MW Review Flashcards
What are the five main tiers of the Composite Warfare Commander (CWC) concept, in order?
Officer in Tactical Command (OTC)
Composite Warfare Commander (CWC)
Warfare Commanders
Functional Group Commanders
Resource Coordinators
Who is the Warfare Commander responsible for AAW? What is their callsign(s)?
Air and Missile Defense Commander (AMDC)
P: Whiskey
S: Charlie
Who is the Warfare Commander responsible for IW? What is their callsign(s)?
Information Warfare Commander (IWC)
P: Quebec
S: Echo
Who is the Warfare Commander responsible for surface and subsurface? What is their callsign(s)?
Sea Combat Commander (SCC)
P: Zulu
Who is the Warfare Commander responsible for ASW? What is their callsign(s)?
Antisubmarine Warfare Commander (ASWC)
P: X-ray
S: Yankee
Who is the Warfare Commander responsible for SuW? What is their callsign(s)?
Surface Warfare Commander
P: Sierra
S: Tango
Who is the Warfare Commander responsible for Strike Warfare? What is their callsign(s)?
Strike Warfare Commander (STWC)
P: Papa
S: Kilo
Who are all of the warfare commanders?
Air and Missile Defense Commander
Information Warfare Commander
Sea Combat Commander (Antisubmarine Warfare Commander & Surface Warfare Commander)
Strike Warfare Commander
Air Control Authority
Air Resource Element Coordinator
Cryptologic Resource Coordinator
Common Tactical Picture Manager
Force Track Coordinator
Helicopter Element Coordinator
Launch Area Coordinator
Submarine Operations Coordinating Authority
What are the three principles of Composite Warfare Command?
Collaborative Planning
Decentralized Execution
Command by Negation
What is the primary mission of CIC?
Fight the ship
What is the secondary mission of CIC?
Backup the bridge
What are the four ship conditions?
Condition 4: Peacetime Cruising
Condition 3: Wartime Cruising
Condition 2: Modified General Quarters
Condition 1: General Quarters
Who is the TAO and what’re their responsibilities?
Tactical Action Officer
CO’s representative in all matters of tactically employing and defending the ship
Who is the CSC and what’re their responsibilities?
Combat Systems Coordinator
Bridge between technical and tactical world
Who is the CICWO and what’re their responsibilities?
Combat Information Center Watch Officer
Representative of CICO and responsible of CIC during watch periods
Who is the CSOOW and what’re their responsibilities?
Combat Systems Officer of the Watch
Technical evolution coordinator for all combat systems and weapons equipment
Which ships can TLAMs be found on?
Post Launch Execution
Ability to reprogram a TLAM mid-flight
What is the most common version of TLAM in the USN?
Block IV E
What are the different TLAM navigation systems?
Who is the ECO and what’re their responsibilities?
Engagement Control Officer
Directs TLAM operations
Who is the EM and what’re their responsibilities?
Engagement Manager
Plans missile path
Who is the DBM and what’re they responsible for?
Database Manager
Responsible for GCCSM
What are the benefits of USN BMD?
Multi-mission capable
Flexible Geography
Limited Logistical Requirements
Search, Track, and Engage Capability
What are the different stages of a ballistic missile’s flight path?
Boost phase
Terminal Phase
What are the required Mission Planner Inputs for BMD?
Defended Area (DA)
Launch Denied Area (LDA)
Missile Type
Ship’s Operating Area
Who is the CATF?
Commander Amphibious Task Forces
Who is the CLF?
Commander Landing Forces
Size and days of sustainment for a MEU
1,500 - 3,000
15 days sustainment
Size and days of sustainment for a MEB?
3,000 - 17,000
30 day sustainment
Size and days of sustainment for a MEF?
20,000 - 90,000
60 day sustainment
What does PERMA stand for?
What does DRAWO stand for?
Demonstration (Show of force)
Other (Humanitarian)
Draw an AOA
Draw that sucka
What does MIO stand for?
Maritime Interception Operations
Who are the six members of the boarding team and what’re their responsibilities?
Boarding Officer (BO) - OTC of BT
Assistant Boarding Officer (ABO) - Senior enlisted or JO; assists BO
Security Team Leader (STL) - Directs security team
Security Team - Contains boarded vessel’s crew and passengers
Sweep Team - Search the vessel
Engineering Sweep Team - Secures engineering spaces
Communication Operator (Optional) - Relays info between BO, RHIB, helicopter, and mother
What are the three types of boarding?
What are the different Mine Classification Types?
Final Position in Water
Method of Actuation
Delivery Platform
List a few advantages and disadvantages of mining
Psychological Effect
Preemptive Defense
Passive Weapons
Depth Restrictions
Dangerous Removal
What are the different types of mining?
List and explain ways to protect your ship from mines
Q-routes - Pre-planned routes that minimize the area to clear for safe passage
Quiet ship - Reduces noise signature by turning off certain equipment
PRAIRIE Air - Masks propeller sound with cavitation
Masking Air - Creates air pockets on hull to mask sound
Lookouts - Used to spot for mines
What three components impact the speed of sound in water? Which impacts it the most?
TEMPERATURE, Salinity, Pressure
Draw all propagation paths in water. Explain bottom bounce.
Draw ‘em.
Bottom Bounce: Sound bounces off ocean bottom and reflects off the surface
List advantages and disadvantages of active sonar
Good against diesel
Rapid, pinpoint of target
Obtains course and speed
Extremely overt
Gives away own ship’s position
ROE may be an issue
List advantages and disadvantages of passive sonar
Long detection ranges
Bearing error
Lengthy TMA
Draw the ASW Battlespace and explanations. Include the TDZ
You got this
List advantages and disadvantages for aircraft in ASW
Invulnerable to submarine attack
Extended range
Minimal time for reload and refuel
Range may be limited
Time on station may be limited
Helicopters are limited in processing capability
List the different defensive coverage types and who performs them
Area Defense: DDG, CG, F-35, AV-8, F/A-18
Point Defense: DDG, CG
Self Defense: All ships capable
High Value Airborne Asset (HVAA): DDG, CG, F-35, AV-8, F/A-18
List the different Air Defense roles
Air Defense Unit (ADU)
High Value Unit (HVU)
Defense Counter-Air Aircraft (DCA)
Aircraft Control Units (ACU)
Airborne Early Warning Aircraft (AEW)
Draw and give explanations of the air battle space
EZ PZ homie
What is an MFU?
Missile Firing Unit
A ship
What is a TRU?
Target Reporting Unit
Sensor off the ship, reporting targeting info to ship
What are the different concepts of OTH-T
RMP Development
Third Party Targeting
Draw the F2T2EA circle
I believe in you.
List the different LINK-11 components
List of primary and secondary frequencies
Net Control Station (NCS)
Gridlock Reference Unit (GRU)
Initial Data Link Reference Point (DLRP)
Picket Unit (PU)
List the different LINK-16 components
Net Time Reference
Forwarding JTIDS Unit
Reference Point
Relative Grid
List the different station nodes of LINK-11
Net Synchronization
Net Test
Roll Call
Short Broadcast
Radio Silence
What are some advantages of LINK-16 over LINK-11?
Frequency Hopping
Secured Voice Channels