must/might/couldn't have +p.p Flashcards
더워서 그래
It’s because it’s hot.
피곤해서 그래
It’s because I’m tired.
제 친구 중 하나가요, 최근에 일을 그만뒀어요.
One of my friends recently quit her job.
글쎄요, 상사랑 문제가 좀 있었나보죠?
I don’t know, (I’m guessing) she must’ve had some problems with her bose.
그게 아니라면, 몸이 갑자기 안좋아졌던 것일 수도 있고요.
Either that or, she might’ve had some health problems.
어쨌든(어느 쪽이든 간에), 걔가 그 일이 질려서 그랬을리가 없어.
Either way, it couldn’t have been because she was sick and tired of the job.
방금 여기 오는 길에요, 혼자서 방황하는 개를 봤는데요
Just now(before), on my way here, I saw a dog wandering around by itself.
굉장히 지저분해 보였어, 몇달은 못 씻은것 처럼 보였어.
It looked really dirty, it looked like it hadn’t washed in several months
보나마나 주인도 없는 개였는데
It was pretty much clear (that) it didn’t have an owner.
가장 최악이었던 것은 애가 너무 마른거야. 거의 가죽이랑 뼈 밖에 안남은 것처럼 보였다니깐
The worst thing(part) was the dog was so skinny. It looked as if it had nothing left but(except) its skin and bones.
대충 크기나 그런걸로 봐서는요, 꽤 어렸던 것 같아요.
Roughly judging by its size and everything, I think it was pretty young.