My LEO Authorities Flashcards
AMB 5000 CH2
Congress, using the power granted it by the Constitution to make laws, has given Air and Marine Interdiction Agents what specific statutory authority?
- ) Stop and detain people and things at the “border” to determine their admissibility.
- ) Question people regarding their immigration status.
- ) Search people and things connected to the “border”
- ) Arrest violators and seize goods, 19 USC 1589a & 8 USC 1357
AMB 5000 CH2
With having Probable Cause, and no warrant, what are OAM agents authorized to arrest for?
- ) Federal Felonies that occur in or out of their presence.
- ) Federal Misdemeanors that occur in their presence.
- ) Immigration misdemeanors that occur outside of their presence.
AMB 5000 CH2
As a Law Enforcement Officer, what are the sources of limitation on your authority.
- ) U.S. Constitution (4th, 5th, & 6th Amendments)
- ) U.S. Statutes
- ) U.S. Regulations
- ) Agency Policies
- ) Judicial Decisions (ex. Graham vs. O’Connor)
AMB 5000 CH1
What are the major subjects of the U.S. Code?
- ) 6 USC: Homeland Security statute
- ) 8 USC: Immigration statutes
- ) 19 USC: Customs Statutes
- ) 18 USC: General Crimes
- ) 7 USC: Agriculture Crimes
- ) 21 USC: Drug Crimes
- ) 31 USC: Money Crimes
AMB 5000 CH2
Which U.S.C # allows this:
Arrest (without warrant) for violation of immigration laws committed in front of the officer.
*It grants authority to “Immigration Officers” to arrest any alien who in the agent/officer’s presence or view is entering or attempting to enter in violation of immigration laws or any alien already in the United States in violation of immigration laws and is likely to escape before an arrest warrant can be obtained.
8 UCS 1357(a)(2)
*INA 287(a)(2)
AMB 5000 CH2
Which U.S.C # allows this:
Arrest (without warrant) for immigration felonies, before they can escape
*It grants authority to “Immigration Officers” to arrest any person for an immigration related felony and the person is likely to escape before a warrant can be obtained.
8 USC 1357(a)(4)
*INA 287(a)(4)
AMB 5000 CH2
Which U.S.C # allows this:
Arrest (without warrant) for federal crimes committed in front of the Officer, before they can escape.
*It grants the authority to “Immigration Officers” to arrest for any federal crime that occurs in the agent/officer’s presence and the person is likely to escape before obtaining a warrant.
8 USC 1357(a)(5)(A)
*INA 287(a)(5)(A)
AMB 5000 CH2
Which U.S.C # allows this:
Arrest (without warrant) for any federal Offenses:
- ) Federal Felonies committed in or out of the officer’s presence
- ) Federal Misdemeanors committed in front of the officers presence.
* *It grants the authority to “Immigration Officers” to arrest, without a warrant, for any federal offense, felon or misdemeanor, that occurs in the officer/agent’s presence and for federal felonies that occur outside the officer/agent’s presence.*
* *Federal misdemeanor’s that occur outside the officer/agent’s presence require a warrant.*
19 USC 1589a
AMB 5000 CH3
What are the “Levels of Suspicion”?
- ) Zero suspicion
- ) Some/Mere suspicion
- ) Reasonable Suspicion
- ) Probable Cause
- ) Reasonable Certainty
- ) Beyond a reasonable doubt
AMB 5000 CH3
Define “Some/Mere Suspicion”.
You have a “hunch” about something.
AMB 5000 CH3
Define “Reasonable Suspicion”.
Specific articulable facts exist, and the officer suspects that a person MIGHT BE engaged in crime.
AMB 5000 CH3
Define “Probable Cause”.
A collection of facts and circumstance that leads the officer to believe that a person has committed a crime.
AMB 5000 CH3
Define “Reasonable Certainty”.
A firm belief or firm conviction that a person has committed a crime.
AMB 5000 CH1
Which U.S.C # allows this:
It grants authority to “Immigration Officers” to be able to interrogate non-U.S. citizens about their right to be or remain in the United States.
8 USC 1375(a)
*INA 287(a)(1)
AMB 5000 CH3
What actions can you take if you have only Zero Suspicion?
- ) Pilot/Vessel Document Check
- ) Consent Search
- ) Inventory
- ) Routine SIA
AMB 5000 CH3
What actions can you take if you have Zero Suspicion + administrative authority?
- ) Border Search/Detention
- ) Vessel Docs Check
- ) Pilot Cert Check
- ) BP Check Point primary
AMB 5000 CH3
What actions can you take if you have Reasonable Suspicion?
- ) Investigative Detention
- ) Frisk
- ) Protective Sweep
- ) Non-routine SIA (strip search)
- ) Border search involving partial body search
- ) Body Cavity Search
- ) Medical Search
- ) BP Check Point secondary for criminal matters
AMB 5000 CH3
What actions can you take if you have Probable Cause?
- ) Arrest or seizure of property
- ) Plain View seizure
- ) Mobile Conveyance search
- ) Hot Pursuit
- ) Now or Never search
- ) Emergency search
AMB 5000 CH1
Which U.S.C # allows this:
It grants authority to “Immigration Officers” to be able to seize vehicles used to smuggle aliens into the United States
8 USC 1324(b)
*INA 274(b)
AMB 5000 CH1
Which U.S.C # allows this:
It grants authority to “Customs Officers” to conduct Border Searches.
19 USC 1581(a)
AMB 5000 CH3
What are the exceptions to the warrant requirements?
- ) Arrest in a public location
- ) Plain View seizure
- ) Mobile Conveyance search
- ) Exigent Circumstances
* -Hot pursuit*
* -Now or Never*
* -Emergency*
AMB 5000 CH3
Which U.S.C # allows this:
The Limiting of the LEO from entering private agricultural land solely to interview agricultural workers regarding their immigration status.
*Officer needs another reason to be on the land. (Ex. Border Patrol, to arrest a feeling felon, to respond to a bona fide emergency, etc.)
INA 287(a)(3) limits your authority.