Mutual Assent - Offer Flashcards
When is a communication an offer?
Creates a reasonable expectation in offeree
Subjective intent doesn’t matter.
Advertisements and offers
Generally not offers. Just invitations to deal.
When is an advertisement an offer?
Rareley. Must contain:
1) Promise
2) Certain and definte terms
3) The offeree is cleary identified
may be considered an offer if given in response to a price inquiry.
Definite and certain terms generally
An offer must be definite and certain in its terms to be enforced.
Usually must includes:
1) Offerees name
2)offer’s subject matter
3) price
Definite and certain terms for land sale offers
1) Price
2) Description of land
Definite and certain terms for sale of goods
Generally Must include:
1) Quantity term
BUT “requirement” and “output” contracts (based on need or output of goods) can be okay. Watch out for good faith, or unreasonable increases in demand/supply.
Definite and certain terms for employment and other services
Employment: If duration not specified, at will
Other services: nature of the work must be included.
Methods of offer termination
1) Lapse of time
2) Revokation
3) Rejection
4) Death
Lapse of time termination
Failure to accept within time specified, or if no deadline specified, within a reasonable period
Rejection termination Types
1) Express Rejection
2) COunteroffer
3) Conditional Acceptance
4) Revocation
Counteroffers vs mere inquiries
Counter offers are rejections. Mere inquiries/bargaining is not.
“Will you take less?”
Revocation and when it’s effective
Retraction of offer. Can be direct or indirect.
Effective when recieved.
Indirect Revocation requirements
Oferree recieves:
1) correct information
2) From a reliable source
3) of acts of the offeror that would indicate to a reasonable person that the offeror no longer wishes to make the offer
Limits on power to revoke
1) OPtion contract
2) Merchant’s Firm Offer (ucc)
3) Forseeable reliance
4) Beginning Performance in Response to True Unilateral K offer
What is an option contract
Offeree gives consideration for offeror to not revoke offer for period of time
Merchants Firm Offer RUle
1) Merchant promises
2) IN signed writing
3) to keep offer open for time stated, or reasonable time, up to 3 months.
No consideration needed.
What if merchant promises not revoke, but does not state a time period
Court determines reasonable time period, not past 3 months
Forseeable reliance
Limitation on Power to revoke
1) Reliance based on offer is forseeable
2) Offerree does rely
then offer will be irrevocable as an option K for a reaonable length of time.
Performance of True Unilateral Contract Offer and Revocation
OFferor must give the offerree a reasonable time to complete the performance.
Preperations to perform are not sufficient.
Death and offers and contracts.
Ends offer.
But not K or irrevokable offer
Does the mailbox rule apply to option contracts?
No. Acceptance (of what was being held by option k) effective only on receipet.