a collection of investment money pooled from a lot of people to be invested for a specific objective.
Mutual fund
are investment companies that pool your money with the money of hundreds, thousands, or
even millions of other investors.
Mutual fund
is a type of financial intermediary, which nothing more than an organization that takes
money from people who want to invest and then gives the money to those who need investment capital
Mutual fund
When you invest in a mutual fund, you buy shares and become a _____ of the fund.
theoretically have no limit to the number of investors or the amount of money that they hold
Open-end funds
simply means that the fund issues as many (or as few) shares as investors demand.
Open-end funds
they are usually preferable than the other fund
Open-end funds
they attract more investors over time
Management talent
can afford to pay the necessary money to hire leading managers.
Management talent
charge lower annual operating expenses
the value of a share (known as the net asset value) always equals 100% of what the fund’s investments (less liabilities) are currently worth.
Fee-free selling
are those where the mutual fund companies decide upfront, before they take on any investors, exactly how many shares they’ll issue.
Closed-end fund
tend to be much smaller and, therefore, more costly to operate.
Closed-end fund
analyze and purchase investments that best meet the fund’s stated objectives
Fund managers
requires you to place your money in different investments with returns that aren’t completely correlated.
the most common ownership investment traded on securities markets. If you want your money to grow over a long period of time (and you can put up with some bad years thrown in with the good)
Stock funds
Bonds are the most common lending investment traded on securities markets. If you need current income and don’t want investments that fluctuate as widely in value as stocks do
➢ Bond fund
are lending investments based on short-term loans and are about the safest in terms of risk to your investment among the various lending investments around. If you want to be sure that your invested principal doesn’t drop in value because you may need to use your money in the short term
Money market funds
You have convenient access to your money. You can make your initial investment from the
comfort of your living room by filling out and mailing a simple form and writing a check
The ultimate couch potato investment
important financial steps for you to take before you invest so you get the most from your mutual fund investments
Lining up Your Ducks before You Invest
include balances on such items as credit cards and auto loans.
Consumer debts
are goal-specific tools and humans are goal-driven animals, which is perhaps why the two make such a good match
Mutual funds
simply means how your investments are divvied up among the major types of securities or funds, such as money market, bond, United States stock, international stock, and so on
Asset allocation
if you need to tap into the money within two or
three years or less
Money market or short-term bond fund
if your time horizon falls between three and seven years
Bond funds
for long-term goals, seven or more years down the road
Stock funds