my vocabssss Flashcards
v. make do with
- to manage with something that is not really good enough
- yetinmek
exp. We were in a hurry so we had to make do with a quick snack.
adv. particularly
- especially; more than usual or more than others
- özellikle
- not particularly : not very
exp. I enjoyed the play, particularly the second half.
The task was not particularly (= not very) difficult.
v. determine
-to officially decide something, especially because of evidence or facts
belirlemek, kararlaştırmak
exp. The court will determine the outcome of the case.
-to discover the facts about something; to calculate something exactly
belirlemek, saptamak
exp. We need to determine the cause of the problem.
-to strongly influence or decide the nature or result of something
belirlemek, etkisini göstermek
exp. Your attitude will determine your success in this role.
adj. detrimental
-causing harm or damage
zararlı, zarar verici
exp. Smoking has a detrimental effect on your health.
-having a negative impact on someone or something
olumsuz etkisi olan, zarara yol açan
exp. The new policy could be detrimental to small businesses.
v. bear
to carry or support something
taşımak, desteklemek
exp. The truck bears a heavy load of goods.
to endure something difficult or unpleasant
katlanmak, tahammül etmek
exp. She bore the pain with great courage.
to give birth to a child or produce something
doğurmak, ürün vermek
exp. This tree bears fruit every summer.
to have or show a particular quality or characteristic
taşımak, göstermek
exp. His passport bears the stamp of multiple countries.
to turn or move in a particular direction
yönelmek, sapmak
exp. Bear right at the next roundabout.
to have a connection or relevance to something
ilgili olmak, alakalı olmak
exp. His comments bear directly on the issue we’re discussing.
to take responsibility for something, especially costs or blame
sorumluluğunu üstlenmek
exp. The company will bear all the expenses for the event.
to hold up under pressure or strain
dayanmak, yükünü kaldırmak
exp. The old structure couldn’t bear the weight of the snow.
v. strike
to hit someone or something forcefully
vurmak, çarpmak
exp. The boxer struck his opponent with a powerful punch.
to attack suddenly or unexpectedly
saldırmak, vurmak
exp. The snake struck without warning.
to stop working as a form of protest
greve gitmek
exp. The workers decided to strike for better wages.
to cause someone to have a particular feeling or idea
bir izlenim bırakmak, etkilemek
exp. It struck me as odd that he didn’t show up to the meeting.
to remove or eliminate something, especially by crossing it out
çıkarmak, silmek
exp. Please strike his name from the list.
to achieve or discover something, especially suddenly or unexpectedly
bulmak, elde etmek
exp. They struck gold during their mining expedition.
to occur suddenly or have a sudden impact
birden bire olmak, çarpmak
exp. A powerful earthquake struck the region last night.