Mutual Assent - Offer & Acceptance Flashcards
creation of a K requires 3 things
- mutual assent
- consideration or substitute
- are there defenses to the creation of the K
Mutual Assent -
offer and acceptance. - a manifestation of willingness to be bound.
manifestation of mutual assent-
requires that each of the parties has manifested assent to the proposed terms
language or conduct directed toward the other party , who hears, see’s or otherwise knows about the manifestation
means a party’s agreement to the proposed terms, which must be articulated with sufficient clarity and specification to the quality of assent
material terms
essential to the K to determine whether a breach or a remedy can be established. terms such as
price, date, time of delivery, quantity, etc.
Terms have to be reasonably certain. If can’t determine
1. breach or
2. give remedy
K will fail due to indefinitness
Indefiniteness of the K
lack of material terms;
Cure: course of performance (past performance)
Elements of an offer…
an offer must be…
- communicated
- desire to enter into a K
- directed to either 1 pers. or a group
i. contemplate a multiple acceptance
ii. reward (1st to accept) - invitation to acceptance
i. reasonable way if no terms
ii. if terms; must meet to accept
Counter Offer
a counter offer is a rejection of original offer and is completely a new offer. (is not an acceptance)
(C/L) an acceptance must be..
- positive
- unconditional
- unequivocal
- unambiguous
- must not change; add to; delete; or qualify any term of the offer
Mirror Image
Ribbon matching - this is where the acceptance to the offer has to be exactly word for word or the acceptance may actually be a counter offer due to addition or deletion of material terms.
Course of performance
sheds light of what the indefinite part of the K means - cure for indefinitness
- “purported to agree” on material terms and actually used a vague term
- Silent to a material term or discuss it & leave it blank - Cts more likely to “Gap fill”
- “agree to agree”
* ** the only thing that can’t be gap filled according to UCC - quantity
UCC 2-313 Warranty
express warranty under a K - make a promise about what good can actually do can become an express warranty. Promotional material can create an “express warranty”
Implied warranty
“Default warranties” - going to be in the K unless specifically excluded. —Buyer relies on sellers skill or judgement to furnish or select suitable goods.
Exclusion $2-316
must say it. need to be conspicuous and use term.
ie. I am “excluding” the implied warranty of “merchantability” must have” “ words.
they are invitations not offers
“Last shot rule”
- who ever had the last shot or counter offer..
- the acceptance was accepting the merchandise
“Dorton test”
- Definite & seasonable expression of acceptance
- if yes go to “2”
- if no go to “3” - the additional terms are to be construed as proposals for addition to the K. Between merchants such terms become part of the K unless…
i. the offer expressly limits acceptance to the terms of the offer
ii. they materially alter it
iii. notification of rejection has already been given w/in reasonable time - Even though it stated terms additional to or different from those offered * conduct
$2-207 - definite
solid manifestation that doesn’t diverge significantly as to the dickered terms.
dickered terms
terms parties are actually negotiating
2-207 - Conduct [3]
conduct by both parties that recognizes the existence of the K is sufficient to establish a k for a sale.
- in this case the terms that would remain on K were the ones agreed upon then gap fill with default terms of UCC
majority -
minority rules
MAJORITY- Requires exact language to kick K to sub 3
-Knock out rule if terms if different on K
MINORTY- doesn’t require exact - generally offeror’s terms prevail
- first shot rule if terms are different
CA - uses knock out rule for additional and dif. terms
2-207 - Hardship
the term poses an un-bargained for burden (financial or otherwise) or detracts significantly from the reasonable expectations of the party
2-207 - Surprise
that under the circ. it cannot be presumed that a reasonable merchant would have consented to the additional term.