Musical Elements 2 Flashcards
Which is the odd one out?Forte. Piano. Binary. Crescendo
Binary - this is a structural device, the others were dynamic markings.
Which is the odd one out? Binary. Sonata. Ostinato. Song Form
Ostinato - this refers to a repeating rhythmic or melodic device. The others were types of structure. P.S: Ostinato could be viewed as a composing device.
Which is the odd one out? Solo. Trio. Major. Homophonic
Major - this refers to the overall key or a piece or the tonality of a particular chord. The other key words refer to texture.
Which is the odd one out? Allegro. Lento. Pentatonic. Prestissimo
Pentatonic - this is a five note scale; many nursery rhymes are based on a Pentatonic scale. The other key words are all speed indications.
Which is the odd one out? Monophonic HomophonicTierce da picardiPolyphonic
Tierce da picardi - this term describes a piece of music that ends in the tonic major when the whole piece up to this point has been written on the tonic minor. The other key words all describe different textures.