My Last Duchess Flashcards
“I call that piece a wonder”
Ominous as suggests that the dike views the subject of his dead wife as an object not sentimentally as his wife immediately suggesting that she was only ever a possession. This is emphasised with possessive pronoun “my”
“Will’t please you sit down and look at her?”
Rhetorical question implies that it is only the duke who gets to view her
“My duchess”
Possessive pronouns show she was a possession not an individual so she has no autonomy and is only for his enjoyment.
Also shows a lack of affection
“Skill in speech”
“Which I have not”
Simplistic language allows the poem to sound conversational. The duke is giving a Clear message about not challenging his power.
“None puts by the curtain I have drawn for you but I”
This may suggest he is threatened by other men enjoying her presence and beauty which highlights the absolute control he had over her, not just her life but over her death and memory after death too. + by portraying his wife as a painting Browning is displaying the Duchess’ complete objectification
“Notice Neptune though taming a sea horse”
The speaker moves seamlessly from discussing his last wife which suggests she wasn’t special to him and was disposable. Furthermore the Statue of Neptune creates parallels with the duke who has attempted to use domestic power to “tame” his wife that was too easily impressed” he transformed her from a “sea-horse” with free will to a painting that is controlled by him and a possession equal in status to other statues.
The statue is the last thing he shows the envoy and this could be seen as a warning; that he expects his next wife to be tamed.