateral lateroflexion of thoracic spine
Innervation: posterior branches of spinal nerves
Rotatores breves
Intrinsic back muscle
Origin and insertion : from transverse processes T1-T12 to spinous process of the next of the next higher vertebrae
Function: bilateral = extension of the thoracic spine ; unilateral = controlateral rotation of the thoracic spine
Innervation: posterior branches of the spinal nerves
Rotatores longi
Intrinsic back muscle
Origin and insertion: from transverse processes T1-T12 to spinous processes of two levels higher
Function: bilateral = extension of the thoracic spine ; unilateral = controlateral rotation of the thoracic spine
Innervation: posterior branches of the spinal nerves
Intrinsic back muscle
Origin: sacrum, ilium, processus mamillaires L1-L5, transverse and articular processes C4-C7 and T1-T4
Insertion: spinous processes two to four levels higher
Function: bilateral = extension of the spine ; unilateral = ipsilateral lateroflexion and controlateral rotation of the spine
Innervation: posterior branches of the spinal nerves
Semi Spinalis thoracis
Intrinsic back muscle
Origin: transverse processes T6-T12
Insertion : spinous processes C6-T4
Function: bilateral = extension of the thoracic spine ; unilateral = ipsilateral lateroflexion and controlateral rotation of the thoracic spine
Innervation: posterior branches of the spinal nerves
Semi Spinalis cervicis
Intrinsic back muscle
Origin: transverse processes T1-T6
Insertion: spinous processes C2-C5
Function: bilateral = extension of the cervical spine ; unilateral = ipsilateral lateroflexion and controlateral rotation of the cervical spine
Innervation: posterior branches of the spinal nerves
Semi Spinalis capitis
Intrinsic back muscle
Origin: transverse process C3-T6
Insertion: occipital bone between superior and inferior nuchal line
Function: bilateral = extension of the head ; unilateral = ipsilateral lateroflexion and controlateral rotation of the head
Innervation: posterior branches of the spinal nerves
Serratus posterior superior
Spinocostal muscle (quadrangular form)
Origin: nuchal ligament, spinous processes C7-T3
Insertion: superior border of the 2nd-5th ribs
Function: lift ribs —> active in inspiration
Innervation: intercostal nerve
Serratus posterior inferior
Spinocostal muscle
Origin: spinous process T11-L2 and thoracolumbar fascia
Insertion: inferior border of 9th-11th ribs
Function: moves lower ribs, active in expiration, prevent narrowing the thoracic aperture
Innervation: anterior branches of the spinal nerves
Intercostales externi
Muscle of the thoracic cage (ventrocodal direction)
Origin and insertion: costal tubercle to chondro-osseous junction; arise at the lower margin of a rib and insert on the upper margin of the next lower rib
Function: raises ribs in inspiration
Innervation: intercostal nerves 1-11
Intercostales interni
Muscle of the thoracic cage (dorsocaudal direction)
Origin and insertion : costal angle to sternum ; arises at the lower margin of a rib and insert on the upper margin of the next lower rib
Function: moves lower ribs during expiration
Innervation : costa nerves 1-11
Transversus thoracis
Muscle of the thoracic cage
Origin: inner surface of the sternum and xiphoïde process
Insertion: inner surface of the cartilage costalis of the 2nd-6th ribs
Function: lowers ribs in expiration
Innervation: intercostal nerves T2-T7
Muscle of the thoracic cage (ventrocaudal direction)
Origin and insertion: inner surface of the ribs inserts and the lower margin of the next upper rib
Function: moves lower ribs in expiration
Innervation: rami ventral intercostal nerve 1-11
Rectus abdominis