Mussolini seizes the initiative: May 1921 to October 1922 Flashcards
What did the elections provide Mussolini with?
An air of respectability and a foothold in parliament
What was Mussolini’s stance towards liberalism?
He had no wish to be absorbed into it or be a junior partner in a coalition
What decision did Mussolini announce regarding Giolitti’s government?
The Fascists would not support Giolitti’s government
What was Mussolini’s political strategy?
To demonstrate that liberalism was finished as a political movement
What conditions did Mussolini believe would prove liberalism’s failure?
Unstable, short-lived governments unable to maintain law and order or deal with economic problems
Who did Mussolini need to convince that fascism could restore order?
The Italian public, particularly industrialists, landowners, and the middle classes
What did Mussolini realize was necessary for fascism to gain acceptance?
It must abandon or play down remaining ideas about radicalism
Fill in the blank: Mussolini was an extremely _______ politician.
True or False: Mussolini had a master plan for achieving power.
What happened to the coalition government formed after the May 1921 elections?
It collapsed within a month.
What was the impact of the Popolari’s withdrawal of support?
Without the tacit support of the Popolari, it was virtually impossible for any government to survive.
What was the Popolari’s stance towards liberalism?
The Popolari was suspicious of the anticlerical traditions of liberalism and was willing to destroy any government that offended it.
What internal issues did the Liberal party face?
The Liberals were divided among themselves, plagued by factions centred on prominent politicians.
Who were some notable leaders within the Liberal factions?
Giolitti, Salandra, Facta, and Orlando.
What was the state of the Italian governments between May 1921 and October 1922?
They were fragile and unable to introduce decisive measures to cope with industrial disruption and the collapse of law and order.
What contributed to the collapse of law and order in Italy?
The progressive collapse owed a great deal to Fascist actions.
What actions did the Fascists take in 1921?
Squadrismo continued, with Socialists being attacked and killed.
How did Fascist violence extend to the political arena?
Fascist violence even extended to parliament, most notoriously when a Socialist deputy was beaten up on the floor of the chamber.