my boy jack any poetry Flashcards
- the poets are waiting
- exposure
- happy now is England
1 anthem for doomed youth
2 for all we have and all we are
3 the poets are waiting
personal loss
1 mental cases
2 happy now is England
3 the mother
1 exposure
2 repression of a war experience
3 the poets are waiting
psychological impact
1 repression of war experience
2 mental cases
3 a war film
early attitudes to war
1 the poets are waiting
2 socks
3 for all we are and have
1 the call
2 socks
3 the next war
age and generation
1 for all we have and are
2 to germany
3 the poets are waiting/ socks
1 mental cases
2 the next war
3 socks
4. I looked up from my writing
1 repression of a war experience
2 the poets are waiting
3 exposure
1 for all we have and are
2 I looked up from my writing
3 the poets are waiting
1 socks
2 the poets are waiting
3 the mother
non - combat attitudes
1 for all we have and are
2 the conscript
3 socks
1 exposure
2 mental cases
3 the mother
1 for all we have and are
2 happy now is England
3 the next war
1 socks
2 the mother
3 a war film
1 exposure
2 to germany
3 dulce et decorum est / anthemn for doomed youth
1 the poets are waiting
2 recruiting
1 repression of a war experience
2 mental cases
3 exposure / the conscript of 1940
the poets are waiting: setting quotes
1 “reclining as usual on armchairs and sofas”
2 “cake at their elbows”
3 “their storms are brewed in teacups”
exposure setting quotes; setting
1 “iced east winds that knife us”
2 “worried by silence, sentries whisper, curious, nervous”
3 “like twitching agonies of men among its branches”
4 “on us the doors are closed”
happy now is England quotes: setting
1 “warm beauty of this spring and summer”
2 “happy in all her dark woods, green fields, towns, her hills…”
3 “there is not a nobleness of heart, hand, brain but shines purer; happiest is England now”
anthem for doomed youth quotes: duty
1 “what passing-bells for these who die as cattle”
2 “no prayers nor bells”
3 “the shrill, demented choirs of wailing shells”
4 “each slow dusk a drawing down of blinds”
for all we have and all we are quotes: duty
1 “for all our children’s fate”
2 “The hun is at the gate!”
3 “but iron sac rife of body, will and soul”
the poets are waiting: duty
1 “to what god shall we chant our songs battle?”
2 “reclining as usual on armchairs and sofas”
3 “cake at their elbows”
4 “their storms are brewed in teacups”
mental cases quotes: personal loss
1 “gouged these chasms round their fretted sockets”
2 “misery swelters”
3 “memory fingers in their hair of murders”
4 “eyeballs shrink tormented back into their brains”
5 “dawn breaks open like a wound that bleeds afresh”
the mother quotes: personal loss
1 “where parting loss and bloodshed shall not be”
2 “one whom you have loved have drained the bitter cup”
3 “her heart shall break, well lad, you will not know”
happy now is England: personal loss
1 “there is nothing more wonderful than a great people moving towards the deep”
2 “her faith fullest children, grief itself is proud”
3 “happy is England that the brave die’
repression of a war experience quotes: courage
1 “unless they loose control of ugly thought”
2 “now light your pip: look, what a steady hand draw a deep breath; stop thinking, count fiftieth”
3 “those whispering guns”
exposure: courage
1 “our brains ache, in the merciless iced east winds that knife us werid we keep awake because the night is silent”
2 “sudden successive flights of bullets streak the silence”
3 “for love of god seems dying”
the poets are waiting quotes: courage
1 “measuring their thoughts for felicitous sonnets”
2 “whose tedious brains are draped”
3 “reclining as usual on armchairs and sofas”
4 “cake at their elbows”
5 “their storms are brewed in teacups and their wars are tough in sneers or little blots of ink”
repression of a war experience quotes: psychological impact
1 “soliders don’t go mad unless they lose control of ugly thoughts”
2 “why won’t it rain?”
3 “in the breathless air outside”
4 “those whispering guns… I’m going crazy”
mental cases quotes: psychological impacts
1 “gouged these chasms round their fretted sockets”
2 “these are men who’s minds the dead have ravished”
3 “memory fingers in their hair of murders”
4 “their eyeballs shrink tormented back into their brains”
5 “dawn breaks open like a wound that bleeds afresh”
a war films quotes: psychological impacts
1 “as in a dream still hearing the machine guns rattle and shells scream”
2 “my little son”
3. “to war. tortured, torn”
the poets are waiting quotes; early attitudes towards war
1 “reclining as usual on armchairs and sofas”
2 “cake at their elbows”
3 “their storms are brewed in tea cups and their wars are fought in sneers and little blots of ink”
4 “roaring for war’ “snorting their jargon”
for all we have and are quotes; early attitudes towards the war
1 “the hun is at the gate!”
