my last duchess Flashcards
summary of My Last Duchess ?
- This poem is loosely based on historical events involving Alfonso, the Duke of Ferrara, who lived in the 16th century.
- The Duke is the speaker of the poem, and tells us he is entertaining an emissary who has come to negotiate the Duke’s marriage (he has recently been widowed) to the daughter of another powerful family.
- As he shows the visitor through his palace, he stops before a portrait of the late Duchess, apparently a young and lovely girl.
- The Duke begins reminiscing about the portrait sessions, then about the Duchess herself.
- His musings give way to a diatribe on her disgraceful behavior: he claims she flirted with everyone and did not appreciate his “gift of a nine-hundred-years- old name.”
- As his monologue continues, the reader realizes with ever-more chilling certainty that the Duke in fact caused the Duchess’s early demise: when her behavior escalated, “[he] gave commands; / Then all smiles stopped together.”
- Having made this disclosure, the Duke returns to the business at hand: arranging for another marriage, with another young girl.
- As the Duke and the emissary walk leave the painting behind, the Duke points out other notable artworks in his collection.
my last duchess
My Last Duchess
analysis: indicates his power and corruption
looking as if she were alive
My Last Duchess
analysis: reveals victim
Fra Pandolf
My Last Duchess
analysis: indicates wealth
none puts by the curtain I have drawn for you, but I
My Last Duchess
analysis: his continual power is demonstrated
twas not her husband’s presence only that called that spot of joy into the Duchess’s cheek
My Last Duchess
analysis: indicates her infidelity - paints her as the villain
she had a heart … too soon made glad
My Last Duchess
analysis: indicates her infidelity - paints her as the villain
she liked whatever she looked on and her looks went everywhere
My Last Duchess
analysis: indicates her infidelity - paints her as the villain
she thanked men … but thanked somehow I know not how
My Last Duchess
analysis: indicates her infidelity - paints her as the villain
my gift of a nine-hundred-year old name
My Last Duchess
analysis: indicates his wealth
I gave commands then all smiles stopped together
My Last Duchess
analysis: indicates his power and corruptness
my object
My Last Duchess
analysis: indicates he has ownership