Mynediad uned 7 (Es i ) Flashcards
I went
Es i
Did they go?
Aethon nhw?
She went out
Aeth hi ma’s
I went to work yesterday
Es i i’r gwaith ddoe
I didn’t go swimming
last night
Es i ddim i nofio
I didn’t go to Cardiff
Es i ddim i’r Gaerdydd
He went out
Aeth e ma’s
He went
Aeth e
They went
Aethon nhw
Did you go to Pontypridd?
Aethoch chi i Bontypridd?
I went to the
office yesterday
Es i i’r swyddfa ddoe
We didn’t go in the car
Aethon ni ddim yn y car
Did she go?
Aeth hi?
Did you go
Est ti i siopa?
We didn’t go on the bus
Aethon ni ddim ar y bws
You went
Est ti
You went
Aethoch chi
Did you go?
Est ti?
I didn’t go to the
theatre last night
Es i ddim i’r theatr
The children went out
Aeth y plant ma’s
Did we go?
Aethon ni?
When did you go?
Pryd aethoch chi?
The family went out
Aeth y teulu ma’s
We went
Aethon ni
Where did you go?
Ble est ti?
I went to school yesterday
Es i i’r ysgol ddoe
When did we go?
Pryd aethon ni?
Did you go?
Aethoch chi?
Did you go to Swansea?
Aethoch chi i Abertawe?
How did they go?
Sut aethon nhw?
He went
Aeth e?
When did they go?
Pryd aethon nhw?
We didn’t go on the train
Aethon ni ddim ar y trên
She went
Aeth hi
Where did they go?
Ble aethon nhw?
We didn’t go in a taxi
Aethon ni ddim mewn tacsi
I went to bed yesterday
Es i i’r gwely ddoe
Why did they go?
Pam aethon nhw?
Did you go swimming?
Est ti i nofio?