2 “the old commands stand”
3 “iron sacrifice of of body, will and soul”
socks quotes; early attitudes towards the war
1 “he was brave, well so was i”
2 “wonder if he’s warm enough”
3 “he’ll come out onto some how”
the call quotes: time
1 “who’s for the trench- are you, my laddie”
2 “who’s for the khaki suit”
3 “who’s keen on getting fit”
4 “and who’d rather wait abit”
socks quotes; time
1 “he was brave well so was i”
2 “wonder if he’s warm enough”
3 “hark! the paper boys again!”
the next war: time
1 “to those brave lads who were so willingly burnt”
2 “richest of these wizards”
3 “and the children, went”
4 “should fall for the same cause?”
for all we have and are quotes; age and generation
1 "for all our children fate" 2 "stand up and take the war" 3 "the hun is at the gate" 4 "the old commando stand" 5 "but iron sacrificee of body, will and soul"
the poets are waiting: age and generation
1 “felicitous sonnets”
2 “reclining as usual on armchairs and sofas”
3 “cake at their elbows”
4 “their storms are brewed in teacups and their wars are fought in sneers and little blots of ink”
to germany quotes: age and generation
1 “you are blind like us”
2 “we stumble and we do not understand”
3 “the blind fight the blind”
the next war: regret
1 "to those brave lads who were so willingly burnt or blinded" 2 "richest of these wizards" 3 "not too costly" 4 "should fall for the same cause?" 5"and the children went"
I looked up from my writing quotes: regret
1 “did you hear his frenzied Tattle? it was sorrow for his son”
2 “and now I am curious to look into the blinkered mind of one who wants to write a book in a world of such a kind”
3 “her temper overwrought me”
4 “her meditative misty head”
5 “the moons full gaze”
mental cases quotes; regret
1 “these are the men who minds the dead have ravished”
2 “memory fingers in their hair of murders”
3 “multitudinous murders they once witnessed”
4 “their eyeballs shrink tormented back into their brains”
5 “dawn breaks like a wound that bleeds afresh”
repression of a war experience: heroism
1 “its been proven that soldiers don’t go mad unless they loose control of ugly thoughts”
2 “look, what a steady hand. draw a deep breath; stop thinking: count fifth-teen”
3 “why won’t it rain”
4 “breathless air”
5”whispering guns… im going crazy”
the poets are waiting: heroism
1 “felicitous sonnets”
2 “reclining as usual on air chairs and sofas
3 “cake at their elbows”
4 “their storms are brewed in teacups and their wars fought in sneers and little bots of ink”
exposure: heroism
1 “our brains ache in the merciless iced east winds that knife us”
2 “worried by silence, sentries whisper, curious, nervous”
3 “sudden successive flights of bullet streak the silence”
for all we have and are quotes: pressure
"for all our children fate" 2 "stand up and take the war" 3 "the hun is at the gate" 4 "the old commando stand" 5 "but iron sacrificee of body, will and soul"
the poets are waiting quotes: pressure
1 sonnets
2 chairs
3 cake
4 tea cups and little blots of ink
I looked up from my writing: pressure
1 “the moons full gaze on me”
2 “her meditative misty head”
3 “did you hear his freizend tattle? it was sorrow for his son”
4 “one one who wants to write a book in a world of such a kind”
5 “her tempter over wrought me”
socks: women
1 “he was brave well so was i”
2 “wonder if he is warm enough”
3 “hark! the paper boys again!”
4 “wonder if he is fighting now”
the poets are waiting: women
1 felicitous sonnets
2 sofa
3 cupcakes
4 brewed storms little blots of ink
the mother: women
1 “where parting loss and bloodshed shall not be”
2 “one whom you have loved have drained the bitter cup”
3 “her heart shall break, well lad, you will not know”
for all we have and are :non combat attitudes
1 “what stands if freedom fall? who dies if England live”
2 “stand up and take the war”
3 “the hun is at the gate”
4 “the old commando stand”
5 “but iron sacrificee of body, will and soul”
the conscript: non-combatant attitudes
1 “endless stream of naked white bodies”
2 “indifferent, flippant and earnest but all bored”
3 “and the chairman, as his monocle falls again, pronounces each doom with easy and indifferent breath”
4 “thorn crowned head”
socks: non combat attitudes
1 “knit off nine and slip the rest”
2 “wonder if he’s warm enough”
3 “wonder if he’s fighting now”
exposure quotes; pain
1 “our brains ache in the merciless iced east winds that knife us”
2 “worried by silence, sentries whisper, curious, nervous”
3 “sudden successive flights of bullet streak the silence”
the mother: pain
1 “where parting loss and bloodshed shall not be”
2 “one whom you have loved have drained the bitter cup”
3 “her heart shall break, well lad, you will not know”
mental cases: pain
1 “these are the men who minds the dead have ravished”
2 “memory fingers in their hair of murders”
3 “multitudinous murders they once witnessed”
4 “their eyeballs shrink tormented back into their brains”
5 “dawn breaks like a wound that bleeds afresh”
happy now is England: pain
1 “there is nothing more wonderful than a great people moving towards the deep”
2 “her faith fullest children, grief itself is proud”
3 “happy is England that the brave die’