Response to industrialization were regulations dealing with gender
When a society goes through upheavals, one way it regulates itself is regulation of gender and sexuality
Population of people brought in for different kinds of work, railroad and sex work, and because of that they were moral threat to establishment
lee and third sex?
Arrival of chinese immigrants, in a way representing a thrids sex, not inherently male or female but inhabiting inbetween space
Frontier masculinity and industrialization were bumping against each other
asian women in america
One hand didn’t want women to come as spouses to the us, only as sex workers
They were perceived as a moral threat
Sexual beings used as sex workers, but also silent and passive victim
what are the stereotypes of asian women
Dragon Lady stereotype – cruel and will do anything for her selfish goals
Lotus blossom – sexually passive and meek
Madame butterfly, she kills herself when her white male lover leaves her. Suicidal lotus blossom
Geisha - In addition to being naturally subservient, they are trained to please men, reinforced by American serviceman
Historically the dragon lady, lotus bloss and geisha are all sterotypes of asian women that haven’t integrated to american society
Suzie wong
Asian american stereotype
Suzie was a smart and successful chinese prostitute in hong kong
Prostitute working out of a bar
Wong sacrifice and devotion are paid to her when her american lover sees her as legitimate
Different from different stereotypes because the others aren’t integrated into american society
Serves to pressure asian american women to assimilate, and in relationships with white men are accused of performing suzie wong complex
“racial castration” - the ways in which Asian American men have been frequently feminized within mainstream Western discourse.
“racial castration” - the ways in which Asian American men have been frequently feminized within mainstream Western discourse.
Relationship between regulation of sexuality and nationalism