My Last Duchess by Robert Browning Flashcards
What is “My Last Duchess” Written in the Perspective of?
The Duke.
There are 28 Rhyming Couplets. What is this known as?
Iambic Pentameter.
How is Power presented in My Last Duchess?
The Power is shown that the Duke is using his Power on the Duchess, Money is being used Instead of Love.
“That’s my Last Duchess Painted on the Wall.” What does this show?
Possessive Pronoun: The Speaker is laying Claim to her as a Possession, she os used to better Show off his Control and Power.
“Frà Pandold’s Hands.” What does this show?
He is moving to an Allusion to a Famous Artist of the Time. He values the Name of the Art rather than the Duchess.
“(Since none puts by the Curtain I have Drawn for you).” What does this show?
He is Showing his Power off in the Bracket by suggesting that he is giving the Messager a Rare Privilege to see the Duchess in this way, by Exercising his Control. The Irony is that he needs to Show Off.
“And seemed as they would ask, if they Durst.” What does this show?
If they “Durst”, if they Dare, he is Showing Off his Power again and How People Fear him.
“Her Husband’s Presence only, called that Spot.” What does this show?
He Implies that People believed it was not only him who could make her Happy (though he couldn’t) but the “Spot” is a Pun between a Mark, showing her Face had some Joy in it, also a Small Amount of “Spot”.
“A Heart - how shall I say? - too soon made Glad.” What does this show?
He is trying to be Polite using a Rhetorical Question to indicate a Lighter Tone to the Conversation, in fact he is trying to avoid showing his Face, Anger and Rage, at Conflict with Himself.
“She thanked men, - good!” What does this show?
Men were Complimenting her, which made the Duke Jealous. He wanted Power over her.
“Somehow - I know not how - as if she Ranked.” What does this show?
She hid the Fact that People were ‘Praising’ her Beauty.
“My Gift of a Nine-Hundred-Years-Old Name.” What does this show?
Their Family name Traced back 650 Years Ago.
“Who’s Stoop to Blame this sort of Trifling?” What does this show?
This is Ironic because ‘Stooping’ her would be Insulting.
“Even had you Skill in Speech.” What does this show?
The Duke isn’t very Skilled Participate in a Conversation to his Wife about her ‘Disgraceful’ Behaviour.
“Even then would be some Stooping.” What does this show?
Here he Clearly States how if he were going with Words and could ask her to Stop Giving everyone else so much Attention. He would choose never to Stoop so Low.
“This Grew; I gave Commands.” What does this show?
The use of Semi-Colons is given a Sense of Frailty to the Statements.