Myocardial infarction Flashcards
What is the normal pathophysiology of an MI?
Rupture of an arthrosclerotic plaque, with the development of thrombosis and total occlusion of the artery.
What are 3 rare causes of acute coronary syndrome?
- Emboli
- Coronary spasm in coronary arteries
- Vasculitis
What are the presenting symptoms of an MI?
- Acute central chest pain >20 mins
* Nausea, Sweatiness, Dyspnoea, Palpitations
What is strange about 20% of MI presentations?
they present with no or very few symptoms.
- Normally elderly or those with diabetes or hypotension
- May present with hypotension
- Arrhythmia
- Pulmonary oedema
- Acute confusional state
- Epigastric pain → vomiting
How is MI diagnosed?
Initial diagnosis is made on the basis of clinical HX. and early ECG changes.
- Changes ( an ↑ and then ↓) in Cardiac markers → Troponin Lvls
- Development of pathological Q waves
- Loss of myocardium on imaging
Which ECG leads will show an inferior infarct?
• Lead ll, lll and aVF
Occlusion of which arteries causes an inferior
- the vast majority (~80%) of inferior STEMIs are due to occlusion of the dominant right coronary artery (RCA).
- Less commonly (around 18% of the time), the culprit vessel is a dominant left circumflex artery (LCx).
Where do pathological Q waves form after an inferior wall infarct?
• Progressive development of Q waves in II, III and aVF
Which ECG leads will show an lateral infarct?
• ECG leads l, ll, and AVL
Occlusion of which arteries causes an Lateral
•The lateral wall of the LV is supplied by branches of the left anterior descending (LAD) and left circumflex (LCx) arteries.
Which ECG leads will show an Anterior infarct?
ECG leads V2, V3, V4, V5, V6
Occlusion of which arteries causes an anterior Infarct?
• Anterior STEMI results from occlusion of the left anterior descending artery (LAD).
An infarct of which region of the heart carries the worst prognosis?
• Anterior myocardial infarction carries the worst prognosis of all infarct locations, mostly due to larger infarct size.
An infarct of which region of the heart carries the best prognosis?
• Inferior STEMI generally has a more favourable prognosis than anterior myocardial infarction (in-hospital mortality only 2-9%), however certain factors indicate a worse outcome.
What signs might you find on examination of a patient with MI?
- Distress, anxiety, pallor
- ↓↑ BP and pulse
- 4th heart sound
- Pansystolic murmur
- Signs of heart failure: ↑ JVP, Heart sounds, basal crepitations
- Low grade fever
- Later development of pericardial rub or peripheral oedema
What ECG signs of a developing MI?
- Hyper acute T waves on ECG
- ST elevation
- New bundle branch block
What will the ECG show over hours and days after an MI?
Pathological Q wave formation and ST depression.
What will be difficult about 20% of ECGs in MI’s?
They will initially be normal.
In cases suspected of MI, What might you look for on CXR?
- Cardiomagaly
- Pulmonary oedema
- Widened mediastinum in aortic rupture
What bloods would you want done in a suspected MI?
FBC, U+E’s, Glucose, Lipids
What Cardiac markers/enzymes are there?
- Troponin (T+I). regulatory muscle proteins that are highly specific and sensitive to cardiac muscle damage.
- Creatine Kinase. Less specific and sensitive
What is the management of a STEMI?
- Primary angioplasty or thrombolysis in no contraindication
- B - blocker → atenolol (contraindicated by asthma)
- ACE inhibitor in all normotensive patients
- Clopidogrel loading for 30 days
What is the management of a NSTEMI?
- B-Blocker (atenolol) and IV nitrates
- An antithrombotic → fondaparinux (if low risk of bleeding and no angioplasty planned. otherwise LMW heparin → Enoxaparin
- Assess risk → GRACE score
- High risk patients → GP2b/3a agonist or bivalirudin. Clopidogrel for 12/12
- Low risk patients →Clopidogrel 12/12