My Antonia Quotations - My Version Flashcards
About foreigners
‘These foreigners ain’t the same, you cant trust em to be fair’
What Antonia always wanted to do
‘I always wanted to go to school you know’
What Antonia has to take
‘A girl like me has got to take the good times when she can’
What had Antonia become
She was a battered woman now, not a lovely girl
What did Jim worry about finding Antonia as?
I did not want to find her aged and broken; I really dreaded it
Title and it’s significance
‘My Antonia’ – whilst could be a term of affection or men are possessive of women, know them as weak and in need of protection
Differences between Jim and the immigrants
Antonia - ‘Things will be easy for you, but they will be hard for us’
What did Antonia have?
‘Strong independent natures’
What did Antonia like to be like?
‘I not care that your grandmother say it makes me like a man. I like to be like a man’
What had Antonia kept?
‘Antonia had not lost the fire of life’
How Antonia’s life would be different
‘Things would have been very different with poor Antonia if her father had lived’
What did Jim hate about Antonia
Jim ‘hated’ her ‘superior tone’ and ‘resented her protecting manner’
Jim’s ignorance to the struggle
Jim said ‘buts it’s not like that’ - Jim dismisses what does not fit his norm and he does not properly understand the difficulties of women
What does Jim think about the immigrants?
‘People who don’t like this country ought to stay home’
What does the narrator say about Jim?
‘Jim is still able to lose himself in those big Western dreams’
The Shimerda’s home
‘It’s no better than a badger’s hole’
Poverty and knowledge
‘Nobody never knows what traits poverty might bring out in them’
Mr Shimerdas depression
‘My papa sad for old country’
The Shimerda’s shame
‘As if he were trying to hide from us’
The Shimerdas in Bohemia
Were not ‘beggars in the old country’
What were conditions like?
‘Conditions were bad enough certainly’
What was Mr Shimerda not
‘Had not been rich and selfish’
What did Mr Shimerda ask Jim to do?
‘Teach my Antonia’
What did Mr Shimerda die from?
‘It was homesickness that had killed Mr Shimerda’
What did Lena do with her life in the country?
Lena dismisses her life in the country with a ‘single remark, humorous or mildly cynicaly’
What was home like for Lena?
For Lena home was a place ‘where there were always too many children, a cross man, and work piling up around a sick woman’
How does Lena describe her life as?
‘No life for a girl’
Why did Lena succeed?
‘She kept a head for business and had got on in the world’
What did Tiny do?
‘Tiny Soderball was to lead the most adventurous life and to achieve the most solid worldly success’
What did Tiny return with?
‘Tiny returned with a considerable fortune’
What interested Tiny?
‘Nothing interested her much now but making money’
How did Tiny feel about her success
‘She was satisfied with her success but not elated’
How did Mrs Shimerda manage?
‘She managed poorly under new conditions: the conditions were bad enough certainly’
How did Mrs Shimerda describe the house?
‘House no good, house no good’
What did the Shimerda do with their possessions?
‘There never were such people as the Shimerdas for wanting to give away everything they had’
What did Grandmother do?
‘Always spoke in a loud tone to foreigners as if they were deaf’
What was Jim’s home like?
‘Atmosphere of comfort and security in my grandfather’s house’
What did Kraijek do to the Shimerdas?
‘Mysteriously separated from their money’
What did Shimerdas think about the Krajiek?
‘They hated Krajiek’
Who was Wick Cutter?
‘Merciless Black Hawk money lender’
What was Wick Cutter
‘A man of evil name’
Hired girls compared to everyone else
‘They were almost a race apart’
What did the hired girls have?
‘Positive carriage and freedom of movement’
What were the hired girls considered as?
‘Were considered a menace to social order’
Hired girl’s upbringing
‘Grown up in the first bitter hard times’
What has the hired girls learned from?
Learned so much ‘from life, from poverty, from their mothers’
Hired girls beauty
‘Their beauty shone out too boldly against a conventional background’
Hired girls likes
‘They knew what they liked’
Hired girls opportunities
‘No alternative but to go into service’
‘Russians had such bad luck that people were afraid of them’
Jake was ‘so handicapped by illiteracy’
‘The snow and the bitter weather had disheartened them all’
‘There was nothing but land: not a country at all, but the material out of which countries were made’