Philipppine Medical Technology Act of 1969
RA 5527
Amended RA 5527
Sections: 16, 21, 22
RA 6138
Amended RA 5527
Sections: 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 ,10, 11, 13, 16, 17, 21, 29
PD 498
Amended RA 5527
Sections: 3, 8, 13
PD 1534
Presidential Decree
President Marcos
About the congress
RA 6132
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Section 5
Section 6
Section 7
Section 8
Section 9
Section 10
Section 11
Section 12
Section 13
Section 14
Section 15
Section 16
Section 17
Section 18
Section 19
Section 20
Section 21
Section 22
Section 23
Section 24
Section 25
Section 26
Section 27
Section 28
Section 29
Section 30
Section 31
Section 32
House Bill No. 4032 Cong. Janette Garin
Definition of terms
Council of MT
Compensation: COMT
Function: COMT
Minimum required course
Board of MT
Qualification of examiners
Executive officer of the board
Compensation: BOMT
Function: BOMT
Removal of board members
Inhibition of practice of MT
Qualification for examination
Scope of examination
Report of rating
Rating in the examination
Oath taking
Issuance of certificate of registration (COR)
Refusal to issue COR
Administrative investigation
3R’s: Reinstatement, reissue or replacement of COR
Foreign reciprocity
Roster of MT
Penal provisions
Separability clause
Repealing clause
Cong. Janette Garin
House Bill No. 4032
2722 2/28/11
Sen. Edgardo Angara
May & November = MT board exams
September = Phlebotomy board exams
Senate Bill
Section 2: Definition of Terms
Exclusive for MT only:
-Exam of excretions/secretions/tissues
-BB procedures & techniques
-Micro/para procedures & techniques
-Histopathology, cytotechniques
-Clinical research
-Clinical laboratory QC
-Preparation of reagents & standards
-Preservation & collection of specimen
Section 3: COMT Composition: PD 1534
Vice chair:
Director of higher education
PRC commissioner
a. Director of BRL
c. President of PSP
d. President of PAMET
e. Representative of deans & schools of MT & PH (PASMETH)
PAMET president
Leila Florento
PASMETH president (May 2012)
Dean, Arellano university
Bernard Ebuen
Section 5: Functions of COMT
Recommend minimum required curriculum
Det. MT students
Approve MT schools
Recommend & formulate refresher course (3x failed the exam)
Section 6: Minimum required course
- 4 yr course including 12 mos. internship
CMO #14 s. 2006
- policies, standards & guidelines for MT education
- MLS = 6 mos. internship
RA 5527
Section 7: BOMT Chair:
Appointed by the [?]
Term of office =
Dr. Marietta Baccay (Pathologist)
- Marilyn Atienza, RMT
- Marian Tantingco, RMT
President of the Philippines
3 years
Section 8: Qualification of board members
Practice of lab medicine or MT for at least [?] prior to appointment
Not MT faculty for at least [?] prior to appointment
Filipino citizen
Good moral character
2 RMTs
10 years
2 yrs
Section 9: Executive officer of the board
[?]: PRC modernization act of 2000
- PRC Chairperson (highest position) =
PRC commissioner
RA 8981
Teresita Manzala
Section 11: Functions of BOMT
Administer provision of [?]
Administer [?]
Issue, suspend or revoke [?]
Investigate violations to [?]
RA 5527
oath taking
RA 5527
Section 12: Removal of board members
Can only be removed by the [?]
Neglect of duty
Immoral conduct
President of the Philippines
Section 13: Accreditation of MT schools & training .lab (1978)
MT schools =
Training lab =
DepEd à CHED
Section 14: Inhibition of practice of MT
Registration is not required:
a. Duly registered physicians
b. Foreign MT as visiting or exchange professional
c. MT in the service of US armed forces stationed in the Philippines
Section 15: Examination
♫ [?] applicants (regional offices) = postpone the exam
♫ Deadline of application = [?] before the exam
♫ Requirements:
20 days
a. TOR
b. NSO birth certificate
c. If married: NSO marriage certificate
d. Community tax certificate (cedula)
e. 4 passport sized picture w/ nameplate
f. P900
Accreditation of clinical laboratory as training lab for MT/MLS interns
CMO #6 s. 2008
Clinical laboratory licensed by DOH thru BHFS shall apply to CHED as training lab
CMO #6 s. 2008
Section 16: Qualification for examination
[?] character
Graduate of [?]
Graduate of [?]
