Myelinating glia: Oligodendrocytes + Schwann Cells Flashcards
How are the speeds of AP conduction increased?
Increased body temperature = faster diffusion
Increased size + diameter = giant axons of invertebrates.
Myelination/insulation + Saltatory conduction…
E.G. primary afferent (sensory) axons = C fibres vs A alpha fibres = A-alpha fibres are wider, with thick myelination and have remarkably increased speed of conduction vs C fibres which are unmyelinated and thin diameter.
What cells control myelination in the CNS vs the PNS?
Oligodendrocytes (CNS) myelinate multiple axons within their sphere of influence whereas Schwann cells in the PNS myelinate only single myelin sheaths.
Where are Schwann cells and Oligodendrocytes derived from?
What controls their migration?
Schwann cells originate from neural crest cells (few from ventral neural tube)
Schwann cells migrate with and differentiate under control of peripheral axons.
Oligodendrocytes are derived from O2A progenitors in the VENTRAL ventricular proliferative zone of neural tube… O2A progenitor migrates along radial glial cell and in its target, will differentiate into oligodendrocyte progenitor, which when in contact with active axons, will start to myelinate.
How is Oligodendrocyte or astrocyte fate controlled?
The O2A progenitor in the ventricular proliferative zone of neural tube is a bipotential cell that arises after birth (V. little myelination at birth!!!)
O2A receives proliferative signalling via PDGF, NT-3, IGF-1 etc from astrocytes…. O2A cell’s intrinsic clock determines when O2A cell withdraws from cell cycle to differentiate into Either:
Type 2 astrocyte - BMP4 signalling + CNTF, plus RA and TH.
Oligodendrocyte - BMP4 signalling inhibits oligodendrocytes… but low serum favours them.
The O2A progenitor follows radial glial cells to its position, where it will differentiate.
What are markers of oligodendrocyte precursors and how can their migration be mapped?
olig-2, can show them in VPZ of neural tube.
Sox-10 + PDGFRa… can map the pathway of migration
Oligodendrocyte precursors arise from ventral region of VPZ in the neural tube… closer to the notochord…
Shh signalling gradient up towards the dorsal regions of neural tube…
Shh causes O2A progenitor to differentiate into oligodendrocyte precursors..
Oligodendrocyes arise from stem cells of spinal cord previously gave rise to somatic motor neurones!
What signalling affects O2A progenitors, oligodendrocyte precursors?
Shh signalling gradient up towards the dorsal regions of neural tube…
Shh causes O2A progenitor to begin to differentiate into oligodendrocyte precursors..
Oligodendrocyte precursors aren’t very differentiated until they reach the vicinity of axons…
Axons provide mitogenic signals for O2A cells like PDGF and Neuregulin.
Electrical signalling also stimulates O2A proliferation - more mitogens by astrocytes.
Notch signalling provides negative regulation of oligodendrocyte differentiation = Jagged1 on axons, Notch1 on oligodendrocytes…
Surival signals from neurones help maturation of oligodendrocytes and also enhance myelin gene transcription….
What oligodendrocytes are migratory?
Mature oligodendrocytes are stationary, whilst oligodendrocytes precursors and O2A progenitors are migratory..
What molecules are needed for migration and what guides migration??
Precursors follow radial glia outwards from VPZ and follow developing axon pathways and require integrins, PSA-NCAM for migration
What controls oligodendrocyte number?
An excess amount of oligodendrocyte progenitors are produced…. so excess oligodendrocytes die from apoptosis.
Progenitors and newly-matured oligodendrocytes compete for limited amounts of mitogens and survival factors released by astrocytes and neurones…
NRG1-3 bind ErbB receptors on undifferentiated neural crest cells in contact with axons… Setting of Ras/Raf/MAPK pathway acting as potent mitogens to precursors and potent survival factors for mature cells.
Surival signals from neurones help maturation of oligodendrocytes and also enhance myelin gene transcription….
Axons provide mitogenic signals for O2A cells like PDGF and Neuregulin.
Electrical signalling also stimulates O2A proliferation - more mitogens by astrocytes.
How do Schwann cell progenitors migrate?
Neural crest cell progenitors migrate to the periphery over the surface of the neural tube and continue along axon pathways to continue their interaction during migration.
How do Schwann cells generate myelin sheaths?
The Schwann cell must identify the axon, and then produce myelin sheath through continued migration of the leading glia process to encircle the axon…. Then there is exclusion of contents to allow early formed loops to undergo compaction.
Are all Schwann cells myelinating?
No, some Schwann cells develop into non-myelinating cells
When is Schwann cell progenitor migration stopped?
What factors promote differentiation, proliferation + survival?
Migration of Neural crest cells stops when they encounter axons.,, expressing Pax3 to inhibit differentiation and myelination…
As they come into contact with axons, downregulation of Pax3 prompts differentiation towards Schwann cell precursors.
Neuregulins, like GGF, expressed by motor neurones + peripheral neurones activate ErbB receptors on Schwann cell precursors..
= Stimulates the differentiation into and proliferation of Schwann cell precursors… aswell as promote their survival.
= Schwann cell starts upregulating Krox20 and P0….
Start to express CAMs like NCAM, GFAP to begin adhesion to axons and starts to begin myelination with MBP, NCAM, GFAP, L1, P0 etc.
Here there is Axon-dependent survival via Neuregulins like GGF…. but unlike oligodendrocytes, which have axon dependency forever!!, Schwann cells switch dependency to autocrine/ self-survival mechanisms…
What transcription factors control Schwann cell myelination?
Krox20 = required for myelination…. Axon neuregulins upregulates Krox20 in Schwann cell precursors… Starts expressing myelin proteins…
Pax3 = inhibits Schwann cell differentiation so expressed in progenitors, but is downregulated as myelination starts when in contact with axons…
These TFs are unique to Schwann cells
What CAMs are different between oligodendrocytes and Schwann Cells?
L1 is required for the initiation of myelination in Schwann cells = a CAM… and allows adhesion of myelin sheath to the axon
Whereas, Neurofascin-155 is expressed in oligodendrocytes…
Periaxins are located in SC membranes in contact with axons, but not in oligodendrocytes