Myocardial Protection and Cardioplegia Part 1 Flashcards
Coronary blood flow (Qb) is determined by
hemodynamic factors such as perfusion pressure (P) and coronary vascular resistance (R).
• Q = P/R
The delivery of oxygen (DO2) to the myocardium
(oxygen supply) is determined by two factors:
- coronary blood flow (CBF) • oxygen content of blood (CaO2).
- O2 Delivery = CBF × CaO2 where CBF = ml/min and CaO2 = ml O2/ml blood
To assess myocardial protection it is imperative to
assess myocardial function and O2 consumption.
Oxygen demand is a concept closely related
to the oxygen consumption.
Demand =
Consumption =
Actual amount of oxygen consumed per minute.
Oxygen consumption will
• regenerate ATP used by membrane
transport (Na+/K+-ATPase pump) and by
• Myocyte contraction and relaxation
(myosin ATPase)
arrested heart MVO2 (mlO2/MIN/100G)
resting heart rate MVO2 (mlO2/MIN/100G)
heavy exercise MVO2 (mlO2/MIN/100G)
brain (mlO2/MIN/100G)
kidney (mlO2/MIN/100G)
skin (mlO2/MIN/100G)
resting muscle (mlO2/MIN/100G)
contracting muscle (mlO2/MIN/100G)
relationship between MVO2, coronary blood flow (CBF), and the extraction of oxygen from the blood (A-V O2 difference).
Fick Principle:
MVO2 = CBF × (CaO2 − CvO2)
If MVO2 Demands are NOT met the heart may be prone to
Name 2 points during cardiopulmonary bypass the heart is prone to fibrillate?
• Cooling • Postcrossclamp(postischemicepisodes)
Why am I worried about fibrillation?
• Distension/Overfilling • Muscular/cellular damage • Starlings Curve
lowest level MVO2 during bypass
When heart is arrested
highest level MVO2 during bypass
Shortly after weaning from bypass – Heart is repaying oxygen debt
(catch up period-the heart needs time)
Ischemia is when
oxygen delivery ≠ oxygen demand
An imbalance of oxygen delivery and demand leads to
ANAEROBIC metabolism and the production of lactic acid.
Decreased intracellular pH
decreases the stability of the cellular and mitochondrial membranes.
Decreased intracellular pH also impairs
the Na -> K ATPase leading to calcium influx and calcium overload.
ATP generated from AEROBIC metabolism is used preferentially for
myocardial contraction
anaerobically produced ATP is used for
cell survival and repair
amount of O2 cardiac muscle extracts
> 70%
ncreased myocardial oxygen demand is met primarily by
an increase in coronary blood flow.
Coronary blood flow is dependent on
the transmural gradient:
True Coronary Perfusion Pressure. CoPP =
DBP – LVEDP. Not just a pressure drop across, it is perfusion throughout
What parameter can we estimate LVEDP from?
A diastolic aortic pressure of 80 and a LVEDP
pressure of 14 would leave a CPP
of 66 (normal 60-80 mmHg) calculation alert
During cardiac arrest, CPP is one of the most important variables in achieving
the return of spontaneous circulation
which is why CPR compressions are important > respirations
min. CPP necessary for survival
15 mmHg
Pre-Ischemic Intervention
Minimize on-going ischemia (i.e. NTG) • Don’t make it worse
Prevent ventricular distension Wall tension increases MVO2 and increases LVEDP Vent !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don’t make it worse
Myocardial Preconditioning
Myocardium that has undergone one or more brief periods of ischemia may be better able to tolerate subsequent prolonged ischemia.
Myocardial preconditioning can be achieved by
• Ischemia • Drugs
• Bradykinin, nitric oxide, phenylephrine (neosynephrine), endotoxin, adenosine
• Sevoflurane, desflurane, isoflurane
Cardiopulmonary bypass itself may override these other methods and be the “best” preconditioning tool
Why give cardioplegia?
• Cardiac quiescence • Bloodless field • Preservation of myocardial function • Induces myocardial hypothermia
Four Main Objectives of Hypothermic Cardioplegia are:
• Immediate/sustained electromechanical arrest
• Rapid/sustained homogenous myocardial cooling
• Maintenance of therapeutic additives in effective concentrations
• Periodic washout of metabolic inhibitors
Hint: This would will make a good m/c question