- Can take the board exam if they perform MT for [?] prior to 6/21/69
Good moral
other profession
5 years
Section 17: Scope of examination
20% = Clinical Chemistry
20% = Hematology
20% = Microbiology/Parasitology
20% = Immunology, Serology & Blood Banking
10% = Clinical Microscopy
10% = Histotechniques, Medical Technology Laws & Ethics
Section 18: Report of rating
: BOMT —(120 days)—> PRC
: Report result w/in 10 days
RA 5527
RA 8981
Section 19: Rating in the exam
To pass:
- Gen. average at least [?]
- No grade below [?] in any major subject
- Not failed in [?] subjects computed according to their relative weights
3x failure: (applicable to MT/PH only)
[?]. refresher course in an accredited MT schools, or
[?]. postgraduate training in an accredited lab
- 12 mos
- 12 mos
Section 20: Oath taking
Administered by the [?] or any person authorized by the board
Section 21: Issuance of COR
To successful applicant: [?]
Signed by 4 persons:
Displayed at workplace
21 y.o.
a. BOMT (3)
b. PRC chairperson
COR as MT w/o exam
Graduate of MT, w/ practice for[?], practice began prior to 6/21/69
Graduate of other profession, w/ practice of MT for[?], practice began prior to 6/21/69
3 yrs
8 yrs
Passed [?] for MLT given on 3/21/64
[?] (prior to 6/21/69):
a. For every yr in college, [?] of service may be substituted
b. [?] of service regardless of education
General average: [?]
civil service exam
2 yrs college + 1 yr service
2 yrs
10 yrs 70-74.9%
Can handle [?]
(1:2 ratio)
2 MLTs
Section 23: Refusal to issue COR
Convicted by the court
Unsound mind
Incurable communicable disease
Section 24: Administrative investigation
Revocation or suspension
Done by at least [?]
[?] = Unanimous vote (3/3)
[?] = Majority vote (2/3) = shall not exceed 2 yrs
2 members of the board + 1 legal officer = 3
a. Revocation
b. Suspension
Section 27: Foreign reciprocity
No foreigner is allowed to practice MT unless reciprocity has been established
In subjected country/state, allow Filipino MT to practice profession
Section 28: Roster of MT Prepared annually by the secretary of the board
Open to the public
a. Name of RMT
b. Date of registration
c. Address
d. Other important information
Section 29: Penal provisions
a. Practice MT w/o [?]
b. Practice MT w/o [?]
c. Practice MT using [?]
d. Practice MT using [?]
e. Fraudulent [?]
f. Failure to display [?]
Fine: [?]
supervision of a pathologist
other’s COR
suspended/revoked COR
lab reports
P2,000-5,000 or imprisonment of 6 months to 2 years
Section 30: Separability clause
If any provision of RA [?] is declared invalid, the rest will not be affected
Section 31: Repealing clause
RA 5527 amends all rules & regulations & executive orders that are inconsistent to it except:
a. Philippine Medical Act of 1959 (RA 2382, as amended by RA 4224)
b. Clinical Lab Act of 1966 (RA 4688)
c. BB law (RA 1517)
Section 32: Effectivity
President Ferdinand Marcos
Clinical lab act of 1966
RA 4688
Revised rules & regulations governing the registration and licensing of clinical lab in the Philippines
AO 2007-0027
AO 2007-0027
Authority: [?]
Scope: All clinical lab in the Philippines except governing lab performing microscopy works for DOH
a. AFB screening
b. Malarial smear
c. Screening for STDs & cervical cancer (Pap’s)
Classification of laboratories
- Ownership
- a. Government
b. Private - Function
- a. Clinical pathology
- b. Anatomical pathology - Institutional character
- a. Institution-based
- b. Free-standing - Service capability
- General clinical lab = 1’, 2’, 3’, limited service capability lab
- Special lab
Routine hematology: Hgb, Hct, WBC, WBC differential
1’ laboratory
Routine UA & FA
1’ laboratory
Qualitative platelet
1’ laboratory
Blood typing (hospital-based)
1’ laboratory
Quantitative platelet
2’ laboratory
2’ laboratory
Gram stain/KOH
2’ laboratory
Routine chemistry: Glucose, urea, uric acid, cholesterol
2’ laboratory
Special chemistry
3’ laboratory
Special hematology: coagulation studies
3’ laboratory
Immunology and serology
3’ laboratory
Culture and sensitivity
3’ laboratory